Author: Geonn
Rating: PG13
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Drama, Angst, hurt-comfort
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Spoilers: None
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Notes: Well, this is indeed an old one. Wrote it, deleted it, found it again, forgot about it... there's so much dust on this one it could qualify as a dust bunny farmer. But rereading it, I think it deserves a chance at life. :D
Summary: Sam receives a frightening call.
Dedication: Every story is dedicated to someone, I think... But this one is specially dedicated to one special someone. But I don't know if it's okay to say her name... I asked her for a favor today and she, without hesitation, said yes. Even though she'd just done something for me...
So this is dedicated to Little Miss You-Know-Who-You-Are! ;-D
Jack O'Neill stared firmly ahead, eyes glued on the Stargate that was coming into view. His team followed behind him, forming a triangle as they marched through the field. Finally, Jonas broke the silence. "Sir, I honestly--"
"I," Jack snapped, cutting him off. "Do not... want to TALK... about it."
Jonas immediately shut up. Sam checked her watch, having to wipe mud away from the face to do so. They had reset their watches to the local time so they wouldn't be so confused, but hers had the ability to store up to seven other time zones. She pressed the fob on the side until it showed what she jokingly referred to as "Janet Time." It was 1730 in Colorado Springs, which meant Cassandra - the erstwhile sous chef of the family - would likely have dinner ready by the time Sam got home. She smiled and looked down at herself. 'That is... if the boys let me shower first...'
Teal'c dialed the Stargate and Sam dialed in her iris code before they stepped through. Hammond met them as they moved down the ramp, frowning at the state his team was in. All four members were completely caked in mud, head to toe. Their eyes were the only parts uncovered, probably protected by the goggles judging by the clean circles left behind. Jack pulled off his cap to reveal even his hair was caked with mud, returning to the brown color it had been when he first started going through the Stargate all those years ago.
"Colonel O'Neill..." Hammond said. "Care to explain?"
Jack sighed and glared at Jonas. "Well, Sir, the natural inhabitants were quite the pranksters. They asked Jonas if he'd like to meet the Mudders. Jonas misheard and thought they said 'mothers.' Jonas agreed. At which point we were attacked by several thousand balls of mud. I wanted to zat 'em and run, but... Carter wouldn't let me."
"They were just playing, Sir."
"I have mud in my eye," Jack said. "It's only playing until somebody gets mud in their eye. I'm going to the shower."
"Actually..." Sam spoke up. "Remember when you and I were stuck in Antartica? I let you have the first oh-so-hot shower? I barely had any steam left."
Jack narrowed his eyes at her. "You've been holding that card for over five years?"
"Yes, I have, Sir," Sam said, walking past him. "Looks like it's a good thing I did. See you boys in about thirty minutes." She chuckled as she walked out of the Gate Room.
Jack lifted his leg, the mud-soiled pants beginning to dry. "Great," he muttered. "Bein' punished for a long shower I took a whole President ago. Real fair..." He sighed and headed to his quarters where he could at least get into some clean clothes. He was pretty sure he even had mud in his boxers...
Sam tucked the end of the towel between her breasts and wiped the steam away from the mirror. She hummed softly as she ran a brush through her short hair, taking her sweet time. She couldn't count the number of times she had heard O'Neill and the others chit-chatting in their boxers when she had sand taking up residence in some very uncomfortable parts of her body. 'Serves them right,' she decided.
Finally, though, she did put on her boxer shorts and jeans, finding a sweater and putting it on, too. She still had her post-mission exam to do, but she'd had that done in civvies several times. She finally left the locker room, smiling at Jack as she passed him in the hall. "Hope you enjoyed your little revenge, Carter... I'll keep it in mind next time we go to a desert planet!"
She waved over her shoulder as she continued to the elevators.
The infirmary was deserted by the time she got there. It was 1800 on the dot and Janet's shift didn't end until 1900. So... where was she? She knocked on the office door and stuck her head in, smile vanishing when she saw Dr. Warner sitting behind the desk. "Oh. Um... hi, Dr. Warner. Have you seen Janet?"
"Yes, Major... she got called away. Asked if I could cover her shift." He adjusted his glasses. "Are you here for the post-mission exam?"
Damn it, Sam thought. Finding Janet would have to wait.
When the exam was done - it was just a cursory check for Goa'uld's and other little buggers the team occasionally brought back with them - Sam returned to her unofficial lab and took a seat. She picked up the phone to call home and, as she was dialing the number, an airman entered. "Major Carter, I was supposed to tell you this as soon as you got back."
Sam pushed down the button on the phone, ending the call and hanging up. "Yes, Airman?" she said.
"Dr. Fraiser wanted me to let you know that she wouldn't be home and to call her as soon as possible."
Sam felt a cold chill starting in the pit of her stomach and rising to the back of her neck. Her hair felt like it was standing on end, as if she had just been zatted. "O-okay. Where can I reach her?"
The airman's face fell. "Oh. She... she didn't say."
"That's all right, I'll just try her cell phone."
The airman left and Sam grabbed the phone again, dialing her lover's familiar number. After eight rings, she hung up and stared at the phone. Janet never, ever turned off her cell phone. And she never let it ring eight times. Finally, she dialed the number for their house. She got the answering machine and punched in her code to hear the messages. One new message was recorded and the machine told her the number was 555-2032. Sam almost cried when she heard Janet's tear-filled voice say, "Sam?! Sam... oh, where are you?"
