Title: First Kiss
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: R
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Note: Dedicated to Lynn for her birthday :-D
Summary: Just a short little vignette... Sam and Janet share their first kiss.
"So... I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"
Janet just nodded, fighting the urge to invite the blonde beauty in. Because coffee would lead to talking and talking would lead to kissing and kissing would lead to undressing and undressing would lead to sex and sex would lead to... Enough. Janet nodded again. "Yeah. Tomorrow. Do you want to--" Ah, it was out there. Had to finish it somehow. "Do you want to eat lunch together? Maybe, maybe bring something from the commissary to my office?"
Sam smiled. "I'd like that. Around noon?"
Janet said, "Sure. Noon is good."
"Well... good night."
"Yeah. Good night," Janet offered.
It was their first real date, not counting innumerable lunches and dinners spent in each others company. Despite the fact they'd gone on full-blown vacations together, despite the fact that they had practically raised a daughter together. Despite all that closeness, the fact that this was a Date with a capital 'D' meant awkward silences, unsure embraces and stunted good-byes.
Sam leaned forward, her hands lightly resting on Janet's back and pulling the petite woman into a hug. Janet closed her eyes, pressing her face against the taller woman's shoulder and enjoying the sensation of their bodies pressed together. She felt the weight of Sam's breasts through the blonde's thin blouse, felt the heat of the other woman on her skin. Sam was wearing perfume, something totally unlike the Major Carter seen at the SGC. So... feminine. Janet inhaled, closing her eyes and memorizing the scent as Sam's fingers played over her shoulders.
When they reluctantly pulled away, Janet looked up into Sam's blue eyes - she'd always been a sucker for blue-eyed blondes - and smiled, bringing her hand up to cup her friend's face. Sam was smling weakly, her lips parted. Janet pushed herself up on her tiptoes, feeling her shoes slip off the back of her feet as she stretched. Sam saw what was coming and eased her way into a slouch, tilting her head slightly and letting her eyelids droop.
Janet licked her lips, eyes locked on Sam's mouth as the distance between them closed. Janet paused, a molecule of space separating them, before Sam took the initiative. She swept her tongue out, brushing it over Janet's lips and closing the space between them at the same time. Janet's lips parted at the intimate touch and Sam slipped her tongue inside, pulling Janet closer. The brunette felt like she was a little kid stretching to reach a candy jar, her entire body taut and her weight balanced on her toes.
Sam slid her hands slowly up Janet's back, inadvertantly untucking and ruffling the shorter woman's blouse. Janet turned her head to the side, her nose brushing against Sam's in the move. Sam moaned quietly, her breath washing into and around Janet like a cloud. Sam had eaten a steak doused in A-1 sauce, but had tried to cover it with a few mints. The bittersweet mixture made Janet feel lightheaded. Sam flicked her tongue against Janet's teeth, one hand buried in the doctor's hair and the other tickling the back of her neck. Janet shivered as Sam played with the hair at the base of her skull, responding by sliding her hands down to Sam's slacks. She cupped the full cheeks of the blonde's ass, pulling her forward as she kneaded the flesh beneath the cotton.
The blonde wasn't wearing panties. Janet shivered at that revealtion, her entire body shaking as she pulled out of the kiss. Couldn't let it go too far... couldn't have sex on the first date, no matter how long they'd known each other. Mama Fraiser didn't raise her little girl like that. Janet slipped her mouth from Sam's, moving the kiss to the blonde's cheek. They fell back into their hug as Janet rubbed the tip of her nose against the tip of Sam's, remembering when her mom used to do the 'Eskimo kiss.'
"That was nice," Sam whispered, her cheek pressed against the top of Janet's head. She could smell the brunette's shampoo: strawberry. She inhaled slowly, letting her eyes drift shut. Her hands returned to Janet's hips, fingers hooked in the belt loops of Janet's blue jeans. "Cold out here," she commented. The night was cold, but it had nothing to do with her reluctance to release the smaller woman.
Janet pressed herself tightly against Sam, squeezing the taller woman before looking up. "It was," she agreed, reluctantly pushing herself away. "I'll see you tomorrow... at lunch?"
Sam looked a bit disappointed that she wasn't being invited in, then smiled. "Tomorrow. Agreed." She brushed Janet's cheek, her hand ending up on her shoulder. "I'll see you then."
Janet nodded, waiting until Sam got back into her car before going inside. She waved good-bye from the entry hall, then closed and locked the door. Alone in the sanctuary of her home, bathed in shadows, Janet released a long, quick, "Whoooo."
"That was *some* good-night kiss!"
Janet nearly jumped out of her skin, turning and scanning the shadows for the source of the voice. The hall light flicked on and Cassandra smiled at her from the foot of the stairs. "Cassandra Fraiser, you're supposed to be in bed!"
"All right, I'll go. But that was one intense liplock!" She walked across the hall, hugging her mother before heading to bed. As they embraced, Cassie quietly said, "She really loves you, Mom... doesn't she?"
Janet smiled. "Yeah. I think she does."
Cassandra stepped back, smiling broadly. "Cool. G'night, Mom." Cassie turned and hurried up the stairs.
Alone for real this time, Janet touched her lips and remembered the unique taste of Sam's breath. "She really loves me," she repeated. She took a deep breath, allowing a moment for that thought to be fully processed, then turned to make sure the door was locked before heading upstairs to bed.