Title: One Case Stands Out
| Part 1 | Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 |
Part 5 |
Part 6 |
Author: Jessica P
Pairing: O/????? that'd be telling
Rating: PG-PG13 ???? I don't know!!!
Disclaimer: I only own Jeni and that's just because she's based on me at 14.
Feedback: psychoticchk@netzero.net PLEASE!!!!!
"Benson," Olivia's voice answered her phone with as much business likeness as she could muster.
"Liv," her partner, Stabler's voice said, "Get down to 119 Park Avenue, now."
Olivia had learned the tones in Stabler's voice over the years and she knew that this was not going to be the best time to argue with him. "Let me get some shoes on and I'll be there in about five minutes tops."
Olivia hung up and slipped her loosely tied tennis shoes on as she walked out of her house.
"Not even a please or thank you from that man," Olivia fumed as she started her car. She knew she'd be over it in a bit. She could never stay mad at Elliot, no matter how hard she tried.
In less than her estimated five minutes, Olivia pulled up in front of the house that rested at the address she'd been given.
She glanced around and saw only Elliot's car and Tutuola's supposed car.
She walked up to the house and was about to ring the doorbell when Adofin Tutuola opened the door. "Elliot's in the other room, with the vic."
Olivia nodded her thanks and walked into the room to see Elliot talking to a girl who appeared to be maybe sixteen.
Elliot looked up and said, "Her name's Jeni. She's fourteen and that's what I know. She won't talk to me. Says I look like the guy who did it. See if you can get more, besides he looks like me."
Stabler and Olivia switched places as Olivia set her hand on the girl's knee. "Where are you from? Here?" Olivia asked her, trying to warm the girl up before asking her the more personal questions.
"Hampton. Hampton, Virginia."
Olivia had doubted Elliot's confession that the girl was only fourteen, until she talked. All the Innocence, hurt and pain came out in her voice and the sound of the pain that ripped Olivia up the most.
"You don't have to tread softly around me," Jeni whispered. "I'm not a little girl."
Olivia looked into her chocolate eyes and said, "I'm thirty. Fourteen is still too young to me."
Jeni smiled at Olivia and glanced up as Fin walked in. "Sorry," he said, "I just wanted to talk to you about something vital to this. You say he looked like Elliot here. Did he have any tats? Any scars?"
Jeni nodded her head. He had the same tat on his arm, only on the other arm."
Fin shook his head and muttered, "Hell, I should've known. James Greene. Same one we had arrested about thirty minutes ago!!"
Olivia looked him in the eye. "What do you mean 'HAD'?"
Fin looked back at her. "We were forced to let him go less than half an hour ago. Turns out our only witness didn't have enough evidence against him, just because they found out Elliot has the same tat, so that was out, and he didn't talk, so voice recognition was out."
Jeni looked at him and asked, true innocence showing, "Does that mean I won't be enough either?"
Olivia looked her in the eyes and said, loud enough for her to hear, "Munch, I need you to get James before he can get out of the state. Turns out we have another witness against him."
"ALREADY?!?!?!" Munch asked. "He was let out half an hour ago."
"She was raped about fifteen minutes ago," Olivia said, dead seriousness in her voice.
Olivia sat down after hanging up with Munch and walked over to sit down beside Jeni and wait for word back.
After ten minutes, John called back. "'Liv? We got him just on the southern border of the city. Bring the victim back."
Jeni sat at the chair on the other side of Olivia's desk, directly to the right of Stabler, who was in the middle. "Tell me again what he said," Stabler requested, obviously unable to understand Spanish. "Va en la ultima puerta a la izquierda del pasillo," Jeni replied, her Spanish flawless.
Stabler gave up and glanced at Olivia as she translated, "Go to the last door on left of the hall," Olivia said quietly, "Her bedroom."
"He never said anything after that? Anything at all?" Stabler asked, desperate for more facts. "Dadivas ablandan penos."
"He thought him raping you was a gift to him?" Olivia asked. "Liv, what did she just say?" Stabler asked. Olivia let out an exasperated sigh as she remembered her partner's inability to learn any language but English. "He said, 'Gifts soften rocks.'" Olivia answered, shocked that James considered this a gift.
"Obviously," Jeni answered, her hazel eyes dancing with the mischief that Olivia had learned meant that Jeni had just taken something and thought she had gotten away with it. "Give me the Sprite, Jeni," Olivia said, playing mad, but knowing she could never be mad at Jeni for too long.
Jeni took a swig of the drink before handing it back across the desk. Stabler watched Jeni and Olivia talk for a bit before standing up to leave.
