Author: Geonn
Rating: R
Pairings: Sam and Janet, established relationship
Category: Romance, Action/adventure
Date: July 17, 2001
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I even borrowed the letters that make up the words. The song used in the third part is "Me and You" by Kenny Chesney and is used without permission.
Spoilers: Watergate, Enemies, Urgo, The Fifth Man, Ascension
Series: Part Three in the "Ampersand" series, following "Life & Death" and "Search & Rescue."
Notes: Innumerable thanks go out to John for catching my countless brain farts while writing this. I'm using the fact that Part Two is still in editting to post this, so I won't be tempted to post it immediately. After all the cliffhangers I've read, I get to torture YOU guys a little. ;)
Summary: Sam and Janet take some time away from the SGC to recover from the events of recent months... but they can't fully escape the Stargate...
Thank you to San for the book covers.
Teal'c looked at the pink teddy bear and squeezed it. "I. Wuv. You."
He turned to Jack. "I do not understand how a bear professing romantic feelings for Major Carter will assist in her recovery."
Jack smirked, pulling a box of chocolates out of his locker, tossing it to the Jaffa. "That's what these are for. The bear's just for laughs."
Teal'c still seemed lost, but replaced the bear in the sack. They had gathered gifts from everyone at the SGC and were preparing to deliver them to the ailing major. It had been a week-and-a-half since she had been rescued from the Chahakae and Dr. Fraiser was still playing it safe with her. The bag that Jack had put together would be only a small addition to the steadily growing pile of stuffed animals, cards, balloons and flowers that had accumulated since her return. Jack closed his locker door and smiled. "Let's go."
Mark Burdett had recovered quickly from his near-asphyxiation by the homicidal alien known as Rakazsha and was a regular visitor to Sam's bedside. It didn't take consultation with Dr. Warner to know that he felt guilty for the shape she was in; he had been on watch when she had been taken by surprise and eventually kidnapped. He had assumed he could take the furry monster, wake Sam, and take the credit for his bravery. Maybe even change her feelings towards him. He gingerly placed his latest gift - a bouqet of fake flowers with cookies instead of roses - on the bedside table and smiled at Sam. "How are you, Major?"
She was sitting up, her sore back supported by several pillows pilfered from empty beds. She smiled weakly. "Hey, Mark. How're things up at the control room?"
Mark smiled. "Great. They're checking a couple of hits on your cold-dialing program, but it's pretty mundane otherwise. How are you? Can I get you anything?"
She shook her head weakly. "I'm fine, Mark. Stop beating yourself up over this. You didn't cause this to happen."
Burdett looked at his hands, suddenly worried about the shape his cuticles were in. No one had come right out and said it before. "I know."
"You don't have to blame yourself. No one else does."
He kicked the tile with his boot, then forced a smile. "Thanks, Sam. I, uh... I gotta go back and work on the dialing. Get well, okay?"
"You got it," Sam sighed.
As Mark left, Colonel O'Neill and Teal'c appeared in the doorway. They stepped aside, exchanging greetings as Burdett slipped out. Jack smiled at his second-in-command, holding up the bag and shaking it. "Hiya, Carter."
"Hey, sir," she winced. "More chocolates, huh?"
"Yeah, sure, you betcha," Jack smiled, laying the bag next to her on the bed. "Be happy you got Russell's," he said. "Teal'c thought the perfect gift would be Choco-lax."
Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "It was a brand I was unfamiliar with. I assumed Major Carter would prefer a variety in her diet."
Sam smiled, raising her eyebrows. "Choco-lax?"
Jack nodded. "Yeah. It's chocolate-flavored--"
She cut him off. "I know what it is, sir. Just, uh... give me my chocolate." Jack pulled the box out of the bag and placed it in her lap.
"The doc give you any idea on when you're getting out of here?"
Sam rolled her eyes. "She *was* going to let me go today until she heard General Hammond say he wanted me back on missions ASAP. She's going to keep me here until I'm dead."
"That's right," Janet said, walking around the curtain in time to hear the final statement. "I don't want you so much as checking your email for another two weeks."
Sam sighed. "She's worse than my mother."
Janet smiled. "Give up the martyr act, Sam. You aren't well enough for 'gate missions and," she added, turning to Jack and Teal'c, "you're barely well enough to have visitors." She raised her eyebrows suggesting that the two SG-1 members vacate the area.
Jack shrugged, digging his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "Look, uh... we were just leaving. Sam, get better soon. The guy they saddled us with is a real nozzle."
Teal'c cocked his head, but saved his question for later. Janet picked up Sam's chart and waved it at the two men like they were children. "Now, now. Get out. Let the poor girl get her rest, okay, guys?"
Jack waved over Janet's shoulder as they left the infirmary. Janet sighed and leaned against the doorframe. "I think I have to install a velvet rope around your bed. Hire Teal'c as a bouncer."
Sam laid her head against the pillows and closed her eyes. "Janet, please. Can I just get back to work?" Janet smiled, sitting amongst the stacks of stuffed animals that had spilled over onto the next bed. She picked up a small stuffed wolf and said, "Hey, this is kinda like that dog I found next to you in the woods on Chahakae."
Sam nodded. "That dog saved my life. You didn't happen to bring it back, did you?"
"As a matter of fact," Janet smiled, "it tested negative on all of the disease screens we ran on it. Mark Burdett is keeping it company until you get better."
Sam smiled. "Now Cassie's pup has a playmate." Janet patted Sam's hand and said, "Get some rest. When you wake up, I have a surprise for you."
Sam cocked an eyebrow. "Surprise? In the med center? Ambitious."
Janet glanced at the camera, slapping Sam's thigh through the blanket. "Not that kind of surprise, randy girl. Just get some sleep and I'll fill you in on everything. Sweet dreams, Sam." She chastely kissed Sam on the forehead before tucking the blankets in around the major's weakened form. "I'll see you in a couple of hours."
After the doctor had pulled the curtain around the bed, Sam could hear her say, "No, no, no more visitors. All gifts will be left in the office and we'll get them to her as soon as she wakes up. Thank you very much."
Sam curled onto her side, noticing that it hurt much less than it had the night before. She folded her pillow, cradling it against her head as her eyes drifted shut.
She rolled off of Rakazsha in the dream, having just killed him with her bare hands. A face appeared in the corner of her vision. She knew this face had been Janet in the real world; knew that it had been salvation... But in this dream, the face belonged to another Chahakae, it's fangs dripping with thick saliva. She was far too weak to fight this monster off. She protested as it lifted her into the air and produced another serrated knife. With a roar, it pulled it's arm back. With a vicious thrust, it dug the knife into her...
Sam's mouth was open as far as it would go without dislocating, her lung emitting an ear-piercing shriek. The curtain flew aside and Janet was there in less than a second, pushing Sam back down on the bed. "Easy, hon, easy. It's just a dream. Sam, look at me. Sam?"
She blinked blindly, looking for more Chahakae. Sweat covered her forehead and she could feel her gown sticking to her body. She gripped Janet's arm, finally focusing on the doctor's deep brown eyes. In an instant, everything was safe again. She gripped the doctor in a tight embrace, pulling the smaller woman onto the bed with her. "Janet," she gasped. "Janet."
Janet raised herself up, keeping ahold of Sam's hands. "Are you okay, Sam?"
Sam nodded weakly, looking around the med center. Dr.
Roth was standing in the doorway, apparently on her
way somewhere else when the outburst had occured. Sam
swallowed, wiping the sweat from her upper lip. "I'm
fine," she rasped. "Bad dream."
Janet pulled the curtains back around the bed, isolating them from the rest of the room. "Sam, what's going on? We've had to sedate you every night you've been here. Did you tell us everything that happened on the Chahakae world?"
Sam nodded. "Of course, Janet. From the moment I was abducted until you and Teal'c woke me up here."
"What are the dreams about? Do you remember?"
Sam picked at the edge of her blankets. "I dream of the Chahakae killing me. Every time. And... I guess I'm just..." She trailed off, looking past Janet. "Are we done?"
Janet kissed Sam's forehead softly. "I'm sorry, hon. I'll let you rest." They were silent a moment, and then Janet began to pick at Sam's hospital gown. "We have to get you out of this gown... it's almost time for your bath anyway."
"Bath?" Sam asked, confused.
"Oh, yeah. CMO gets to assign everything." She grinned wickedly. "I could even schedule Colonel O'Neill for an enema or two. Just in case he gets out of line."
Sam smiled, her eyes sparkling. "Bring on the sponge."
Janet shook her head, her brown eyes twinkling brightly. "No sponge this time. I have a tub set up in the private room. You're getting the royal treatment."
Sam could hardly wait.
Sergeant Walter Davis announced, "Chevron Seven Locked!"
The Stargate roared to life and billowed out into the room, reaching towards the far wall before collapsing in on itself. Sometimes Walter wondered why it 'kawhoosed' out, as Colonel O'Neill was fond of saying. All in all, it was quite a spectacle to behold.
Sitting next to him at the console was Major Mark Burdett, the leader of SG-5. He was nervously checking the computer screens in front of him, not fully comprehending all of them but trying to help nonetheless. He blamed himself for Sam's abduction and had spent every waking moment trying to show the powers that be that he was still a productive member of the SGC. The MALP slid silently up the ramp and passed through the event horizon. Seconds later, it emerged on the surface of P63-8X4. Two months had passed since they initially tried it and the locals had apparently excavated it in the intervening time. Walter glanced at the computer screen. "We should be getting MALP telemetry any second now."
Sam gingerly lowered herself into the tub, letting the warm water slowly slide up her skin. Since returning, she had taken at least three baths a day. The others had all taken place in bed, with just a moist sponge. This was the first time Janet had offered to add the 'personal touch.'
As Sam rested her head on the edge of the tub, Janet entered and closed the door behind her. The doctor engaged the lock before turning to face Sam with a radiant smile on her face. She knelt next to the tub, slowly running her fingers through the water. "Two months," she whispered.
"Long time to be apart," Sam sighed.
Leaning in so their faces were inches apart, Janet said, "Why not start making up for lost time?" She brushed her lips across Sam's before pulling the sponge from the water. She held it over Sam's chest as they stayed a hair's length apart, lightly running the sponge from one shoulder to the other. Sam gasped as the cold water spread across her upper body, arching to back to present her breasts to her lover.
Janet took the hint, never taking her eyes from Sam's. She ran the sponge lightly over one swell, then moved to the next. Sam's nipples stood at rigid attention, her eyelids threatening to close. She snaked one hand around Janet's neck, applying a gentle pressure to let the doctor know she wasn't going anywhere.
Giving the breasts one final sweep, Janet moved lower to run it over the submerged abdomen. Her index finger slipped, quickly dipping into the blonde's navel. She tore her gaze from the cobalt blue eyes and looked at Sam's neatly trimmed tuft of pubic hair, a few inches under the water. She released the sponge and moved her hand down to slowly glide through the short hairs, eventually reaching the other woman's slick center. Janet bit her lower lip, letting two fingers roam the length of the velvety slit, finally dipping one into the depths.
