Author: Geonn
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Georgia/Ally
Category: First Time
Disclaimer: None of them are mine. Just the situation (and not even that, completely).
Spoilers: "You Never Can Tell," "Theme of Life," "These Are The Days," "Worlds Without Love," "Drawing The Lines,"
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Notes: Some dialogue and scenes have been taken directly from episodes. They were written by David E. Kelley and I have no right to steal them. (And yet, I steal them anyway).
Summary: Ally uses Georgia as part of a scheme to rid herself of a blind date. But did she go too far?
Special Thanks to Hl for the banner.
"He may not be giving up," Elaine said, phone tucked against her shoulder, "but he's coming up."
Ally spun around, eyes wide. "What?"
"He's on the elevator," she explained.
Wally, the annoyingly dull little troll, was coming up to meet her after their hideous first date. Ally tried to slow her breathing but failed, desperate for a way out of this little relationship that her paramour seemed intent on exploring. She turned, scanning the room and locking onto Georgia's golden hair. "Georgia," she said, hoping she wasn't making a mistake. "In my office." To Elaine, she said, "Just bring him in."
Georgia put down her file, angrily following Ally's order, and headed into the office. Once inside, she turned and said, "What is it, Ally? I have a case to prepare for."
Ally took a deep breath, then said, "Um... just... follow my lead."
Without another word, Ally put both of her hands on Georgia's hips and pulled the blonde forward. Before Georgia could complain, her lips were occupied... captured by Ally's. Georgia was, for lack of a better word, flabbergasted. Instead of pulling away, as her instincts screamed for her to, she found herself clinging to the brunette. She rested one hand on Ally's hip, using the other to thread through Ally's straight hair, cupping the back of the other woman's head. She used the hand at her friend's hip to draw their bodies closer together, holding tightly to the petite laywer as they kissed.
She remembered conversations with Billy about games in the bedroom... had even once seriously considered letting Ally and Billy sleep together to get it out of their systems. One drunken night had led to Billy telling Georgia everything that Ally liked.
Georgia felt Ally's hand as it slid from her wrist to her elbow, stroking Georgia's upper arm through the yellow material of her jacket. A slight tilt of her head caused Ally's lips to part before they once again deepened the kiss. 'What the hell,' Georgia thought. 'Let's give it all we got.' She parted her lips as well, allowing her tongue to move across Ally's lips and dip momentarily into the other woman's mouth.
All too soon, they were interrupted by a loud crash. Georgia's jump and look of surprise were totally realistic; she hadn't even heard the door open. Elaine stood in the doorway, her mouth agape, standing next to Wallace Pike. The two women separated quickly, with a quiet, "Oh," from Ally. Georgia calmly smoothed her blouse, licked her lips, and casually headed for the door. With a quiet, "Excuse me," she slipped past Elaine and Wally and left the 'scene of the crime.'
Once she was out of sight, she pressed against the wall outside the door, taking a minute to catch her breath. She could still taste Ally's lips on her own. She blinked, glancing over her shoulder in time to see Wally making a bee-line for the elevators. Elaine chuckled and said, "Ding-dong, the bore is gone."
Georgia returned to the office, shaking her head as she gathered her things. "You owe me big time for that," she said, hoping Ally didn't know how much she had enjoyed it.
The other woman touched her lips and shrugged. "I don't know about that, Georgia. What was with the tongue?"
Oh, shit. Georgia chuckled, hoping to dismiss the tongue-thing, "I didn't give you tongue."
"I felt it."
Okay, try being indignant... "Oh, you wish!" she said.
"I got a little flitter."
Further argument was interrupted when Elaine cleared her throat from the doorway. Georgia took a breath, set her jaw, and glanced at Ally before asserting once more, "I didn't give you tongue." She picked up her briefcase and headed for the door, ignoring the signal from Elaine to check her lipstick.
Behind Georgia's back, Ally touched her lips again, smiling as she wondered just what that little flitter had meant...
Georgia put aside her novel without absorbing a single word she had just read. All she could think about was Ally... that kiss. Sure, it had just been a... an innocent kiss meant to drive away a boring guy. Billy came into the bedroom, glancing at her on the way to the bathroom. He offered her a quick smile, muttering "Hello" before disappearing into the bathroom. Georgia climbed out of bed, adjusting her pajamas as she walked back into the living room. The lights were all off, but she kept the bedroom door open to give herself a little bit of a glow.