Jeni watched him leave and smiled as Olivia frantically looked around for him. "He can't disappear into thin air yet, Detective," Jeni joked.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I do NOT like Elliot Stabler?" Olivia asked, too used to the young girl's teasing now.
Jeni just smiled at Olivia and said, "Sure... Sure you don't..."
Olivia looked up to make sure that no one was watching or within hearing range, discovered there was no one in the room, and said, "Even if I did like Elliot, the first person I'd tell, wouldn't be you."
"YOU LIKE WHO?!?!?" yelled ADA Abbie Carmichael as she walked into the room.
"No one and impeccable timing Abbie," Olivia said, rolling her eyes as Jeni fell into a fit of the giggles. Eventually, Jeni's laughter was contagious, and all the people in the room had caught it.
Jeni stopped laughing as Munch and Fin walked in, dragging James Green between them. Fin rolled his eyes at Olivia and said, "Next time they tell us to let him go and then they tell us to go get him back, Oldie here can go on his own."
Jeni laughed again as Munch realized Fin meant him and yelled, "ADOFIN TUTUOLA! I AM NOT THAT OLD!"
As Olivia and Abbie motioned for Jeni to follow them downstairs, where they could talk, Jeni leaped up, glad for an opportunity to leave James behind with a flip of her hair.
Olivia, Abbie and Jeni were sitting downstairs in the uni's office when the window smashed and a huge rock hurtled its way across the desk, missing Jeni's face by only an inch.
She picked it up and saw that there was piece of paper attached to it. "What's it say," Abbie asked, as she saw Jeni's features knot in a look of pure confusion. "Be careful what you tell Benson and Carmichael, you can never trust people like them."
Olivia shook her head and put her forehead on her hands. She looked up at Abbie and grinned, causing Abbie to be the confused one.
"PEOPLE LIKE WHAT??" Jeni asked, still lost somewhere. Abbie walked upstairs at Cragen's call and said, "You can explain it, Liv," as she walked up the stairs.
Olivia thought for a minute, trying to figure out just how to put this. She ran her hand through her short brown hair, not wanting to scare Jeni off.
"Benson," Jeni said, looking Olivia in the eyes, "anything you say, chances are i've heard it before. Like what?"
"We were together for a long time, Abbie and I. We went to law school together, and I guess it just continued from there. My mom was never happy about it. After a while, when we went our seperate ways for our jobs, we just broke it off, but I still remember everything about her. She started working here a year ago, and I think she knows I never forgot anything she told me. So thus, people like us."
Olivia looked up, trying to judge Jeni's reaction. All she saw was a look in her eyes that she couldn't determine, then "Oh."
"OH?" Olivia asked, surrised at the reaction. "Only oh? Not, oh my god, i don't want to talk to people like you?" Olivia asked, checking Jeni's reactions to the question.
"How can i condem what i am?" JEni asked, which resulted in Olivia finally being the confused one and looking at Jeni, knowing she had interpreted that one wrong, that it couldn't have been what she thought.
"I know i heard you wrong. repeat that?" Olivia requested, trying to figure out why she couldn't hear right today.
"You heard me detective," Jeni replied. As Jeni responded to Fin's yell for help from her, Olivia noticed Jeni in a whole new light. She noticed the sway of her hips, the back held straight, the swing in her hair, and she thought about all the signs she had subconsciously picked up on through the day, but hadn't wanted to put together, and even now that she knoew the truth, Olivia still dodn't want to think about Jeni being like that, not lesbian, because Olivia knoew all the ridicule she had faced in midle and high school for it, and didn't think she could bear it if Jeni had to go through it too.
NOTE: I do know that the three ADAs weren't there at the same time.
Olivia and Abbie both turned around as a young girl cam flying up the stairs into the main office of the SV Unit. Jeni turned around and looked her in the eyes. Abbie noticed something about the girl and she leaned over and whispered to John about it. The girl came over and just stood there, looking at Jeni, obviously checking for any visible injuries.
"Are you okay?" she finally asked after it had been enough time that Jeni was about to ask her that question. "Aside from the facts, yes, I'm fine. A little tired, but fine, Steph," Jeni answered as the two girls embraced.
The two newest additions to the DA's office, Alex Cabot and Casey Novak, decided to choose that minute to walk in. "Did I miss something?" Casey asked Alex, but Alex never answered because she was to busy staring at the two girls. "Look, you," Alex said, obviously to Jeni and Stephanie, "I know you love me, but this is no place for you two." Then they remembered that no one had told these two what had happened.