Sam gasped, shifting her bottom to give Janet better access. Janet turned, raising an eyebrow. "No splashing. We must keep the med center neat."
Sam groaned, "I think you just want to torture me."
Janet didn't respond; she just smirked and went back to her slow ministrations between Sam's legs. Janet had worked three fingers into Sam's wetness, thrusting in and out slowly. Sam wound her fingers through Janet's longish brown hair. She loved it when Janet's hair was just long enough to be allowed by military standards; it gave her something to play with when Janet wasn't playing fair.
Sam cupped one of her own breasts as she peered under the water, watching Janet's expert fingers glide in and out of her like a well-oiled machine. Glancing at Janet's face, she could see the sheen of sweat on the doctor's upper lip, the steady determination in her gaze, the way she was gently nibbling on her lower lip. Sam cupped the back of Janet's head, turning her so they could face each other. Sam closed the distance, pressing her lips against Janet's as the doctor's nimble fingers picked up the pace.
Sam grunted, thrusting her hips down to meet Janet's hand. Janet moaned, parting her lips to allow the major's tongue to invade her mouth. With a long moan into the doctor's mouth, Sam came, her milky juices spreading in the water of the tub.
Jant watched the mixture, her eyes sparkling, then said, "I suppose we should change the water before the next sponge bath..."
Sam leaned against the back of the tub, trying to control her breathing. "If every one of your sponge baths is like that... sign me up after every mission."
Janet winked slyly. "It can be arranged."
Walter frowned. The MALP readings from P63-8X4 had suddenly gone off-line. There were no readings whatsoever. "General? We have a problem here."
Hammond made his way to the control panel, watching the blank screen. "What's happening?"
"I have no idea, sir. It's like the MALP just...decided to stop working."
"What were the last readings from it?" Daniel asked, coming in from the briefing room.
"Nothing unusual. Just a slight increase in atmospheric pressure. But-- Whoa!"
The computer screen burst to life, showing all readings dangerously off the scale. The temperature of the planet had, in a matter of seconds, raised over 200 degrees from the previous readings. Wind speed was over 500 miles per hour. A wave of pure energy was rushing at the gate like a runaway space shuttle.
Hammond saw the reading and ordered, "Shut it down!"
"I'm trying, sir! The controls aren't responding!"
The event horizon of the Stargate shimmered as the massive energy wave came through. Hammond watched in horror as the airmen stationed in the gate room were thrown against the cement walls like rag dolls. He was about to order the blast doors closed when the wave hit him and he flew backwards several yards. He landed on his side, sliding a few feet before coming to a final stop. Sitting up, he saw Daniel and Walter had suffered the same fate.
Janet was helping Sam out of the tub when both women stumbled, falling to the floor. Sam rolled so that she was on top, pressing her wet, nude body into Janet's.
Sam smiled down at the doctor and said, "That was fun... why'd you pull me?"
"Pull? You pushed me."
Their smiles vanished.
Teal'c was thrown against his bed, which in turn hit the wall with enough force to knock several decorations to the floor. Shaken out of his kel'no'reem by the energy wave, he looked around in confusion.
The basketball had just left Jack O'Neill's hand when he was propelled forward, slamming into Sergeant Siler's back. The thin man toppled, rolling several feet before coming to a stop underneath the basket. Siler coughed, then pointed at O'Neill and said, "Foul!"
The energy wave mysteriously dissipated once it reached the edge of the base. Calm settled over the mountain once more, but it didn't come alone.
Part Two
SG-1, minus Sam, sat around the briefing room table for the impromptu briefing with Janet, Burdett and Captain Collinsworth from SG-5. Hammond entered, dropping into his chair. "Explanation?"
Daniel shrugged. "It seems like it was just a... common wave of energy. Like a powerful gust of wind that was transfered through the wormhole."
"I thought wind couldn't travel the wormhole. Like the water world dialed by the Russians."
Daniel nodded, "Normally, that's true, sir. But that was a case of the amount of pressure being put on the wormhole by the water. The wormhole could... determine, if you will... that the water wasn't trying to move through the gate. This gust of wind from P63-8X4 was so powerful it was like someone getting pushed into the event horizon. The wormhole thought someone was trying to move from one place to the other. What I find odd, however," he added, "is that matter traveled through an incoming wormhole. This has only been seen with electromagnetic radiation. I'd like to ask permission to bring someone in to examine the phenomenon."
Hammond nodded and said "Agreed. He turned and solemly asked, "Was anyone hurt, Dr. Fraiser?"
"Not seriously, no. One man fell in the shower and got a little bruised. And..." Her face turned red. "Well... a civilian couple was involved in... couple activities."
Jack hid a smirk and said, "How were they injured, Doc?" He wiggled his pen. "Just for, you know, specification."
Janet glared at the colonel. "Apparently, the male was in the middle of a... thrust... and the energy wave forced him to use a bit too much force..."
Hammond glared at the colonel, "Jack..."
Jack ignored his commanding officer. "Ouch. Any permananent damage?"
"No, sir," Janet sighed. "Other injuries were minor; bruises from falling, a sprained wrist, so on. Nothing too serious."
"Drop the subject, Colonel," Hammond ordered. He asked, "Did the energy wave continue outside the mountain?"
Daniel shook his head. "It ended just outside. It didn't even make it to the fence."
"I guess we just put P63-8X4 on our 'danger' list. We don't want another hurricane-force wind blowing through here."
Jack shrugged as he stood. "Ah, that wasn't wind. Now, Chicago... THEY have wind."
As Janet entered the med center, Sam sat up and raised her eyebrows. "Well? What the hell was it? Should I get ready to jump? Maybe Colonel O'Neill--"
Janet put her hands on Sam's shoulders and said, "EASY! Do you understand the concept of bed rest? It involves a bed and rest."
Sam sighed. "Sorry. I just... it's so hard to sit here and do nothing when I know something's happening down the hall!" She craned her neck to see around Janet, but the small doctor moved to block her view. "Which brings me to the surprise."
"I thought the, uh," she glanced at the security camera to make sure it was aiming the other way, then whispered, "I thought the bath was the surprise."
Janet shook her head. "Just something I cooked up in lieu of a get well card. The real surprise is at Lake Canton."
"Lake who?"
"Canton. It's this beautiful group of cabins surrounding a man-made lake. Absolutely gorgeous in the summertime. I suggested you take some leave at a place with no power whatsoever. That means no laptop, no microwave, no TV, no radio, no naquadah reactors, no Stargates, no anything that runs on any kind of electric current."
"And this is fun how?"
"Hammond refused to let you go alone," she added, smiling mischievously. "You know, in case you relapsed and needed a doctor. Saint that he is, Daniel offered to give me some of his vacation time so I could go up with you. We have eight empty cabins all to ourselves for two full weeks. With nothing to do... except each other."
Sam's eyes had widened during Janet's speech and she finally gasped, "If I get treated like this for being kidnapped, maybe I'll do it more often!"
Janet's smile faltered slightly, but she covered it well. "Get some rest, Sam. I'll see you in the morning, okay?"
Dr. MacKenzie slowly drummed his fingers on the desk. "She's suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. It's slowly crippling her. If she can't get past what happened on that world, we'll be forced to remove her from the Stargate program."
Janet turned. "What? You mean... if she keeps having flashbacks..."
"You have to agree with me on this, Dr. Fraiser. I know she's your friend, but face the facts. We can't have someone out there who may suddenly begin hallucinating about a giant lizard killing her. Friend or not, you have to understand that she would be a risk to Colonel O'Neill, Dr. Jackson and Teal'c. Imagine what would happen if Apophis got ahold of her and gave her the Blood of Sokar again. In her current condition, thinking she had been recaptured by the Chahakae would drive her over the edge and she would tell him anything."
Janet said, "Apophis is dead."
"He's been dead before," MacKenzie said, matter-of-factly. "If you don't agree, I'll put Major Carter on leave. Force her to have a psychiatric evaluation. It may be months before SG-1 is an entire team again. Or, hell... why not just assign someone new right now?"
"No," Janet said, forcefully. "I'm going to take Major Carter on a two-week vacation in the mountains. No phones, no computers, no radio. Hopefully it will give her time to come to terms with the alien."
MacKenzie sighed. "I hope you're right, Dr. Fraiser."
Sam winced as she bent to fold a sweater, wishing the ache in her side would go away. Arguing with Janet aside, she was still in massive amounts of pain. Janet had brought most of her closet to the base, dropping it off in Sam's quarters so she could pack what she wanted. A soft knock came on her door and she sighed, grateful for the reprieve from moving. She straightened and said, "Come in."
Daniel poked his head in, smiling. "Hi, Sam. Got a minute?"
"I have an hour," she said, dropping into the chair next to her bed. "What's up?"
Daniel picked up one of her shirts and began folding it. "Janet told me you were packing and, well... last time I saw you, you could barely sit up. Figured I'd give you a hand. Maybe... lend an ear, if you want?"
Sam smiled. "She told me it was your idea getting her to come away with me. Thank you."
"Hey," he shrugged. "You guys have been apart enough lately. It was either suggest vacation time or find a way to get you both trapped in an elevator at the same time. I had Siler do the math on the elevator thing. Going to a cabin is much easier."
Sam nodded, watching as he folded a pair of her jeans. "Y'know, if you want, you could do all my packing. Not just when I'm injured. I wouldn't mind."
Daniel ignored her, but chuckled lightly. "Jack and Teal'c are going insane with nothing to do. Jack's almost ready to assign a temporary member to SG-1 so we can just, as he put it, 'get out there already.' He's really starting to lose his mind."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "Oh? I guess he's getting vacation time, too?"
"Yep. He's heading up to Minnesota."
"Wait, wait... let me see if I understand this. Colonel O'Neill is complaining about being bored, so he goes *fishing*?"
Daniel paused, then laughed. "You know, I didn't think of that." He grabbed the next article of clothing off the bed and started to fold it before he realized it was a negligee. He paused, looking down at the flimsy purple material, then casually put it back on the mattress. "I, uh... you can handle those things."
She smiled. "Yeah. Thanks, Daniel. I'd offer to kiss you for your trouble, but I don't want to move."
He bent down, pecking her on the cheek. "Try not to wear Janet out too much. Hammond won't give her another vacation to recuperate." He waved good-bye before slipping out of the room.
Hammond watched the Stargate dial P63-8X4. He had authorized one final dailing to check the atmospheric and weather conditions to see the chances of another wind like that. In the short time they had taken readings from the MALP, it had indicated what appeared to be a highly advanced civilization in the distance. The seventh chevron locked and the Stargate roared to life.
The computer lit up with new readings from the MALP, which had moved several yards west under the power of it's battery. Hammond glanced down at the UAV launching pad, motioning they had a go.
"Everyone clear," the mechanical voice issued over the PA.
The UAV launched, passing effortlessly through the gate and emerging on the other side. It arched high into the air, beginning a search pattern that would take it over the distant village.
Sam sighed, resting her head on her hand. "This isn't necessary, Janet. I can walk."