Ally's number was on the speed dial, so she didn't have to look it up in the phone book or actually press the digits. Funny... a few days before she had been secretly fuming that Billy's ex-girlfriend was still on his speed-dial. Now she was glad for the convenience. She held the receiver for a moment, looking down at that ominous SD button. All she had to hit was SD-5 and she'd be talking to Ally. And saying... what exactly? "Hi, Ally, this is Georgia. Just wanted to tell you that the kiss we shared made me weak in the knees. Made me wanna throw you down and *really* convince Wally that you were a lesbian. That if Billy asked me to make love tonight, I would more than likely fantasize about you." She sighed, running her finger around the earpiece.
"Who you calling?"
She jumped, the proximity of Billy's soft voice surprising her. "Oh. I thought you were in the bathroom."
He half-smiled, chuckled and said, "Not anymore. It might take my grandfather twenty minutes to pee, but I'm a little quicker."
Twenty minutes?! Georgia hung up the phone and smiled at her husband. "I-I wasn't calling anyone." She brushed a hair out of her face and said, "Let's go make love."
Billy's face lit up, then he looked suspiciously at her. "It's... Monday."
"I know," she said, taking his hand. "I want to make love." She led him to the bedroom, closing the door behind them.
Two weeks later, at the offices of Cage & Fish, Georgia knocked on the open door of Ally's office. The waifish lawyer looked up, a pencil clutched between her teeth and her brown eyes wide. "Hey, Georgia," she said, straightening in her seat. "What, ah, what can I do for you?"
Georgia had planned this perfectly. "Um... Billy's getting back from that conference in Chicago tonight. We were wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner. Around six-ish?"
Ally frowned. "I thought that conference was going for another week?"
"They're, uh, they're calling a break. He just wanted to come home and see me."
Ally nodded. "Are you sure he doesn't mind making it a threesome?" Her face blanched. "I mean... um... do you think he'll want me there?"
Georgia ignored the other woman's faux pas. "He actually asked me to make sure you came." Okay, bad choice of words. "He wanted you there."
"Oh. Okay... sounds like fun. Six?"
"Yeah. Dress casually." She smiled, turning and slipping out of the office. Step one was complete.
Georgia left the offices a few hours early, telling Richard that she was feeling a bit under the weather. After muttering something about women and 'that time of the month,' he had sent her away. She had gone out and bought a knee-length skirt, mentally coupling it with a silk blouse she had hanging in her closet. By the time she finished showering, drying her hair, dressing and starting dinner, it was almost time for Ally to arrive.
At ten minutes past six, the doorbell rang. Georgia took a deep breath, resting her hand on the knob before she finally found the willpower to open the door.
Ally looked stunning; she had obviously left early as well; her hair was curled and she was wearing a dress Georgia had never seen before. She smiled, holding up a six-pack of Budweiser. "I know Billy doesn't like wine, so..."
Georgia stepped aside, allowing her friend inside. Confession time. "Actually... Billy won't be here. He... he was never going to be here." She bit her lower lip, then said, "I wanted to have dinner with you."
The dinner table was already set, three candles glowing dimly in the center. Ally turned and said, "Why'd you have to lie? We're friends... I would've had dinner with you."
"I know," Georgia said, moving towards the table. "It's just, ah... it's a little complicated. I wanted to talk to you about something and it's really hard for me to talk about." She motioned for Ally to sit and the thin woman complied, draping a napkin over her lap. "I want to talk about the kiss."
"Kiss?" Ally squeaked. "Uh... w-what kiss?"
"Our kiss," Georgia said. "In your office... when you were trying to scare off that Willy person."
"Wally," Ally corrected.
Georgia frowned. "I thought that you might have been thinking about it, too. I figured that's why you were acting so strange around me lately."
Ally smiled nervously. "No, no, no, I'm-I'm just a nervous person."
"Oh." Georgia looked down at her plate.
After a moment, Ally said, "What about the kiss?"
"I've just... been thinking a lot about it. It's been kind of... all-consuming lately. And I hate to admit it, but sometimes when I'm kissing Billy, I think to myself 'it's not like kissing Ally'."
