Title: Reconsider Me
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Series: The Jukebox
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these ladies.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Notes: Don't go looking for Jukebox #1. It hasn't been posted yet and won't be posted until the end of January. Holding it off for a certain someone's birthday ;-D
Summary: "If you're all alone, if you need someone, call me up and I'll come running."
Eventually, all the words on the page began to blur into a single smudge. Sam blinked and finally put a marker in her place, laying the book down and walking to the dresser. A few minutes past midnight. She glanced at the bed, then turned on the stereo at the lowest volume setting. It was too low to hear anything clearly, but loud enough to convince her she wasn't alone in the bedroom. Crawling under her mother's comforter, she patted the pillow to give her head a small crater in which to rest, and laid down. She didn't expect to sleep so quickly, but she was out in a matter of seconds.
The phone woke her a few minutes past one. She sat up, not bothering with the lamp as she grabbed the handset by the bed. "Hello?" she rumbled, her voice rough from sleep.
Instantly awake, Sam sat up. The voice was Janet's and the word was broken with fear and barely repressed tears. "I'm on my way," Sam said, disconnecting the call.
She recalled getting out of bed, but the next thing she remembered clearly was throwing her right leg over her bike and dropping into the seat. She was wearing her knee-high boots, her leather jacket cinched around her waist and a helmet firmly on her head. Taking a moment to thank the gods of routine, she kicked down the stand and brought the bike to life with a mighty roar. Janet's house was thirty-five minutes away if she broke every conceivable traffic law along the way.
She made it in ten.
Leaving the bike in the driveway, she hurried up the front walk of Janet's house. Her heart was pounding in her ears as she searched the exterior. No windows broken out. No police cars in the driveway. No neighbors standing on the porch muttering about the tragedy while trying to get on the local news. One light was on in the Fraiser household; the front hallway. As Sam stepped onto the porch, a goddess opened the front door.
Janet was dressed in her terrycloth robe; the one Cassie had bought three sizes too big that seemed to swallow Janet in it's dimensions. Her hands didn't reach the ends of the sleeves and her head barely poked through the fluffy collar. Her hair was mussed and she wasn't wearing any make-up other than the pea-green moisturizer mask that she wore to bed. Sam couldn't recall seeing her look more beautiful. "You didn't bring your cell phone," Janet said.
Confused by this odd statement and stricken by Janet, Sam frowned. "No."
Janet put a hand to her forehead, smearing the mask. "Ugh. I've been calling you trying to tell you not to come. I'm sorry you came all this way. In... your pajamas..."
Sam looked down and saw that, under her jacket and boots, she still wore her striped pajama pants. Her tank top was probably under the jacket. No wonder she was freezing. "What was wrong? What happened?"
Janet sighed and turned around. "Come on in. You want some cocoa? I have instant..."
"Sure," Sam said, following Janet into the house. She closed the door quietly, so as not to wake Cassandra. It felt strange in the house... It felt like home, but she felt like a guest. She hugged herself and followed Janet to the kitchen. The brunette was pouring the powder into a mug of water, preparing to microwave it. "I'm sorry I called you. Did I wake you?"
"I, uh, had just laid down," Sam lied. "I really don't mind, but... what were you so upset about?"
"Nothing," Janet smiled, punching in the time on the microwave.
"You sounded like you were about to cry." She noticed the mask again, seeing that it had been hastily applied. "Look at me." Janet turned her head to the left and Sam hooked the brunette's chin. Janet's eyes were red and puffy. The mask was still wet; some of it came off on Sam's finger. "You just put this mask on. You *were* crying."
Janet sighed and turned away. "Okay, I... I had a nightmare."
"A nightmare," Sam repeated.
"Yeah. A grown, professional woman crying over a nightmare. Calling someone to come over and check under the bed and in the closets." She shook her head. "I'm sorry I brought you all the way over here, Sam."
"I don't mind," she said again. "What was the nightmare about?"
"It doesn't matter," Janet said. The microwave beeped and she withdrew the cocoa. "Marshmallows?" she asked.
"No. Janet... talk to me."
"It was a nightmare, Sam," the doctor insisted, handing Sam the mug. "That's all it was."
Sam ignored the offered drink. "What was it about?"
"Will you stop?"