Janet pushed the wheelchair forwarding, ignoring Sam's protests. The major held both of their suitcases on her lap. Once they were clear of the sign-out desk, Janet smiled and bent down, lightly nibbling her lover's ear. "Almost out," she whispered. She pushed the wheelchair through the personnel door and into the bright Colorado sun.
Sam winced at the brightness, shielding her eyes before smiling up at Janet. "How far is it to Canton?"
"Couple of hours. We'll be there before you know it."
Sam stood, leaving the wheelchair behind and running for the car. She half-turned and said, "I'll race you!"
Janet almost tripped over the suddenly empty chair, calling, "Samantha Carter! Get back here this instant!" Realizing she sounded like a mother hen, she cursed and ran after the major.
Sam laughed, turning to look where she was going. Suddenly, pain gripped her entire left side and she gasped, doubling over. She tripped over her own feet and fell face-forward into the dirt, rolling several yards before she came to a stop next to the fence. She felt like she had been kicked in the side with a boot. Pain gripped her lungs with each passing breath. She winced as she hugged herself, seeing Janet's shoes as the small woman approached.
"Sam? Sam, can you hear me?"
"I..." she coughed, shaking her head. "I'm fine. Let's get to Canton."
"Canton's off, Sam. We're taking you back inside."
Sam gripped Janet's forearm. "No. Please. I just... shouldn't have been running. I'll be fine, just... get me out of here. Okay?"
Janet sighed, pressing her lips into a thin line. "Sam... I should take you back in and have you examined. That fall..."
"...Was because I was reckless. Pick me up, put me in the car, drive me to Canton. I'll be fine with a little rest and relaxation."
Janet stood, gingerly helping Sam to her feet. "You're sure you're fine?"
"Absolutely... just, ah... help me get to the car, okay?"
Janet wrapped her arm around Sam's waist and walked her across the parking lot to her Chevy. As she sat Sam in the passenger seat, she admonished the major, "But any more spells like that, and I'm turning this car around, got me?"
"Yes, ma'am," Sam smiled.
Hammond dropped the file on P63-8X4 on the briefing table, glancing at the team surrounding him. He really didn't want to send SG-5 on this, being as it would be their first real mission by themselves, but the UAV didn't show any signs of hostiles. Plus, Teal'c had decided to stay behind on the base and offered to go along with them as a safeguard.
Hammond indicated for them to open the files in front of every seat. "We picked up signs of recent habitation within the small village not far from the Stargate, but saw no one moving about. Your mission is to determine whether or not the civilization still exists on the world."
Captain Grover Collinsworth frowned. "So... we're going to a ghost world?" He slapped the file folder shut. "Permission to speak freely, General?"
"Granted," Hammond said, warily.
"First we went to P42-887 which was a total waste of resources. It was only luck that anything happened."
Dr. Charlotte Parker scoffed, "Major Carter being abducted and almost killed was luck?"
"You know what I mean, Parker. I just get the feeling that we're being given busy work. When do we get the Jaffa worlds? The, uh, Unas worlds? When do we get to be an actual force in this command?"
Hammond grit his teeth. "Captain, you feel what you do for this command is busy work? You feel you can be of more use elsewhere. Is that it?"
"Exactly, sir."
Hammond shrugged. "Fine. As of 0800 tomorrow, you'll report to Section 18."
"What's Section 18?"
"Janitorial work. I hear they've been looking for someone to deal with toilets for quite a while. Major Burdett, I'll have a replacement for Captain Collinsworth by the end of the week."
As Hammond stood, so did Burdett. "General Hammond, sir. With all due respect, Captain Collinsworth can be a genuine pain in the ass..."
"Pardon me, Major?" Collinsworth frowned.
Burdett continued. "But he's a good man. We've worked together in training exercises and I think he'd be helpful in the field."
Hammond sighed, casting a warning glance at Collinsworth. "I agree. He'll stay with you, but with a warning. Next time, he will be reassigned out of this mountain." He nodded at Burdett, then left the briefing room.
Charlotte sighed. "Nice one, Grover."
Collinsworth glared at Burdett. "Genuine pain in the ass?"
Burdett nodded, walking out of the room. Grover sighed, shaking his head angrily as he followed his team out of the room.
Several hours later, the wormhole between Earth and P63-8X4 was active once again. Mark Burdett exhaled softly, glancing at the Jaffa standing to his right, nervously gripping his P90. Teal'c saw the major's movements. "Are you nervous, Major Burdett?"
"Hell, yeah," he said, hoping to keep the mood light. "My first mission, I ended up drugged and almost killed. My second mission, I got attacked and almost killed. I can only imagine what's going to happen this time."
Teal'c raised an eyebrow and started up the ramp. "Colonel O'Neill believes that the third attempt is usually the most rewarding."
"Third time's a charm, huh?" Burdett smiled.
"I believe that was his phrasing." Teal'c offered a half-smile before leading the way through the gate.
Burdett exhaled softly, quietly hoping for a nice, routine mission before taking a step forward. He felt as if something had grabbed hold of his jacket as he was hurled violently forward through the event horizon. He tumbled head over heels through space, curving around stars and planets that went by in the blink of an eye. As the second-long trip came to an end, he felt a powerful hand gripping his vest and pulling him. The feeling was physical this time, not an after-effect of gate travel.
He was pulled through the Stargate, discovering it was Teal'c who held him. The Jaffa had a firm hold of the side of the gate, pulling Burdett to the side. "Brace yourself, Major Burdett," Teal'c called over the howl of the wind. "A sudden blast has arisen!"
If Teal'c hadn't grabbed him, he realized, he would've been blown right back against the event horizon and end up in God knows where... especially with the way the wormhole was acting. As he was thrown out of danger, he took a quick examination of the world around them. The sky was orange-red, the powerful sun beating down on the red rock of the ground. He remembered O'Neill's claim that the universe was filled with trees, trees, and more trees. Of the three worlds Burdett had visited, he had only seen one with trees.
Mark used the force of Teal'c's pull to throw himself against the DHD, wrapping his arms around the base and holding on for dear life. Charlotte Parker came through next, almost getting blown back into the wormhole before Teal'c grabbed her belt and pulled her around behind him.
She held tightly to his shoulders, trying not to be blown away. She screamed, "The SGC was hit by this blast as well! Hammond decided it was best to continue with the mission since you and Major Burdett were already here!"
Teal'c nodded, ready to grab the next member. This wind was astounding, he thought. He had never before experienced anything that could travel out through an incoming wormhole. Perhaps this was a second reason for the mission; discover if the wind had any properties that could be useful on Earth.
Captain Collinsworth fell from the gate and landed a few inches from the event horizon, sliding backwards the moment he landed. Teal'c reached out, grabbing Collinsworth by the sleeve and slinging him aside. The captain rolled, hitting the ground with his shoulder as he continued to roll. The wind grabbed him, carrying him away from the gate. Charlotte released Teal'c shoulders, dropping to the ground and trying to run after Grover. She soon discovered this was a major error.
The wind picked her up off her feet and carried her past Collinsworth's rolling form, slamming her into one of the cliffs that surrounded the Stargate. She heard something crack on the impact, then winced in pain as the constant wind pinned her against the rock face.
Teal'c turned, hearing the impact as Charlotte hit the rock. His split second distraction proved fatal as Lieutenant Paul Mazzur stepped out of the gate and was lifted by the wind and thrown back through.
Burdett turned in time to see the fourth member of his team thrown back into the incoming wormhole. His entire body went numb. 'What happens when you go back through?' Mark questioned himself. 'Could he have survived?' The wormhole disengaged.
Teal'c also realized what had happened and stared blankly at the empty Stargate ring. Seconds later, the wind also died down. Teal'c released his grip on the Stargate, looking to make sure everyone was in one piece. Charlotte had apparently wrenched her back, but was able to walk. Everyone else - save for Paul Mazzur - was uninjured.
Burdett stood, leaning on the DHD for support. "Was that enough excitement for you, Captain?" he sneered.
"One of our men died. Hope you're getting your money's worth on this ride."
Collinsworth snapped, "Paul was my friend, too, Burdett. It's not my fault Hammond ordered us through when he knew there was a wind blowing. Don't try to blame this on me. You could've over-ridden Hammond's command when you saw that your team was walking into danger."
Teal'c raised an eyebrow. "Major Burdett was already through the gate when the wind began. It would be impossible for him to have over-ridden an order which had not yet been given."
"And since I was gone," Mark said. "You were the commanding officer of SG-5. Why didn't you tell Hammond no? I think you wanted the excitement. You knew somebody might die and it excited you. Made this mission worthwhile. Damn it, Collinsworth... when we get back, I'm going to make sure you get demoted to bathroom duty."
Collinsworth sighed, glaring at the horizon. "Are we going to finish this mission or not?"
Burdett shook his head. "Village is that way. C'mon."
Collinsworth mock-saluted and said, "Yes, sir, oh fearless leader." He started forward, but found Teal'c in front of him. The Jaffa glared down at the captain, then fell into step behind Burdett. Charlotte limped past, shaking her head. Collinsworth sighed, glancing at the Stargate. "Adios, Mazzur. Hope you had a wonderful career at the SGC." He adjusted his cap and added, "Wonder what lie they'll tell your family." He started after his team.
Part Three
Sam slowly became aware of a cold pressure against the side of her face. She grimaced, trying to move to a warmer section of her pillow, but found the entire surface was cold. Slowly, she opened her eyes and peered ahead. A wall of green was heading straight for her. She jumped, her breath catching in her throat as she braced for impact. She realized she was being held in place by... something.
A hand came to rest on her shoulder and she heard Janet's soft voice shushing her. "It's okay, Sam. It's okay. We're almost there."
Sam blinked, still half-asleep. The wall of green was a curve in the road, lined with trees, that Janet was now taking them around. Sam yawned, covering her mouth with the back of her hand. "How long 'til we get there?"
"About ten minutes. You want some music?"
Sam nodded, too tired to argue about her lover's idea of music. Being from the south, Janet was big into country music. The doctor snapped open the CD holder and slid one disc into the player. A few seconds later, the soft tones of Kenny Chesney began filling the car.
~~Ordinary, no... I really don't think so
Not a love this true
Common destiny, we were meant to be
Me and you...~~
Sam smiled, folding her hands and using them as a pillow against the window. "This is a nice song."
~~Like a perfect scene from a movie screen
Where all dreams come true
Suited perfectly for eternity
Me and you...~~
Janet began to hum along with the song, glancing over to see Sam had drifted off completely.
Burdett knelt in the doorway of a dilapidated warehouse, sweeping his flashlight over the dusty remnants of what was once a thriving business. Now, nothing remained.
As he stood to move to the next building, he spotted Teal'c in the doorway of a house, preparing to enter to have a look around. Collinsworth had vanished; probably looking for Goa'uld to fight. The next structure Burdett checked looked to have been a shop of some sort. Peering through the glass, he saw decaying meat lining the cases. He grimaced at the smell, then noted that the meat was still there.
Whenever this civilization had died out, it had been recent. He moved on through the apparent butcher's shop, using his boot to nudge open a door that led to the back of the building. He slipped inside, scanning the emptiness with his flashlight. "Submitted for your approval," he intoned. "One Mark Burdett, hurled across the galaxy to a planetary ghost town."