The conversation had turned uncomfortable. "Oh. So... you're saying that you... want to kiss me again?"
"No!" Georgia said strongly. "No, I-- I... I don't know. I guess what I'm saying is that I want to make sure that it was nothing. The kiss in your office was so-so forced. I didn't have time to prepare. Maybe it was the shock that made it so appealing."
"So you want to kiss me again," Ally repeated.
"Yes," Georgia sighed. "But not right now. After dinner."
Ally leaned back in her seat. "Is this like... a date?"
"I'm married. We're both women. You're not even my type. No. This is not a date," she said firmly.
Ally nodded. "Agreed. So... what did you cook us for dinner?"
Georgia was slumped in the recliner, her legs thrown lazily over the arm of the chair. She was resting a glass of beer on her stomach, lazily tracing the rim with her finger. "All I'm saying," she said, her speech a bit slurred by the drink, "is that I feel like I'm closer to you than to my own husband. I mean, yeah... yeah, Billy and I tried to enhance our relationship by fucking on the conference room table, but... God, you were even *there* for that!"
"I was there for part of it, at least," Ally said, a blush rising in her cheeks. She rearranged herself on the couch as she recalled the shock of that night. She had innocently walked into the offices and caught Billy in mid-thrust, buried between Georgia's thighs. And oh, what thighs they were... She shook her head and looked into her glass. "My beer's almost gone."
Fighting her way out of the recliner, Georgia took Ally's glass and headed into the kitchen. "But my point is that you and I... you and I have *bonded*. Like the kickboxing class where we kicked the snot out of each other? Or-or going to that art class together to see--" She held her hands about a foot apart to indicate the size of the male model's member. "And Billy and I are just stuck in the same rut." She poured another can of beer into each glass, returning to the living room. "We seem to be going downhill while you and I are stronger than ever."
"But you're in counseling," Ally countered. "You're working to fix things."
Georgia plopped down on the couch next to Ally's legs. "Yeah, but that's not the same. I mean, I fight... and I fight... and I fight to love Billy. I mean, I'm going to the mat for this guy. And then with one little kiss, I feel so much for you that I've never felt with Billy. Ever. Not... not when I first met him in college or even after we were married." She turned, resting her chin on Ally's knee. "I used to be mad at him because he was still in love with you, but now... how can I blame him?
"The truth is, I get closer and closer to you as I drift away from him. Whenever you have a problem with him, who do you run to for a sympathetic ear? And the same goes for me! You and I both know that we're the only ones designed to deal with the jerk that is Billy Thomas." She sighed, shaking her head. "Lately, I've been wondering if my meeting him was just a-an impetus to meet you. Like fate used him to bring the two of us together." She turned. "Does that sound odd?"
Ally remained stock-still as Georgia pulled herself onto the couch, sliding across the cushion until their arms touched. Georgia leaned forward, her breath hot on Ally's face. Ally blinked quickly, glancing at the TV. "Um... do you wanna watch a movie or something to pass the time?"
Georgia was a hair's breadth away now. "What do you want to watch?" she whispered.
"Oh, um... there was a great Jimmy Stewart movie on AMC ton--mmph!" Her reply was cut off my a quick pressure from Georgia's lips. Ally gasped, her lips parting slightly and her tongue inadvertantly slipping forward. Georgia took this as an invitation and thrust her own tongue forward. The tongue slipped into Ally's mouth, exploring the interior of her cheeks and running along the sharp edge of her teeth before retreating.
Georgia pulled back, leaving Ally gaping with her tongue poking slightly out. "Now... *that* would be a little flitter," Georgia breathed, reminding Ally of her comment in the office after their initial kiss. She looked at Ally's lips, then self-consciously asked, "That... Um, was that...."
"That was..." Ally replied. "You have a very talented tongue," she added, blushing even as she said it.
Georgia bit her lip, standing up. "Do... you want to see the bedroom?" she asked, her voice shaky as she extended her hand. Ally looked at the five fingers as if they might be attached to a land mine. Slowly, she wrapped her own slender fingers around the offered hand, allowing the blonde to help her to her feet. Georgia stroked the smaller woman's hair and said, "I want to make love to you, Ally. Tell me right now if you have a problem with this... I don't want to know about how Billy might feel or if this is morally wrong. I want to know if you want me, Georgia, to make love to you."