"Trust me, Als," Jeni said, eyes glued to Olivia's shoes, "I don't want to be here." "Then leave," Alex told her, motioning towards the door. "They won't let me, and they have good reason," Jeni threw back, montioning to Abbie and Olivia.
"The only reason that they would keep you here is iff you were raped, and don't even try that on me because the only man who would dare touch you as close to power as you are is James Green and we have him in custody," Alex reasoned.
Olivia gained courage enough to look Alex in the eyes. "Als," she said, barely in an audible whisper, "we had to let him go. He was gone for about forty-five minutes."
Alex, the normally calm, cool and collected ADA sank into Munch's chair, not looking like she could spell calm, cool and collected at that moment. "Why does that bother you so much?" Fin asked, coming up the stairs.
"When I was Jen's age, I was raped. I ended up pregnant and had a daughter, name of Stephanie. She recently told me she was Lesbian. I respected that, especially after I met her girlfriend, Jeni Masters."
Three other people in the room turned to feet shuffling and eyes downcast as they too revealed they'd been raped about that time and all had daughters, but two of them hadn't seen them since they were a few weeks old.
"Olivia and Abbie have both had kids," Alex said, sitting down, shaking her head, trying hard not to think to much about it, knowing she'd go crazy.
"It's hard to picture any of you as moms," Casey told them, "You are always working."
"DID YOU MISS THE PART ABOUT NOT SEEING THEM FOR FOURTEEN YEARS!!" Olivia yelled, angry, but she couldn't figure out who she was more angry at, herself or her friends.
"I think I might know where your kids are," Jeni whispered. "At least I think they are. Benson and Carmichael. Two of them are twins, and all of them 3 to 1 day older than me since the twins were born on different days."
"You're not thinking about the gods and the cold one are you?" Stephanie asked, referring to an inside joke between the five of them. "One of them is a goddess," Jeni threw right back.
"Speaking of, the goddess has arrived!" came a voice from the door as another girl swept through the door. "Goddess? Cold one?" Olivia asked, the girls, getting more confused by the moment. "Me and my sister were named by our father, who was a Greek mythology buff. So, Isis and Osiris. The cold one is named because her abusive adoptive mother thought she was too cold socially so she changed her name from Mari Elizabeth to Ice Mysteria. Thus, Cold One."
When the girl mentioned the name Isis, Abbie's back straightened, her head jerked up and her eyes widened and didn't shrink until the two other girls came in.
"Stephie-Lou called us," The tall redhead said, "Said something about trouble." "WHO ARE YOU??" Casey asked, not understanding any of this.
"I'm Osiris," replied the girl with the waist length blond hair, "Osiris Athena Carmichael. and this is our friend, Ice Mysteria Benson."
At this point Olivia stood up and walked around to be behind Isis to look at her daughter in the face.
"Ok, this is getting to weird for me," Casey said, "I'm going back to the office. Come find me when ya'll are done being your weird selves." "HEY!!" Alex yelled to her coworker. "I resent that!! I am the only one not weird!" Casey turned around with a mischevious smile on her face and said, "Are you sure about that? Really? I was under the impression that was Carmichael and Benson."
"Hush your mouth counselor," Olivia said, finally coming out of her state of shock. It had taken until Stephanie and Osiris had left and Isis looked ready to fall asleep where she stood, and Jeni was close to sleeping standing up as you could be. "Don't start flirting with me, Benson," Casey said, mocking indignaiton. "Save that for Carmichael."
Abbie looked up at Casey and stuck out her tongue. "Oh," Abbie said, "real mature, Liv. Really acting your age now aren't you?" Olivia and Ice both answered by turning and doin the same thing to her.
Casey shook her head and walked out the door. Ice looked over to see Jeni standing over by the captain's door, her head on her chest, her eyes closed. "She looks so peaceful," Isis said, looking to mke sure Jeni wasn't awake and able to strangle her. "Humph," Ice replied. "The only time whe looks peacful is when she is asleep." At this Jeni, in one fluid motion set off across the floor and grabbed Ice's throat. She barely touched her, but Ice fell down as if Jeni had really strangled her.
"Oh, ya'll are so mature," Alex muttered. Jeni turned back to her and blew with her tongue stuck out. "Phfbbt...... Yeah, but we are teenagers. What's ya'lls excuse?"
"Look people," Isis called over the aguements in the room, "I am tired. It is late. I'm getting tirder. I'm going home." "I'm following her," Jeni said, waving to Alex. Ice turned and saw the other two walking out the door and said, "Where the short one's go, I go."
Olivia and Abbie walked out the door two hours later, turning out the light as they left.