He jumped, spinning around and a hair away from firing when he saw Charlotte standing in the doorway. "Geez, Charlotte. You scared me."
"I found something," she half-whispered.
"What is it?"
She paused, glancing over her shoulder. She swallowed, looking like she was trying not to be sick. "Bodies, Mark," she whispered. "A whole lot of bodies."
The sound of tires on loose gravel woke Sam from her slumber. She stretched as much as she could in the confines of the seatbelt, then felt Janet's hand cover her eyes. "Wait, wait... I don't want you seeing it before you can take it all in."
Sam smiled and closed her eyes. "Okay, I'm game."
Janet stopped the car, jumping out and running around to open Sam's door for her. Sam extended a hand so Janet would help her out and the doctor happily obliged. She placed a hand over each of Sam's eyes and stood behind her, leading her around the front of the car and planting her in the spot that would provide the best view of the entire campground. She pulled her hands away and said, "Open up!"
Sam slowly opened one eye, then the other. She gasped.
The large, shimmering lake stood at the base of a snow-capped mountain, which was shadowing the campground at the moment. On the side of the lake opposite the mountain was a semi-circle of rustic cabins, each equipped with their own private dock with a small motorboat moored to the end. Apart from the eight main cabins was a small, tin-roofed shed that was partially hidden by a dense copse of trees. Sam opened and closed her mouth for a moment before finally managing to say, "It's... it's gorgeous, Janet! I love it!"
Janet smiled, starting down the small hill that led them to the cabins. "And it's all ours. No one has booked any of the other cabins until August."
Sam stopped, looking over the wooded area. Surrounded on one side by trees and a mountain, and separated from the road by a hill, it was like they had found their own little hole-in-the-ground... literally! Sam pulled Janet close, kissing her lips softly. "We're all alone up here?"
"All alone," Janet smiled.
Sam grinned and headed towards the cabins, peeling off her jacket. "Which one is ours?"
Janet ran, trying to keep up with the tall blonde. "Number Five! But, SAM! Remember what I said about running! Remember the parking lot!"
She noticed Sam slowed, a hand moving gingerly to her side. She turned, smiling at Janet. As the doctor caught up, Sam wrapped her arms around the brunette and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Doctor knows best." They embraced for a moment, and then Sam resumed the walk to the cabin, one arm draped around Janet's shoulders.
"Dear Lord," Burdett sighed, his voice filtered through the contamination mask. Parker and Collinsworth were deeper into the room, also wearing the mask. Teal'c was the only one without the filter, since his symbiote protected him from any viruses they might pick up in the death room.
Death room. No place had ever been so appropriately named. He scanned the bodies decomposing against the walls, stacked on top of each other. The wall of bodies was at least seven feet thick. The people had apparently crowded into this room, climbed on top of each other, clawed their way to the back and stayed in these positions until they died. The few faces Burdett could see were contorted with horror; mouths agape, empty eyes staring straight ahead.
Charlotte gagged behind her mask, turning and pushing past Burdett and back into the street. Mark could hear her retching in the street. He didn't blame her. Even Teal'c looked disturbed. "Any ideas as to what killed these people," he asked, hoping he sounded more like a leader than he felt.
Collinsworth shook his head, but remained silent behind his mask. He was in shock, trying to take in the horrors that surrounded him.
Charlotte returned, leaning on the doorframe. Mark turned. "Uh, Dr. Parker? Maybe you should stand watch outside. In case whatever did this comes back."
She nodded, grateful, and turned away from the macabre scene.
Teal'c stood, slowly turning to take in the dead. "We can do nothing here. They were of similar technology to the Tauri. We should return immediately."
Burdett nodded. "Fine by me." He turned, leaving the room as fast as he could move. He wanted to get back to the SGC and tell them this world was a lost cause as soon as possible. He felt that if he didn't move, whatever had done this would grab him by the neck and add him to the dreadful death chamber.
"Oh, my God," Sam sighed, speaking through her fingers. The interior of the cabin was huge, completely disproving her theory that the cabins were all one-room. Straight ahead of the entryway was the living room; two plush chairs faced an open fireplace and the couch sat facing the picture windows that looked out over the still waters of the lake. To her right was a kitchen, the refrigerator the only thing (according to Janet) running on electricity. To the right was a short hallway containing the bedroom and bathroom, both visible through the open doorways.
Sam stepped into the bedroom, looking over the antique dresser that stood next to the doorway and moving to sit on the bed. The antique quilt was obviously very finely stitched and felt softer than heaven underneath her.
Janet appeared in the doorway, smiling broadly. "Well, I see someone has found her favorite spot."
"Get used to it," Sam said, stretching out on the mattress. "We're gonna be in here a lot."
Janet laughed and started to turn, planning to go out to the car and get their luggage. Sam stood, putting her hands on Janet's shoulders and lightly placing a kiss on the tip of the doctor's nose. Slowly, the blonde turned them both so that Janet's back was to the bed.
"Shh..." Slowly, Sam lightly pushed Janet back until the brunettes knees hit the edge of the mattress. She sat, looking up into Sam's sparkling blue eyes. Sam stepped back, looking over Janet's khaki shorts and blue blouse. She licked her lips and said, "I haven't made love to you... in over two months."
"What about the bath?" Janet breathed.
Sam shook her head slowly. "You made love to me... I want to make up for lost time."
Janet's hands slid from her lap and rested on the soft quilt. "I have nowhere to be for two weeks."
Sam knelt on the hardwood floor, her nimble fingers slowly undoing one button at a time. When the two sides of the shirt finally parted, she looked up into Janet's deep brown eyes and slid her hands across the smooth skin of her lover's stomach. Janet closed her eyes as Sam's hand moved up her spine and rested on the clasp of her bra. She unhooked it, waiting to completely remove it. Sam slowly stood, lightly applying pressure to Janet's shoulders. The doctor took the hint and laid back, closing her eyes.
Sam undid the button on Janet's shorts, then let her hands trail down to the heated skin of Janet's thighs. The brunette unconsciously began to spread her legs, giving Sam all the room she needed. Using exquisite care, the major took hold of the zipper and slid it down. Janet sighed, lifting her hips for the inevitable stripping of her shorts. Sam hooked her thumbs in the belt loops and removed the khakis an inch at a time. Once they were at Janet's knees, the blonde let the shorts fall to the floor. Janet kicked the shorts aside, waiting for Sam to begin her play.
The major started at the inside of Janet's left knee, laying feathery kisses up the quivering thigh. Once she reached the crux of the legs, she shifted to the right knee and repeated her trail there. To Janet's dismay, Sam skipped her panties and moved to her flat stomach. Janet moaned as her lover parted her lips and began to mark a line from her navel to the valley between her breasts. Sitting up, Sam slid Janet's blouse off one shoulder, then the other, before tossing it aside. Janet hunched her shoulders to help Sam get the bra off.
Once the lacy garment was removed, Janet was clad only in her thin cotton panties. Sam straddled Janet's hips, looking down at the doctor's beautiful torso. Sweat shone off her neck and shoulders, gleaming on her breasts. The skin was flushed with arousal and Sam smiled, lowering her head and gently taking one nipple between her lips and sucking gently.
Janet gasped, arching her back to feed Sam more of her breast. Sam smiled, her hand moving up to cradle the neglected breast and toy with the erect nipple. Janet moaned, biting her lower lip. After a few seconds, Sam switched breasts and began her assault anew.
At one time in her life, Janet would never have believed it was possible to come just from having your breasts kissed. That was before she met Major Samantha Carter.
Janet squeezed her legs together, trying to hold back the deluge that she knew was on it's way. Sam, sensing this, released the nipple she had been working on and slid higher, her blue eyes dancing across Janet's delicate facial features. As Sam re-examined the face, as if for the first time, her fingers traced the doctor's thin, red lips, eventually sliding between them. Janet sucked Sam's fingers into her mouth, her eyelids finalyl drifting down.
Sam placed a kiss on each closed eye and said, "I love you so much, Janet."
Janet moaned around Sam's hand and released her climax, her entire body shaking with the force of the orgasm. Sam slipped her moist fingers away, replacing them with her lips. Janet accepted the kiss hungrily, wrapping an arm around Sam's neck. As they kissed, Janet rolled so that she was straddling Sam's stomach. She ground her hips into Sam's hard abdomen, leaving a wet spot on the blonde's shirt. Raising an eyebrow, Janet said, "My turn."
Sam folded her arms, resting her head in her hands. Janet rose slightly so she could pull up Sam's t-shirt, then slid her hands underneath the soft black material. As her hands grazed the satin-covered nipples, Sam moaned and pulled the shirt the rest of the way off. Moving eagerly, Janet flipped the clasp that lay between Sam's breasts and pulled the material away. She gazed lovingly at the pale skin, licking her lips as she stared at the pink nipples that capped the large mounds. "You're beautiful, Samantha."
"Less talking. More kissing."
Janet smiled and moved off of her lover, laying next to her and lightly kissing her breasts as her hands slipped under the waistband of Sam's sweatpants. Sam raised her feet onto the bed, bending her knees as Janet's fingers worked through the fine hairs between her legs.
As Janet closed her lips around one pink nipple, her index finger slid across Sam's wet slit. Sam moaned, gently thrusting downward to meet Janet's hand. The doctor slid closer, their bodies already practically welded together. As she continued to caress Sam's breast with her tongue, she slid an index finger into Sam's center, feeling the blonde's muscles squeeze her digit. She began to thrust slowly, adding a second and third finger once she had worked up enough lubrication. Sam moaned, biting her lower lip as Janet increased her pace. "Janet... I'm.... Janet, I'm...."
Janet released Sam's breast and slid her fingers free simultaneously. Sam whimpered at the sudden lack of attention, but she soon saw what her lover had in mind.
Janet moved down to Sam's waist, pulling the sweatpants down around the major's knees. Sam, having planned this since hearing about the getaway, was grateful she had forgone the panties when she got dressed that morning. Janet looked hungrily at Sam's wet lips before sliding off the bed and pulling Sam towards her.
Perched on the edge of the bed, Sam moaned as Janet's tongue came in contact with her clit for the first time in two months. Sam's hands curled, holding tightly to the antique quilt. Janet sucked the nub into her mouth, her fingers sliding gently back into Sam.
Sam began to groan low in her throat, slowly beginning to grow in volume. She wrapped her legs around Janet's head, pulling the small woman closer to her. Janet released Sam's clit and passionately kissed Sam's dripping lips, thrusting her tongue into the slit. Sam cried out Janet's name, her entire upper body seeming to levitate as she came, filling Janet's mouth with her juices. Janet opened her mouth wide, catching all she could as she reached around Sam, squeezing the creamy white globes of her curved ass as she gathered her lover's juices on her tongue. Sam finally came down from her climax, feeling the soft quilt as she collapsed. She was breathing hard, her shining skin evidence of their lovemaking. As Janet rejoined her on the bed, Sam kissed her softly, sliding her tongue across the brunette's lips. The doctor smiled, granting her entrance and their tongues dueled playfully. Janet finally broke the kiss, pillowing her head with Sam's breasts. She sighed and asked, "Are you relaxed yet?"