Ally blinked, wrestling with this concept. Finally, she leaned forward and kissed Georgia's lips. Georgia released a tiny whimper, then pulled back. Ally whispered, "Make love to me, Georgia."
The two women walked to the bedroom as if they were simply heading to the elevator at the same time. Once in the bedroom, however, there was no mistaking their final destination. Ally swallowed, looking at the impeccable sheets and beautiful needlework hanging on the wall on either side of the bed. "I-I like the crochet pictures," Ally said dumbly.
"Thanks," Georgia whispered, her hands nervously resting on the buttons of her silk blouse. "I made them."
Ally took a step closer to the art, which brought her closer to the bed. "You *made* these? Wow..."
Georgia reached out, touching her friend's chin and turning her head so they were looking at each other. "Ally... I really don't want to talk about my crocheting. If that's... all right."
"It's-it's fine. Um... what did you want to talk about?" Stupid question.
Instead of replying, Georgia simply began to unbutton her blouse. Ally's brown eyes widened and moved to the ivory buttons that were quickly coming loose. She could see the tanned flesh that stretched from Georgia's throat to the top of her light blue bra. Ally swallowed, the 'gulp' echoing in the room. When she finished with the final button, Georgia let the blouse hang loose on her shoulders and leaned forward. Her hands remained at her sides as she kissed Ally again. 'I could get used to these lips if I'm not careful,' Georgia thought.
When they separated again, Ally's head was cocked to one side and her lips were still pursed. She finally sighed and said, "That was nice."
Georgia smiled and shrugged out of her blouse. "I've never been with a woman before," she admitted.
"N-Neither have I. Well... well, uh... I was kissed by Elaine once. And I faked an orgasm sitting on the couch with Renee. But other than that..."
Georgia just laughed, reaching up to stroke Ally's cheek. Her fingers drifted up, getting tangled in Ally's straight brown hair. Everything about Ally was so... normal. Okay, sure, she was a little on the thin side, but her hair was perfectly straight. She was plain, but not anyone that would make you sit up and take notice. Without her short skirts or near-patented hysterics, she was just another face in the crowd. 'So why the hell do I find myself unable to stop this before it gets out of hand?' Georgia asked herself.
Then she realized it was already out of hand.
Finally, Ally said, "Do... you want me to take my clothes off?"
God, she sounded like she was in a doctor's office waiting for a physical. "No," Georgia said softly. "I want you to take *my* clothes off."
Ally blinked, her heart racing. Slowly, she touched Georgia's face... letting her fingertips trail down the beautiful ivory column of the other woman's neck. She finally tore her eyes away from the blonde's baby blues, focusing on the shapely mounds filling the blue lace of her bra. Her nipples were visible through the lace, standing proudly below the material. "Wow," Ally breathed. She moved her hands to the clasp between Georgia's bra, trying not to think about the flesh she was grazing with the backs of her fingers.
The clasp came undone, suddenly baring the blonde attorney's breasts. Georgia quickly pulled the undergarment off, tossing it across the room and standing topless before her husband's ex-girlfriend. 'Today on Jerry Springer,' she thought sarcastically.
Ally, for her part, could barely keep herself breathing. Georgia's full breasts continued to rise and fall, but it seemed as if the rest of the world decided to pause for a brief commercial break. The coral tips of Georgia's breasts were erect, begging to be touched. "Keep going," Georgia prodded.
Reluctantly, Ally tore her attention from the bosom to the waist, eyeing the catch of Georgia's skirt. There was a short zipper hidden on one side and Ally found it, easing it down slowly. With the slack that created, the crisp material collapsed and slid helplessly down Georgia's shapely legs. She stepped out of the skirt, wishing she had something to blot her suddenly sweaty palms on. Ally rose again, taking in the sight of Georgia clad in only a pair of lacey panties. "You're gorgeous," she whispered.
Georgia looked away, apparently embarrassed.
"It's true," Ally asserted. "Do you remember a few months ago when I made fun of you for-for that 'Mirror, Mirror on the wall' comment you made in the unisex? When you said you were the fairest woman in the firm?" Georgia nodded slowly. "God, it is sooo true. Nelle, Ling... you're more beautiful than all of them put together. Hell, let's throw in the secretaries and-and temps while we're at it. That girl in the mail room that Billy and Richard were ogling..."