Sam was about to ask again when something struck her. She turned and stalked out of the kitchen. "Where are you going?" Janet asked. Sam didn't answer; she moved quietly up the stairs - again, for Cassie's benefit - and started down the hall. "Sam, stay out of ou-- my bedroom," Janet hissed.
Sam, not missing Janet's near-slip, opened the door and stepped inside. The bed was pristinely made. The pillows lay underneath the taut quilt, undisturbed. Sam turned to confront Janet, but heard a door opening at the opposite end of the hallway. They both turned and saw Cassandra in the door of her room. "Mom?" she asked, rubbing her eyes. "Sam?" She smiled when she saw the blonde. "Mom, are you going back to your bedroom?"
Sam glanced at Janet. "What do you mean, Cass?"
"Cassandra," Janet hissed.
"She hasn't slept in there since you guys broke up."
Janet turned and pushed past Sam, disappearing into the bedroom. Sam let her go and said, "Cass, could you maybe use the downstairs bathroom?"
"Sure, Sam. I'm glad you're here again."
Sam went into the bedroom, shutting the door. Janet was sitting at the vanity, brushing away her face mask. She was sniffling loudly and crying again. "I hope you're happy."
"I haven't been happy in weeks," Sam sighed.
"Now you know. There was no nightmare, I wasn't even asleep. I missed you."
Sam admitted, "I can't sleep unless the radio or TV is on. It's too quiet without your breathing."
"I used to brush your hair when you were sleeping."
"I know," Sam said softly. The thought of being half-asleep and feeling Janet's fingers in her hair made her shiver. "It made me feel watched. Protected. Loved."
Janet broke down in full-blown sobs, laying her head on her arms. Sam put her hands on the brunette's shoulders, rubbing them slowly. "Don't," Janet protested quietly. Sam didn't stop. "Sam..."
"I miss you. I need you."
Janet tried to push Sam away, but the blonde dropped into a crouch and embraced her ex-lover. Janet shook her head. She turned and embraced Sam. They held each other for a long time, then Janet finally said, "I miss you, too."
Sam pulled back and said, "Reconsider."
"Reconsider what? Our differences? Our break-up? Us?"
"Both. Our differences make us perfect, Janet. The break-up was anger about something I can't even remember."
"Neither can I," Janet admitted.
Sam exhaled and pressed her forehead to Janet's. "Then reconsider *me,* Janet."
Sam kissed Janet. Janet tensed, but slowly melted against Sam. Sam felt tears in her eyes as Janet's warm body pressed against her. It felt so perfect, so right. Sam moved her hands up to Janet's hair, holding on as long as possible. Janet slipped from her chair, kneeling in front of Sam. After several insistent swipes, Janet parted her lips and Sam was once again, in the most innocent way possible, inside of Janet.
The doctor moaned and broke the kiss, soft hands pushing Sam's shoulders back. "Don't tell me to stop," Sam said, cutting off what Janet was going to say.
"No, don't stop. Take off your jacket."
Sam stripped off her jacket, revealing her tank top, and fell back into the kiss. "The bed," Janet said, lips forming words around Sam's tongue.
"No," Sam said. She pushed Janet to the floor, untying her robe.
Clothing evaporated faster than inhibitions.
Teeth snapped at exposed flesh.
Sweat beaded on an upper lip and dripped into another's mouth.
A tongue traced through the sweaty dew of a throat.
Fingers penetrated.
Wetness was spread across bedsheets, licked from lips, and orgasm was coaxed once more.
At seven am, Sam hugged the pillow to her face and sobbed her orgasm into the downy silencer. Janet raised herself over the plain of Sam's bare back, kissing the bumps of her spine before resting atop the other woman. Sam tilted her head up and they kissed. Sam rolled onto her back, spreading her legs and letting Janet slip between her thighs. "Again?" Janet whispered against the hollow of Sam's throat.
"Christmas break," Janet said, kissing her way down Sam's throat. "She's got nowhere to be and is sleeping in..."
Sam smiled, her mind all but obliterated by the warm breath pluming around her ear. They embraced again, lips finding lips like they had been magnetically charged... but Sam pushed Janet away. "Wait... this... What we did last night, today... is it just..."
"Never 'just,' Samantha. Not you and me."
"I mean, I need to know if what we're doing..."
Janet put a finger on Sam's lips, shushing her. "We'll talk about it tonight, before bed."
Sam smiled and kissed Janet again.