Sam moaned low in her throat, curling Janet's brown locks in her fingers. "Oooh, yeah. Sensual baths, making love in a lakeside cabin... I could get used to recuperation."
Collinsworth turned to look at the abandoned village one final time as they were heading out. Instead, he saw a cloud of red dust rising over the far wall. "We got another wind! Everyone brace yourself!"
Teal'c grabbed Charlotte, turning his back to the strong wind that was roaring up on them. A few paces ahead, he could see Mark Burdett drive a spike into the ground and tether it to his belt. He half-turned and saw that Collinsworth wasn't bracing; he was running. "Captain Collinsworth," he screamed. "You must brace yourself!"
Collinsworth either didn't hear the Jaffa or didn't care. He continued running, pulling at something on his belt.
Mark watched his second-in-command, wondering what the hell he was doing. "Captain! Brace yourself! That is an order!"
Collinsworth kept running. He finally got his revolver free from the holster and spun, opening fire on the cloud of dust. Burdett cursed under his breath and reluctantly released his tether. He ran across the hard sand, grabbing ahold of Collinsworth's jacket.
"Are you completely insane?! You're already demoted, you wanna go for court-martial?"
Collinsworth ignored Burdett and opened fire on the cloud again. "You see that, Major? God, tell me you see that!!"
Burdett turned. The cloud of dust was almost on them. "I don't see anything but a big ol' cloud, Grover! Now hold still!" He wrapped a tether around the two of them, then knelt to drive a stake into the ground. He was too late. The wind picked them up and tossed them into the air. Mark held tight to Collinsworth, knowing if they were separated, one or both of them wouldn't come out of it.
Collinsworth, meanwhile, was screaming bloody murder in Burdett's ear. "Tell me you can see them! Oh, please, holy... tell me you see them, Mark!"
The wind lessened slightly and Mark felt the ground slam into his side. Pain shot from his shoulder to his hip as the wind picked him up once more and spun him around. He was so disoriented in the wind storm, he was shocked to discover that at some point he had dropped Grover. The tether whipped wildly around his body, lashing his sides violently. When he felt the wind lessen again, he slammed the stake downward and held as tight as he could. The wind pulled, yanked, tore and bit at him, but he held fast.
Eventually, the front passed and he fell to the ground, his palms torn and bloody from gripping the stake. "Major Burdett!" He turned in the direction of the faraway call. Teal'c was almost 500 yards away and running towards him. He stood on shaky legs, looking for any sign of Grover. "Captain Collinsworth! Captain!"
Teal'c heard him calling and scanned the horizon. There was no sign of the captain anywhere. Burdett grabbed his radio. "Captain Collinsworth, please respond! Do you read?"
"Major Burdett! Look above!" Teal'c's voice carried across the expanse and Mark looked up. He couldn't believe his eyes. A small point in the sky was steadily growing larger. Burdett stepped aside, knowing there was nothing he could do to save the poor man. Teal'c had other plans. The Jaffa whipped the zat from his hip pocket and ran so that he was near where Collinsworth would land. Once the falling man was within range, Teal'c fired.
Collinsworth's plummeting body jerked with the shot, then went limp. Seconds later, he impacted the ground hard enough to knock both Teal'c and Burdett off their feet. Burdett stared, wide-eyed at Teal'c. "Why the hell did you do that?"
"Captain Collinsworth would have died in the fall. The pain would be incredible. The shot from the zat knocked him unconscious so that he did not have to experience the impact."
Burdett stood slowly, looking at the crumpled body laying a few yards away. Finally, he exhaled and said, "I hate the Stargate."
Janet's head was pillowed against Sam's bare breast, both women sloppily wrapped in the quilt. Sam slipped her body out from under the doctor, whispering, "Did we bring any food?
Janet shook her head, pulling a pillow away from the top of the mattress to replace Sam. She murmured, "Nuh uh. Tin shed... has supplies." She yawned and was already asleep by the time she finished speaking.
Sam remembered seeing the shed when they had first arrived and she pulled the t-shirt on, wriggling into Janet's khaki shorts. Kissing her lover's cheek, Sam slipped from the bedroom. Outside, the sun was beginning to set, creating a yellow halo around the mountain. Sam walked barefoot on the gravel to the tin shed, using Janet's key to pull the padlock off of the door and step inside. Shelves of non-perishable food lined the walls and she began to choose some things they could have for dinner and breakfast.
Cradling the boxes and cans in her arms, she turned... and yelped. A man was standing in the doorway of the shed, watching her. "Who the hell are you?"
The man looked blankly at her for a moment, then said, "Dwight."
Sam took a step back, wishing the shed had a back door. "Okay... and what are you doing here, Dwight?"
"I'm staying here."
"Janet said the other cabins weren't booked."
Dwight smiled. "Oh, we didn't book ours. We sort of travel on the spur of the moment. The old man that ran this place said only one cabin was occupied. I assume you are the one renting the other cabin?"
Sam was beginning to feel a little more at ease and said, "Samantha. Uh, I'm staying here with my friend Janet."
"I am here with my wife. Or at least, I will be when she arrives."
"You don't travel together."
"You know how it is... I wanted to see Vegas, she wanted to see Hollywood, so we compromised." He moved aside quickly, as if suddenly realizing he was blocking her way. "Oh, I'm sorry. I seem to have trapped you."
Sam stepped nervously past the man, then turned to face him in the light. "So, ah... how long are you staying?"
"A week. You?"
Dwight smiled. "I hope you have a nice stay. I'll try to stay out of your hair."
Sam nodded, walking back to her cabin. Every few steps, she would turn and see him rooting around in the supply shed. Once she was back in her cabin, she shut and locked the door, peering out the window in the door. He was walking back to his cabin with an armful of supplies. He glanced up, scanning the lake, then stepped onto the porch of his cabin and fumbled with the lock. Once the door was open, he turned and looked over the grounds again.
For a moment, his gaze froze on Sam. She almost dropped out of the window, thinking he could see her, but he turned and went inside, slamming the door behind him.
A cold chill ran down Sam's spine as she stared at the closed door of Dwight's cabin. Something wasn't right about the man.
Part Four
Author's Note: The character of Dr. Roth undergoes a name change in this installment. She is now Amy Roth. This is the same character who romanced Janet in the first half of "Search & Rescue."
Sam was putting the boxes in the cupboard when Janet finally stumbled out of bed. She was wearing one of Sam's t-shirts, which reached mid-thigh on the brunette's shorter form. Rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, she slipped onto the stool and asked, "How long have we been sleepin'?"
"*I* slept for about four hours," Sam said, smiling.
"But you were out for five and a half."
Janet yawned, shaking her head. "What've you been doin'?"
"I brought the suitcases in from the car, got some supplies from the shed and started thinking about how we'll cook dinner."
Janet pointed to the wall. "You see that big black thing over there? Some people use it as a stove. Just a suggestion."
Sam raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said there were no modern conveniences whatsoever, little miss rough-it."
"Gas stove. Doesn't count." She winked.
As Sam opened a can of Spaghetti-Os and poured it into a pot she had cleaned earlier. "Oh, by the way... someone else decided to stay here for a week."
Janet frowned. "Oh?"
"Yeah. Met the guy in the supply shed. He said his name was, ah... Dwight, I think."
Janet glanced at the picture window that overlooked the lake. "That's odd. The guy who owned this place said that no one else was booked."
"He says didn't book. Just decided to drop in and was lucky enough most of the cabins were empty." She adjusted the heat on the burner and turned to face Janet. "You okay, Janet?"
The doctor sighed. "I guess. I was really looking forward to the solitude up here... skinny dipping... long, loud lovemaking... now we have neighbors to think about."
"Don't worry. He said his wife was meeting him up here soon and they'll probably be just as *preoccupied* as we are." She sat on Janet's lap, wrapping her legs around the back of the stool. She bent down and captured Janet's lips in a slow, heated kiss. "And even if they aren't, who cares. We were here first."
Janet smiled. "Screw the neighbors."
Sam laughed and slipped off of her lover's lap. Janet stood, walking out of the kitchen and to the living room. The sun had set and the moon was now dancing along the surface of the water. "Y'know, Sam... we could take the boat out to the other side of the lake and do a little skinny dipping. This Dwight guy would never be able to see us."
Sam smiled. "Sounds like a plan. When you wanna go out?"
"Right after dinner," Janet chuckled.
Sam laughed. "Get the girl in the mountains and she becomes a wild animal."
Janet stepped back into the kitchen, embracing Sam from behind. As she nibbled the soft skin of the blonde's neck, she muttered, "You have no idea, Sammy."
The two surviving members of SG-5, along with Teal'c, sat in the briefing room, staring blindly across the table at each other. Next to Major Burdett, Teal'c sat with his hands steepled before him. It wasn't long before General Hammond entered and took his seat. He looked at the report folders in front of him, then turned to Burdett. "Okay, son. What happened?"
"I... I don't know for certain, General. It all happened so damned fast."
"Take as long as you want. We just want to find out what happened."
Burdett took a deep breath, then began to tell his story. He started with the gust that had blown Mazzur back into the event horizon. He told of the deserted village that seemed to have been inhabited until recently. He choked when he told of the death room, pausing to take a drink of water. When he got to Collinsworth's death, he began to shake his head. "I don't understand it, sir. He was an excellent soldier. But the way he was behaving... it was like he was being chased by the boogeyman."
Teal'c cocked his head to the side. "I observed Captain Collinsworth's attempt to flee. If he were being pursued, he would not tether himself no matter what the danger the wind presented."
Hammond nodded. "So... we agree he felt he was being chased. Did anyone see anything that might have spooked him?"
Charlotte opened her mouth, then abruptly closed it again.
"Doctor? Do you have something to say?"
She glanced at Teal'c and Burdett, then said, "There were men in the cloud."
Burdett frowned. "I didn't see anyone, sir. I was in the cloud after I caught Collinsworth and I didn't see anyone else."
"They were there," Charlotte insisted. "It was like they... they were riding on the cloud. Inside, outside... all around it. When Teal'c and Major Burdett said they didn't see, it I assumed I had been seeing things."
Hammond glanced at Teal'c, then said, "If you were as frightened as Collinsworth, how did you manage to tether yourself safely?"
"I... had hurt my back after arriving on the planet. I remembered telling Teal'c that it hurt to bend. Apparently, he remembered and didn't want me to bend to tether the ground. He grabbed me and held on as the wind went past. Otherwise, I... I might be dead. Like Grover."
Hammond assembled the three mission reports and said, "Fortunately, you're not. I want you to report to Dr. Roth for immediate examination of your back. Major Burdett, there will be further questions concerning these deaths."
"I understand."
"Very well. You're dismissed."
Janet silently dropped into the motorboat, placing the blankets and jackets in the stern and scooting onto the bench seats. She checked the kerosene in the lantern she had brought, just in case they needed it later, then sat it under the blankets. Sam untied the boat from it's mooring and jumped in, pulling the cord on the motor. Her reward was a quiet sputtering. She shrugged and kicked the useless motor. "Looks like we're stuck with rowing." She picked up one of the oars from the side of the boat, handing it to Janet. The doctor smiled and sang, "Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream..."