Georgia laughed, touching her fingers to Ally's lips. "Shh... Thank you."
Ally kissed the tips of Georgia's fingers. It was all starting to fall into place.
Georgia left one hand at Ally's lips, letting the smaller woman kiss and nibble her fingertips, snaking her free hand around to find the zipper of Ally's dress. She found it, stepping closer to tug the catch down. Georgia was now pressing intimately against Ally, the heat of her bare breasts transferring through the material. Georgia slipped a hand between the parted folds of Ally's dress, flattening her palm and sliding it from the dimples of Ally's rear end up to her shoulder blades. "No bra?" Georgia asked, a bit surprised.
"I, uh... no..."
Georgia stopped any further stammering by kissing Ally once more. Definitely becoming addicted to the mocha-flavor of Ally's mouth, Georgia thought. Pulling back slightly, she asked, "You remember our little coffee parties last year?" She nipped at Ally's top lip. "The first cup of the day... moaning together... getting so hot and bothered for that little bit of-of foam on the lip?"
"Uh... Uh-huh," Ally answered lamely. She couldn't take her eyes off Georgia's lips.
"I want to experience the real thing. Take off your dress, Ally."
Ally quickly complied, pulling the straps off her shoulders and letting the material crumple to the floor. All she wore below was a pair of normal cotton panties, a small wet spot forming between her legs. Georgia moved her hands, cupping one of Ally's breasts and forming her hand around the small mound. She could feel the pebbly nipple against her palm; it was quickly becoming erect. Georgia's lips parted as she realized she was arousing another woman... holding another woman's breast in her hand!
"They're not as nice as yours," Ally said, as if in apology.
"They're perfect," Georgia retorted, giving the captured breast an affectionate squeeze. "Hand-sized. Made to be squeezed." She pressed herself against Ally once more, pushing the petite woman backward onto the bed. Ally collapsed, hitting the mattress with a quiet 'Whumpf!'
Ally laughed out loud, a genuine laugh as oppossed to the self-conscious chuckles she usually released in the office. She rolled, showing remarkable strength as she rolled Georgia onto her back and pinned the blonde beneath her. She kissed Georgia's lips again, moving to target other areas of the blonde. Her teeth nipped the taut flesh of Georgia's shoulder, tasting the saltiness of the other woman's flesh. Georgia moaned as Ally fastened her lips around one nipple, playfully tugging on it as she looked up to gauge her friend's reaction. She switched to the opposite breast, sweeping her tongue across the plain of her torso.
What followed was an extensive sweeping of skin. Ally's mouth moved like a dervish, pausing to suckle or nip at certain parts before moving on. Georgia was amazed at her friend's intensity, but reasoned that someone who approached life so neurotically would certainly have a wild view on sex.
Georgia's chest fully explored, Ally dropped off the side of the bed (whether purposefully or accidentally is another matter) and maneuvered her way between the blonde's legs. Georgia gasped, propping herself up on her elbows and watching with fascination as Ally swept her tongue from Georgia's kneecap to the apex of her thighs. Billy had been all for oral sex, just so long as it was Georgia on her knees. He had never once offered to go down on her, which meant that was something left behind in her single days. Until now.
With a quick tug, Ally removed Georgia's panties and tossed them across the room, hungrily eyeing the newly bared flesh. A small patch of golden hair was all that remained between the other woman's legs, a blatant signpost pointing south for the inexperienced traveler. Ally, however, needed no directions. She took a deep breath, turned her doe-eyes to Georgia's, and ever-so-slowly lowered her head. She reached out with both hands, her thumbs pressing intimately against Georgia's folds and holding them apart, opening the blonde wide. Ally's tongue hovered within inches of contact, her eyes never leaving Georgia's as she flicked the tip of her tongue over Georgia's clitoris.