Sam grimaced at the reminder of her time with Urgo. "Very funny, Janet."
Together, the two women managed to get across the lake in a little over five minutes. replacing the oars in the boat, Sam pulled her t-shirt over her head and tossed it onto the pile of blankets. She hadn't bothered to put on underwear just to take it off once they were in the water, so she pulled the sweatpants down and sat naked in front of her lover.
Janet scanned Sam's nude form, bathed in moonlight. Slowly, she began to unbutton her own blouse. Sam smiled and stood, diving into the lake. Janet turned away as she was splashed with water, vowing to get Sam back for that. Once her blouse and shorts were gone, she slipped into the water as well. She floated with only her head above water, searching for where Sam had disappeared to. The blonde was nowhere in sight. "Sam? Where'd you go?"
Something tugged at her ankle and her head was momentarily submerged. Janet sputtered, moving away from whatever had grabbed her. "Sam?" Another tug, this time higher on her leg. Janet went under just long enough to see Sam's naked rear end as the blonde swam away. Janet surfaced again, brushing the water out of her face. "Oh, you are dead meat, Carter."
Sam popped her head up a few feet away, her blonde hair plastered against her forehead. "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water." She winked and disappeared again.
"I swear, Sam! If you--" She went under again, strong arms wrapping around her waist. She gasped, hoping to get at least half a lungful of air before she went under. No such luck.
In the blue-green world beneath the surface, Janet found herself face-to-face with Sam. The blonde's deep blue eyes sparkled with evil as she pulled Janet close, holding the doctors squirming body against her own. As they kissed, Sam breathed a puff of oxygen into Janet's mouth. Janet gasped, swallowing it, then blew it back. She wrapped her legs around Sam's waist as the major began kicking towards the moonlight. They broke the surface, both gasping for air. Sam laughed and kissed Janet again, this time only offering her tongue. Janet eagerly accepted. As Janet began to lightly grind her hips against Sam's, she noticed the blonde's eyes were open and looking past her.
Janet broke the kiss. "What's wrong, honey?"
Sam shushed her and pointed at the bank that held their cabin. Releasing Sam's body, Janet swam so they were floating side-by-side. At first, she didn't know what Sam was so interested in... then she saw it. A beam of light shot from a shrubbery next to the living room window. It moved slowly from one end of the darkened living room to the other, pausing to examine different things before moving on. Janet frowned. "What is that?"
"Flashlight," Sam whispered.
The shrubs moved slightly and a dark figure stepped into view, craning his neck to peer inside the cabin. He moved around the corner of the house, shining his flashlight into the bedroom window and standing on his toes to peek in. He scanned the room and, determining it was empty, disappeared around the other corner of the house. Janet whispered, "What's going on? Who is that?"
Sam glanced at the other cabin. "Dwight. The man I met at the supply shed."
"Why is he looking in our windows?"
"I haven't the slightest idea."
They watched in silence as the man came around the other side of the house, shining the light once more into the large picture window that overlooked the living room. He paced quietly, then walked towards the hill and ascended to the road. He shined the flashlight over the windshield of their car, probably making sure they hadn't left. Having determined the car was there, he walked back down the hill and headed for the treeline. He obviously assumed they had gone for a late night walk. Once he had vanished into the dark forest, the women climbed back onto their boat and dressed, their plans of making love put off for the moment.
They rowed quietly back to shore, pulling the blankets and clothes out as they headed up the dock to their back door. As Janet unlocked the back door, she gasped and said, "Damn... my lantern."
Sam said, "I'll go get it. You go inside and warm up." Janet nodded, ducking into the dark house as the blonde turned back to the boat. She knelt on the dock, grabbing the wire handle of the lantern and heaving it out of the boat.
"There you are."
She gasped, spinning around and falling onto her ass. Dwight was standing at the end of the dock, blocking her only route of escape.
Charlotte peeled off her t-shirt, grimacing as her back protested violently. She felt the soft hands of Dr. Amy Roth on her shoulders, trying to ease the muscles. "Damn, doctor," Roth hissed. "What did you do to yourself?"
"Ah, you know. Same old story. Girl goes to alien world, gets picked up by violent wind, gets the snot knocked outta her..."
Amy smiled. "Lay face down here. I'll take care of this." Once Charlotte was laid out, Amy popped the clasp of the doctor's bra and laid the flimsy material aside. "I have to warn you, all of my lovers went absolutely crazy for my backrubs."
Charlotte smiled. "Bring it on, missy."
Slowly, Amy began to knead the tense muscles of Charlotte's upper back, grimacing each time the doctor hissed in pain. She was constantly asking, "Are you all right? Was that too much?" When she reached the waistband of Dr. Parker's pants, she paused. "Do you mind if I slide these down a little? I could give you the ultimate massage, but they're in the way."
Charlotte chuckled. "Doc, you can slide my pants down any time you want."
Amy raised an eyebrow. Could this woman be the person that could help her get over Janet? She pondered that as she slid the uniform pants down Charlotte's hips.
Dwight started towards her, his hiking boots echoing on the wooden dock. Sam stood, still holding the lantern. She thought that if worse came to worse, she could use it as a weapon. He smiled, looking at the boat. "I didn't even think to check the water." He caught her gaze again and said, "I have a... well, kind of an embarrassing favor to ask."
She tested the weight of the lantern. "Yeah?"
He was wringing his hands together, looking over at his cabin. "My wife showed up a little while ago and we discovered she was out of... well, you see..." He scratched the back of his neck. "She's in need of some feminine products, if you catch my drift. The closest store is about three hours away. I'm sorry that I was looking in your windows, but there was no answer. She's about to go crazy over there."
Sam glanced in the direction of his cabin. No candlelight flickered in the window. "She's a quiet one, isn't she? Likes to sit in the dark?"
Dwight frowned, then looked over at the dark cabin. "No, actually... she's usually very vocal when she's upset. It's just she had a migraine right now."
"Nothing. Let me go see if Janet has anything." She nervously brushed past him. "Stay right here, okay?"
Dwight shrugged, confused. "Sure."
Sam ran up the thin walkway, glancing back to make sure he stayed where he was supposed to. He did. She opened the door, breathing a sigh of relief as she found the freedom of their cabin. Janet was sitting a few feet away, looking at her worriedly. Sam held up a hand, mentally counting down. After what seemed an appropriate amount of time, she opened the door and called, "Sorry! All out!"
Dwight waved, then cursed about driving three hours. Sam closed the door, engaging both deadlocks. "Janet, lock the front door."
She smiled nervously. "Done."
Sam sighed. "His wife needed tampons." She shook her head, leaning against the door. "I can't believe I let him spook me so bad."
She felt Janet's arms slide up her back, then the fingers came to rest on the major's temples. Janet began to rub in slow circles, causing Sam to moan low in her throat. Janet kissed the back of Sam's neck. "We may not be in the water... but that doesn't mean the evening's a total bust."
Sam turned, caressing Janet's face. "The night is young." Their lips met in a fiery kiss that lasted well into the morning hours.
A sharp pounding sound woke Sam from a deep sleep. She swung her arm across the bed, trying to turn off the incredibly annoying alarm clock, only to find that the noise was coming from the front door. She groaned and sat up, carefully, untangling herself from Janet's arms and legs. The doctor murmured sleepily, rolling over and curling up against her pillow.
Sam stumbled out of bed and pulled on a t-shirt, knowing that the only person it could possibly be was Dwight. The ass was beginning to overstay his welcome. Grumbling, checking to make sure everything was sufficiently covered, she entered the living room and peeked through the small window. As she had feared, Dwight stood on the porch with a small brown bag.
Sighing, she pulled the door open a crack. "Yeah?"
"Morning! I, uh... the wife suggested that, since you guys were out and everything, I should pick up a package for you, too." He extended the bag.
"You bought... tampons... as a present?"
"Not as a present," he said, withdrawing the bag. "But, uh... you said you were out and I know I didn't appreciate driving three hours to pick some up. I thought it would be a nice ges--"
"We're not out; we have plenty."
"But you said--"
"It was late," Sam snapped, leaning against the doorframe. "I wanted to get rid of you. And now it's early and, again, I want to get rid of you. So, as much as I appreciate the gesture, would you please let us enjoy our vacation?"
Dwight looked authentically hurt and looked down at the bag in his hands. "Sure. Uh... sure. Sorry to bother you." He turned, slowly stepping off the porch.
Sam shut the door and engaged the deadlock. As she was turning it, she looked at the bolt in her hands. She didn't disengage the lock to open the door. But she was positive that she had... Someone had been in the house. She turned the final lock and went into the bedroom, shaking Janet's bare foot. "Janet? Honey, something's wrong."
Janet smashed her face into the pillow, mumbling something about it being too early. "Janet, that guy from last night? He was in here."
Janet sat up. "What did you say?"
"He came to the door just now and it was unlocked. I am positive that I locked it after I came in. He must've gotten the key somehow and broke in while we were asleep."
"Sam, come on... this guy's just on a vacation with his wife. Why would he break in here?"
"Why would he look in our windows with a flashlight just to see if we have *tampons*? Why would he go up and look in the car? And the wife... have you even seen his wife?"
"I haven't even seen *him*," Janet said.
"What? That's impossible."
Janet shrugged. "I guess I'm never in the right place at the right time."
Sam sighed. "Great. Another Orlin, another Urgo, another Lieutenant Tyler... I *hate* having all the invisible friends."
Janet stood, embracing her taller lover. "Sam... if there's one thing I've learned at the SGC, it's to trust you. If you say there's someone, I believe 100% that there's a man." She picked up a pair of boxer shorts and pulled them on over her thin legs. "You want me to tell him you're just a little upset? Ask him to keep his distance?"
Sam smiled at that thought. "I'd really appreciate it." Sam pulled open her suitcase and pulled out a pair of jeans. "Next time I talk to him, I'd like to be fully dressed."
Once they were presentable, they walked to the kitchen hand-in-hand for some breakfast before they talked to Mr. Dwight. Sam took a box of Cheerios from the cabinet and found some bowls in the cupboard. Filling a coffeepot with water from the tap, she set it in the coffee maker. She smiled, thinking that maybe Janet had lied about how much electricity this place had.
Janet, meanwhile, gazed out at the lake. She sighed, hugging herself as she thought of what she and Sam almost did in the waters the night before. 'Don't count it out yet,' she told herself. 'There are twelve more nights before you have to leave.'
She spotted a man walking down a dock a few cabins away, holding a brown bag. She assumed that this was the mysterious Dwight that had been plaguing Sam's vacation. She covered her eyes with one hand, trying to make out the man's features. He had very short black hair that was beginning to thin at the top and she could tell he was slightly chubby underneath his cowboy shirt. He turned to face her direction, scanning the waters.
She was too far to see his features, but she knew exactly what he looked like. The prettiest blue eyes she had ever seen on a man. Cheeks that begged you to pinch them. A coy half-smile that helped him get away with anything. And, if he followed form, a two-day stubble.
"Hey, your cereal is ready, Janet," Sam called from the kitchen. When she got no response, she came into the living room. "Janet? Honey, what's wrong?"
Janet was staring at the man several hundred yards away, kneeling next to his boat. "Sam... The, uh... the man on the dock? Is th-that Dwight?"
"Yeah, that's him," Sam said, putting a hand on Janet's shoulder. As she held the smaller woman, she said, "God, Janet, you're shaking. What, do you know him?"
"His name isn't Dwight. His name is Alan Harrison." She swallowed, her brown eyes brimming with tears. "That's my ex-husband."
Part Five
Sam blinked, turning to look through the glass again. "That man is... your ex-husband?"
Janet nodded slowly, backing away from the window. "We have to go, Sam. I don't want anything to do with that man." She grasped Sam's hand. "Please."
"Of course," Sam nodded. "We'll come back for the luggage later."
Janet agreed and Sam wrapped an arm around the shivering brunette. The faster they got away, the better. They left the small cabin and headed towards the road. The cabins were about a hundred yards from the road, which was situated on the top of a steep incline. They were almost to the hill when a voice came from behind. "Hey, where you ladies off to?"
Janet froze, her eyes closing.
Sam turned. "We, uh... decided not to stay the full two weeks."
Dwight frowned, still holding the brown bag he had offered Sam a few hours before. "I don't understand. Was, uh... was it something I said?" He forced a smile. "I really apologize for the unfortunate incident this morning. I promise to stay out of your hair for the rest of--"
"NO! Okay, *Alan*?" Janet snapped, turning around. "We're leaving. We'll be back later for our things. So just stay in your little cabin or go. I could give a rat's ass which one you pick."
Dwight/Alan looked from Sam to Janet, then sighed heavily. When he spoke again, he had returned to his original Southern drawl. "Looks like my charade has been discovered." He opened the bag. "I guess I'll have to rearrange my plans." He pulled a small revolver from the bag. "Why don't you ladies just go back into the cabin? Now."
Sam gripped her lover's hand. "No."
Alan sighed. "Fine. I'll kill you right here. You got three seconds to decide where you want to die."
Deciding they had a better chance if they went back to the cabin, Sam sighed and began walking in the direction they'd come. Janet followed, keeping an eye on the suddenly deranged man holding a gun on them. Carefully, Sam unlocked the front door and stepped inside, moving towards the kitchen. She had one shot, the way she saw it. She only prayed that Alan would be dense enough to not see it coming. She stopped next to the stove, turning to face the attacker.
He looked around. "Damn. You guys obviously got the nice cabin. Mine has no heat whatsoever."
"Maybe you should take a dip in the lake," Janet offered. "You might get caught in the undertow and drown."
Alan ignored her comment and peered into the living room. "How to kill you. I believe your military has strict enforcement concerning two women being lovers."
Sam frowned. 'Your military?' Hadn't Janet mentioned her ex was in the army?
"Maybe I should concoct a lover's pact sort of thing. A murder-suicide. Wouldn't that be so... what's the word... romantic?"
Sam's hand slipped slowly across the tile countertop, keeping an eye on where Alan's gaze was directed. So far, he hadn't bothered to watch them very hard. Her eyes darted to the side for a moment, making sure she was right about where the coffeepot was located. The steam was rising off the water in the pot, but it hadn't started to brew yet. She bit her lip, looking back to Alan. He was holding the gun sloppily, shifting it from one hand to the other. Something was definitely wrong.
Janet said, "How did you find us here?"
"I followed you from the Cheyenne."
'*The* Cheyenne?' Sam wondered. 'Definitely wrong.'
"No one was on that road," Janet insisted. "There's no way you could have tailed us."
"You should have looked harder," Alan sneered. "I'm trained to stay out of sight."
Sam scoffed, "Yeah... but obviously not how to hold hostages." Alan turned to her in time to watch her grip the coffeepot and lift it off the stove. In a swift motion, she flung the steaming water across the kitchen and into Alan's face. He screamed, dropping the gun to the floor. Sam grabbed Janet's shoulder and said, "Run. GO!"
Janet moved, but skidded on the water that had landed on the tile floor of the kitchen. Alan, blinded but still mobile, grabbed Janet's shirt and hurled her against the doorframe of the kitchen. Her head made a sickening crack as it impacted and her petite form crumpled against the floor.
Sam rushed to her lover, kneeling next to her. Janet was conscious, but severely dazed. Alan grabbed Sam from behind, lifting her off the floor and hurling her through the window that connected the living room and the kitchen. She landed on the coffee table, crushing it under her weight. Alan was close behind, pulling her to her feet and slamming her against the fireplace.
She gasped. His face was blacked and bubbling where the water had splashed across it. One of his eyes was a sickly yellow color. She squirmed, trying to escape but finding it hopeless. Whatever this thing was, it wasn't human or Janet's ex-husband. "What the hell are you?"
The thing that looked like Alan pressed his hand against Sam's throat, threatening to crush her windpipe. With his free hand, he touched the burns.
"Damn. Water," he hissed. He glared at her and then said, "I. Am. Fear." He had dropped Alan's Southern drawl, now speaking in the deepest, hollowest voice Sam had ever heard. It reminded her of a Goa'uld voice, but it differed slightly. He sneered, shaking his head. "Stupid. This planet should. Have been easy to. Conquer. Had I been able. To stay with the Star. Gate I would have been. Unstoppable."
Sam rasped, "Why?"
Alan's gaze moved to Sam's forehead. "I scanned each. In the mountain. Your experience. And knowledge. Was immense. I became trapped. And could not leave before. I found myself. Here. I will destroy. You and your love. And assume one personality. And infiltrate the Stargate."
Sam caught motion out of the corner of her eye and saw Janet slowly approaching. She managed to rasp, "RUN! Get to the SGC!"
Janet looked at her lover, crushed against the wall, with tears in her eyes, but began to back up slowly. Alan craned his neck, watching her. "You. Will be next. Fraiser."
Janet turned, pulling the door open and running for the hills. Sam writhed against the man's powerful hand and felt her leg kick something cold and metal. Her hand grasped for what she had kicked and found the handle of the fireplace poker. As she wrapped her fingers around the cold steel of the poker, she hoped she would be able to wield it against this monster.
Janet stumbled halfway up the hill, falling roughly and sliding back to the bottom. Cursing, she started back up on her hands and knees. As she neared the top, she heard Sam's voice cry, "Janet! Janet, it's me!"
She turned once she reached the top of the hill and saw Sam running across the field that separated the cabins and the hill. The blonde scrambled to the top, smiling at Janet. "I did it," she breathed. "I... I hit it with the fireplace poker. It just... fell. We have to get out of here, have to warn the SGC."
Janet brushed Sam's hair out of her face. "Are you sure you're okay? You were just choked!"
Sam shrugged. "Resilient, I guess."
The two women embraced, holding each other tightly. As Janet was about to break the hug, she noticed movement near their cabin. Sam was stumbling weakly across the porch. Janet's heart quickened. If Sam was on the porch... Janet pulled back, staring into Sam's blue eyes. "Janet? What's wrong, hon?"
From the cabin, the other Sam called, "Janet! Janet, NO!" The other Sam began running towards the hill.
The Sam in Janet's arms turned, frowning. "What the hell?" When she turned back to face Janet, she was greeted with the doctor's balled fist. Sam's head rocked to the side and the blonde fell onto the gravel. Janet punched Sam again and said, "Nice try, Alan. God," she hugged herself, turning away from the crumpled form that looked so much like her lover.
She heard shoes crunching on gravel and turned. Sam
was kneeling next to her unconscious doppelganger, her
blonde hair hanging over her face and obscuring her
features. Janet said, "She... said she stopped it with
a fireplace poker."
"That's ridiculous," Sam chuckled. "The poker only. Stunned me."
Janet froze. The still-conscious Sam rose, her features slowly changing back into those of Alan Harrison; his face still scarred by the hot water Sam had thrown at him. He laughed, shaking his head. "I could not. Have planned it better. Now that the. Feisty bitch is gone. I'll kill you. Slowly."
Janet kicked her foot, spraying gravel into the man's face. As soon as he was blinded by the cloud of dust and rock, she turned and ran back down the hill. Halfway down, she stumbled and began rolling.
She heard Alan cursing, following close behind. She made a mad dash for the lake, praying that if she could get into a boat she would be safe. She reached the dock, hearing the heavy footfalls behind her. Alan growled as he closed in on her. She could feel his hands as they brushed her back, almost close enough to grab her, but not quite. Suddenly, she realized her error.
When she had spotted Alan for the first time, he had been at the end of the dock. This dock. He hadn't been checking his boat. He had been releasing it. Janet was almost at the end, with nowhere else to run. She turned, seeing that all the other docks were also empty. The bastard! He had spent the night releasing all the boats as if he *knew* she would try to escape that way.
She stopped at the end of the dock, spinning to face him. He was so close it startled her, almost knocking her into the water. He grabbed her forearms and smiled. "I win."
Janet looked over his shoulder and said, "Don't count on it, asshole."
Alan turned in time to see a bloody-nosed Samantha Carter leap, her long arms grabbing him around the neck. Sam slammed into him, the force of her impact causing him to stumble backwards. His grip on Janet loosened and she fell to the wooden surface of the dock. Sam and Alan, meanwhile, arched gracefully off of the dock and hit the lake with a resounding splash. Janet got to her hands and knees, watching the water as it thrashed violently.
She knew her lover was in trouble, but didn't dare join the attack; if Sam got disoriented down there, the last thing she needed was a third person getting in the way.
The moment they hit the water, Sam was amazed by the alien's flexibility. It immediately began to writhe against her, squirming like a fish out of water to get free of her grasp. 'Damn water is right, you asshole,' she thought. If the water from the coffee pot had charred his face, what would a lake do? She held tight, determined not to let him escape. Sam felt her boots sink into the soft mud of the lake, holding onto the alien with all of her might.
Everything she had went into her arms as she clutched the alien. His teeth locked onto her shoulder, the weakened incisors trying to tear himself free. Sam threw herself forward, feeling the shock roll through her body as she landed facedown on the lake floor. She had pinned the alien beneath her, using her entire body to hold him in place. Finally, the alien's jaw dislocated and he released an ungodly howl as his skin began to deteriorate. Sam watched in fascinated horror as the human skin flaked away, disintigrating a few seconds after leaving the body. Soon, all that was left was a spindly red skeletal form. The alien stopped struggling. It's claw-like hands were locked around Sam's throat, it's face frozen in an expression of utter horror.
As the adrenaline wore off, Sam realized she had been underwater for almost four minutes. Clutching the alien corpse, she kicked her way to the surface and breathed in a welcome lungful of air. Janet was standing nervously on the dock and called to her when she surfaced.
Sam smiled, releasing the alien's body and letting it float to the surface next to her. The skeletal remains were already dissolving. "He's gone, Janet."
Janet dove into the water, swimming to Sam and embracing her. As they kissed, Janet began to laugh, then rested her head on Sam's shoulder. "God. What a morning, huh?" Sam managed to swim them both back to the dock without breaking the embrace, laying Janet on the sun-heated wood.