"GOOOOD!" Georgia hissed, her upper body going limp and flopping against the mattress. She laid still for the first few seconds, her blue eyes trying to focus on the ceiling above her bed. Sex with Billy lasted seventeen minutes, on the average. Seventeen... decent minutes. Seventeen minutes of kissing, stripping, spreading and thrusting. To Billy, foreplay was asking "How tired are you tonight?" To Ally, foreplay was making your lover beg for orgasm before either of you were fully undressed. Georgia gripped her sheets and moaned, "God, Ally... Yes, Ally..."
Ally's tongue was firmly entrenched inside of Georgia, her fingers holding the folds open wide. Georgia reached down, running her fingers through Ally's auburn locks. She pushed Ally harder against her pelvis, gritting her teeth as she pushed herself against her friend. 'I'm humping Ally McBeal's tongue,' she realized. 'What a day this has turned out to be...' Georgia parted her lips and her quiet gasp slowly escalated into a roar. Her eyes were squeezed closed, her teeth clenched and her toes - God, she thought that was just a myth! - her toes curling as they rose in the air behind Ally's head. She felt as if she were levitated, her entire body focused on that one tiny opening that was currently blocked by Ally's exploring mouth. With a loud cry, Georgia came in her friend's mouth.
Ally closed her eyes, pulling her tongue back and accepting all she could of Georgia's offering. Her mouth was filled, her lips and tongue numb when she eventually pulled away. She kissed first the inside of her friend's thigh, sliding her lips higher to again explore Georgia's stomach and breasts. Every kiss was close-mouthed, to preserve the treasure she held within. When she once again reached Georgia's lips, she kissed the blonde hungrily... and parted her lips.
Georgia's eyes flew open as her mouth was filled with her own juices, tasting herself for the first time. She cupped Ally's face, making sure the other woman stayed in place until she was done. Georgia swallowed several times, then swept her tongue over the inside of Ally's cheeks and over her tongue. She pulled out of the kiss, nibbling on Ally's lips and wanting to taste more. Ally brushed a strand of blonde hair out of Georgia's face, letting her fingers linger just above the blonde's eyebrows. Both hands moved down, the thumbs burrowing into Georgia's dimples. Georgia smiled and Ally bent in for a kiss. "Beautiful," Ally whispered.
"You're... like a completely different person when you make love," Georgia whispered, her lips pressed against Ally's cheek. "You don't stutter."
Ally smiled. "You haven't heard me orgasm yet," she said, playfully brushing the pad of her thumb over Georgia's bottom lip.
"Let's make amends for that," Georgia said, rolling Ally over once more.
'God, what a completely unbelievable dream,' Georgia thought, rolling onto her back and blocking the sunlight with her hand. Richard would probably have her ass for being late, but fuck him... after a dream like that, no one should go in to work on time. She slowly sat up, bundling the blankets around her nude form. She was missing Billy... and all those fantasies about Ally had finally come to a head, no pun intended. What a dream... what an amazingly realistic dream... She climbed out of bed, finding her pajama shirt and pulling it on before journeying into the living room.
She was fastening the last button as she entered the kitchen... and froze.
Ally was standing at the counter, wearing the dress she'd been wearing the night before, holding two mugs of coffee. "Hi, Georgia," she breathed, eyes wide in anticipation. "First cup of the day," she winked.
Georgia took the mug, placing it on the counter. "Ally," she managed, sitting on the stool and wishing she had pulled on pants. Or at least some kind of underwear.
"Hi," Ally said. "I figured... we should talk about last night."
Ally looked into her mug, as if trying to figure out what to say by reading the steam. "We both love Billy... too much... to hurt him like this. I-It would devastate him to learn that h-his wife and his ex-girlfriend have been... were... had..."
"I understand," Georgia said quietly. "But it was amazing!"
"But it can't happen again."
Georgia's eyes widened as she shook her head. "Oh, no. Definitely can't happen again."
Ally paused, cocking her hip towards the fridge. "I mean... it can't happen again... when Billy is in town." Georgia snapped her eyes back towards Ally. "I mean, technically... most of what happened last night happened... this morning. As in after midnight. Which means that... today would actually be the day we were pretending never happened."
"So if we did... something else today..."
"It would be like... the same as last night."
"When do we have to be at work?" Georgia asked, already undoing her pajama top.
Ally grinned. "I called Richard. We're off all day."
Georgia pulled the smaller woman in for a kiss, then hurried back into the bedroom. Ally followed with an excited whoop.