Sam laughed, jumping up next to Janet and laying herself on the dock. "Remember, babe... this was *your* idea of relaxation." She shook her head, a slight smile on her face. "And this is only the third day."
Janet sighed, laying next to Sam. "Speaking of which, noticed anything?"
"No," Sam admitted, searching for what Janet might be talking about. "What?"
"We've slept twice here. No nightmares about the Rakazsha. No flashbacks to Chahakae."
Sam sat up. "You're right. I haven't even thought about it!"
"And the way you handled Alan... or whatever that was... shows that you could handle yourself on missions. Samantha Carter, I do believe you are cured."
Sam glanced at the road. "We have to get back to the SGC and warn them... there could be others."
Janet stood, helping Sam to her feet. She picked at the t-shirt clinging to Sam's form. "We've got to get you out of these wet clothes first. Wouldn't want you catching cold, now would we?" She smiled mischievously.
Sam winked and took Janet's hand, walking back up the dock. They were halfway to the house when a huge black truck pulled to a stop next to their car. Sam reluctantly dropped Janet's hand when she saw who was climbing out of the truck. "Carter?! Doc? You guys okay?"
O'Neill and Teal'c slid down the hill, both armed and scanning the field. O'Neill waved for the women to come closer. "Come on... you guys might not be alone."
"We know, sir."
"You... know?" He frowned, lowering his gun slightly. "What do you know?"
"Some kind of... shape-shifting alien followed us up here and we, uh... We killed it, sir."
O'Neill sighed. "Carter, I drove two hours, breaking every law I could think of, worried out of my mind, and here I see you casually walking around and saying 'Oh, we killed that pesky alien, no worries.' A call might've been nice."
"Sorry, sir. No phones."
He sighed, turning to Teal'c. "Well... whaddaya say we stick around? Now that the danger is over, maybe we can have a barbeque."
Sam felt her heart drop and knew Janet felt the same way. Teal'c came to their rescue. "I must insist we do not remain. I am in need of kel'no'reem soon and do not possess the equipment to perform it successfully while we are away from the SGC."
Jack sighed. "Well, ladies... looks like you're on your own again. You, ah... you sure you got that alien guy taken care of?"
"Positive, sir. But... how did *you* know about it?"
Jack almost answered, but Janet held up a finger. "No! No talk about the Stargate for eleven more days. Colonel O'Neill, we will see you when our vacation is over. Good-bye, Teal'c." As the two men headed for the hill, Janet put a hand on Teal'c's shoulder and turned him around. "Thank you," she whispered.
He bowed slightly, smiling down at her.
As Teal'c climbed into the truck, Jack said, "Hey, didn't you go into kel'no'reem off-world once?"
"I do not know what you are referring to, O'Neill." He smiled mysteriously, adjusting his seat belt.
Jack looked through the windshield at the two women standing closely together, obviously talking and touching each other softly. He smiled. "Well... when ya gotta go, ya gotta go." He reversed down the gravel road and, soon, was back on the main highway and headed back to Cheyenne Mountain.
Two weeks later...
Daniel Jackson adjusted his arm in the sling, looking over his notes. He would be glad when the swelling in his eye went down so he would get the depth perception back. He slowly backed his head away from the paper he was trying to read, then moved closer. Sighing, he pushed the file away and stood. He would just try and read it later.
"Daniel? Jeez, what the hell happened to you?" He looked up to see Sam and Janet standing in the door of his lab, looking at him with concern. "And what are those blast marks all down the corridor?"
Daniel dropped back into his seat. "You picked a hell of a time to go incommunicado."
They entered and sat across from him, noticing a cut healing on his cheek. Daniel sighed. "Well. Where to begin? After you and Janet left for Lake Canton, SG-5 and Teal'c went back to P63-8X4 to investigate. Immediately a wind began blowing through the 'gate. We assumed it was benign, like the first one seemed to be. Unfortunately, en route back to the gate, Captain Collinsworth was killed."
"Oh, my God," Janet gasped.
"Lieutenant Paul Mazzur was blown back into the event horizon by the initial wind. He's been declared missing-in-action, but I think it's a safe bet that he's gone."
Janet looked stunned, but Sam just nodded sadly.
"Teal'c and Major Burdett both denied claims that there were people in the wind storm, but Dr. Parker swore that she saw them. She was given a psychological evaluation and declared to be fit for duty despite her claims. Unfortunately, we let the entire event go by unnoticed."
"The sling," Sam prodded.
"Right, I'm getting to that," Daniel promised. "Teal'c started reporting that someone was in his quarters while he was in kel'no'reem. A search turned up nothing, but Burdett agreed that he felt he was being watched. Teal'c was put into quarantine and 24-hour watch. It, ah... turned up something very interesting." He cleared his throat. "Apophis and a group of Jaffa appeared on base and began threatening to destroy the Stargate."
Sam tensed, but said nothing.
"Teal'c and Burdett seemed to be the target of the invasion force. When they attempted to draw Apophis away from the 'gate, they were pinned in a corner by the Jaffa. I, ah... unwisely decided to step in and try to help." He indicated his wounds. "My mistake, obviously. In the ensuing firefight, Teal'c's staff weapon caught a med cart on fire. The sprinklers came on and we realized how to stop the aliens. We assumed the first wind probably brought a similar alien with it and we sent Jack and Teal'c out ASAP to find you. Apparently, we underestimated your strength."
"You got it," Janet winked. "But I still don't understand. The first wind was carried here from an OUTGOING wormhole?"
"Yes, it was amazingly complex traveling system. Apparently the alien race could manifest itself as anything it wanted; Apophis, Jaffa, wind... radiated energy. They figured out, probably over millions of years, how to manipulate their molecules to travel backwards in the wormhole stream. It's really remarkable. Too bad we had to, uh... dissolve all of our test subjects. Otherwise we would have something solid other than just conjecture. It's really just a bunch of geniuses grabbing at straws without you to lend a helping hand, Sam."
Sam grinned. "Flattery gets you everywhere, Daniel. How's the rest of the base doing?"
Daniel smirked. "You remember Charlotte Parker? The civilian on SG-5? She, uh... I probably shouldn't say this, but I think she's started a little something with Dr. Roth."
Janet's eyebrows shot up. "Amy.... uh, Dr. Roth?" She smiled. "I'm glad for her."
Sam squeezed Janet's hand gently. "Me, too."
Daniel looked between the two women, then changed the subject. "Sooo... if Sam is cleared for duty after her little sojourn..."
Janet nodded. "Definitely."
"Hammond has a mission briefing set up for 0900 tomorrow. SG-1 is heading out around ten."
Janet stood and said, "Then I guess we have to make tonight count, wouldn't you say, Samantha?"
"I would, Janet."
Daniel turned away, turning back to the paperwork. "Military base, girls... military base. Cameras."
That was enough to drive them apart. "See you tomorrow, ladies."
Mark Burdett peered at the empty shot glass sitting in front of him, hoping that the power of his eyes would refill it. No such luck so far. Finally, he signalled the bartender and ordered another bottle.
"You better watch yourself, Major. Don't want to have a hangover on your next mission."
Mark turned, seeing Colonel Jack O'Neill walk across the bar and drop onto the stool next to him. "So... a man only drinks like this for two reasons; work or women. I'm guessing with you it's..."
"A little of both, sir. How do you do it, Colonel?"
O'Neill paused. "I assume you mean the 'work' part?"
Burdett smiled. "Of course."
"Well, it's tricky. You've just happened to get the short end of the mission stick. My first couple of missions... I was captured, held hostage, my best friend became a Goa'uld, I was infested with the 'Touched' virus... and that was just the start of many good years of bumps, bruises and Goa'uld hosts. It has it's up moments, Major. You just have to ride out the tough ones."
Mark sighed. "I don't know if I can, sir."
"C'mon, Burdett. After the run you've had, you're due for a mission of nubile young women whose religion insists that you stay and drink the local aphrodesiac. If you quit, you'll force Teal'c to visit that world. Believe me... he's no fun on the nubile young girl planets."
Mark chuckled. "Sir, I'll give it some thought. Thanks for listening."
"Not a problem, Major." He stood, adjusting his jacket. "Oh, and by the way, when you do find that nubile young woman world... make a note of the address for me, would ya?"
"Will do, sir. Have a nice night."
O'Neill slapped the young man on the back as he sauntered out of the bar, whistling a tune as he waved good-bye to the people he'd been drinking with.
Janet quietly pushed the door open, wincing as it squeaked slightly. She had been meaning to oil that hinge, but never got around to it. Looking into the dark room, she noticed the occupant hadn't noticed the sound. The hall light cast enough of a glow so she could navigate through the piles of dirty clothes and books that lined the floor. Sitting softly on the bed, she looked down at the form beneath the quilt. "Cass," she whispered. "You awake, honey?"
"Mom?" Cassie muttered, rolling over and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Tha' you?"
"Yeah. Sorry I woke you up."
"S'okay," the girl smiled, holding her arms up to Janet.
The doctor embraced her daughter, holding her tightly. "How were the past two weeks? Did you give Sara any trouble?" Sara was the woman Janet had hired to keep an eye on Cassie (although it wasn't technically baby-sitting, it made Janet feel better to know she wasn't leaving the girl alone).
Cassie smiled dreamily. "Sara made meat loaf. She put a smile on it like Sam's pancakes."
Brushing a strand of hair out of Cassandra's face, Janet teased, "I remember you pouting when I tried that."
"I did NOT pout," Cassie proclaimed. "And besides, it was different. You and Sam were fighting then." She looked down at her hands and said, "Everything's okay now, right?"
"Everything is perfect, hon. Sam is getting dressed for bed right now."
"In our house?"
"In our house," Janet confirmed.
Cassie pecked her mother on the cheek and said, "I wanna say good-night to her."
"Good thing," Sam said from the doorway, dressed in a pair of silk boxer shorts and pajama top. "Because I'm not going to sleep until I get my good-night kiss from you, short stuff."
Sam joined Janet on the bed and Cassie crawled into the blonde's lap. "I missed you, Sam."
"Imagine how I felt," Sam said, kissing the top of Cassandra's head. "Now get to sleep. Tomorrow is a school day."
"It's July, silly," Cass chuckled.
Sam glanced at Janet. "I thought you told her. Cass, I hate to inform you now, but we enlisted you in a special school. All year round. But the good part is, they teach mostly geometry."
Cass stuck out her tongue and said, "Fuh-nee!"
Janet picked Cassie up, albeit using a bit more effort than she used to, and laid Cassie back against the pillows. "Special school or not, you need sleep, hon. Get some rest." She pecked the girl on the forehead and moved to allow Sam to do the same.
The two women then linked arms and walked out, closing the door quietly behind them. In the hallway, Sam pulled Janet to her and kissed her deeply. When they finally broke for air, Janet breathed, "What was that for?"
"Nothing special. I just... wanted to kiss you."
"Don't let me stop you," Janet sighed. Their lips met once again.
For the first time in a long time, absolutely everything was perfect again.