And that was it. No new information. She hung up and looked around the office. Janet was in trouble. She dropped off her chair and hurried out of the lab, running towards the elevators.
Jack sauntered out of the elevators and started towards the parking garage. "Gentlemen," he said, tilting his head to the guards standing watch. "Did Major Carter come through here?"
"She's right over there, Sir," one of them said, pointing in the direction of Officer's Parking.
Jack lifted two fingers in thanks and walked that way, seeing Sam immediately. She was standing by a beautiful vintage Volvo, acar the colonel lusted after almost as much as he lusted after the driver. "Carter," he said. "Hammond generally likes *everyone* to be at the briefings, so... ya know, school isn't out yet."
Sam didn't say anything, just kept staring at the driver's side door.
"What happened? Someone scratch your car?" The truck on the driver's side of Sam's space was Siler's. Ooh, the sarge was gonna hear about this. He reached the back bumper and looked for himself. No scratch. Siler's ass was safe. "Carter? You okay?"
"I forgot my keys," Sam said. "In my lab."
Jack shrugged. "And you can't go get them... because... your lab..."
"Janet is hurt," Sam said. "Janet is... something's wrong with Janet. I have to go find her, but I forgot my keys."
The Colonel winced. "Any idea where she's at?" he asked. She shook her head. "Hop in," he said, motioning towards his truck. "I'll drive you." He turned and called to the guards. "Hey, fellas! Call Hammond, tell 'im Carter and I had some business to take care of. We'll brief him when we get back." He waved to them and led Sam to his truck.
She climbed into the passenger side as Jack walked around. "Any ideas where she's at?" the Colonel asked.
Sam shook her head and relayed the phone message to him. "She's God-knows-where and she needs me." She shook her head. Why hadn't she just said where she was?! She sighed and rubbed her forehead, looking out the side window at the world going by. Whenever they stopped at red lights, Sam would look around and see where they were. She gave him directions every now and then, subconsciously leading him to some of Janet's favorite haunts.
As they were passing a convenience store, Sam suddenly whipped out her cell phone and punched in a number. "God, a pay phone," she said, shaking her head. "The number on the answering machine. She was calling from a number I'd never heard of. It had to be a pay phone!" She dialed the number and listened. Nothing. She grunted and hung up. "Why would she call from a pay phone? Did something happen to her cell?"
"Maybe she had to turn it off," Jack suggested.
"Janet never turns off her phone."
"Maybe someone made her turn it off."
Sam trembled. It would explain why she hadn't said where she was. It would explain why the message was so short. But it wasn't something she wanted to consider. "Why would she leave the base willingly to be kidnapped? I mean, where would you go in today's world where you'd have to turn off... A hospital," Sam realized. "S-she's in a hospital!"
Jack hit the brakes and pulled to the side of the road. A car passing gave them a one-fingered salute and Jack returned it. Sam dialed the number again, this time letting it ring until someone answered. "Hello?" a woman said.
"Hello, who is this?"
"This is Daisy, who is this?"
Oh, God help me, it's a kid. "Daisy, listen carefully. Where's your mommy or daddy?"
"Mommy's having my brother!"
Fighting back the urge to snap at the kid, Sam said, "Okay, okay, honey, is there someone standing around in a white lab coat? Someone older?"
"Yeeeees," Daisy said.
"Okay. Can you give them the phone, please? Tell them it's important."
There was no response. "Daisy? Daisy, hello? Are you there?"
After a second, a man said, "Hello, who is this?"
"Hello! This is Major Samantha Carter, with the US Air Force. I-I need information. I need to know where you are."
"You mean directions to the hospital?"
"Yes... no. Wait, what's the name of the hospital?"
"St. Jude's."
Sam resisted the urge to shout in victory. "Colonel, do you know where St. Jude's is?" He nodded. "Thank you. We won't need directions." She hung up, tossing the phone onto the dashboard in victory.
After a moment, Jack asked, "Why didn't you ask him if Fraiser was a patient there?"
Sam wanted to kick herself.
Sam rushed into the hospital, looking around. Finally, she spotted a nurse's desk and ran up to it, nearly hurtling the counter in her haste. "I need help!" she said, trying to get the attention of the nurses milling around. One of them approached. "What's the problem?"
"I need to know if you have a patient here named Fraiser, F-R-A-I-S-E-R." Sam watched as the woman typed "SIE" and said, "NO!" She repeated it slower, making sure she knew that it wasn't spelled like the popular sitcom.
Finally, the nurse reported, "Yes, we have a Fraiser."
"What room?"
"Are you family?"
Sam wished she had a zat. A zat, my kingdom for a zat, she thought. Before she jumped the desk and throttled the woman, she heard, "Sam?!"
She turned and saw Janet standing in the entrance of a long corridor, her uniform blouse unbuttoned at the collar, looking a little worse for wear, but standing on her own. Sam cried, "Janet!" and rushed the petite woman. She crushed the brunette in a hug, whispering into her hair as they held each other. "I thought you were hurt. I thought... I thought the worst. My poor Janet, my lovely sweet Janet," she said, brushing down her lover's hair.
"Honey, I'm not hurt but I still need oxygen..." Sam released her embrace a bit, leaving her hands on Janet's hips. The doctor spotted O'Neill near the waiting area. "Colonel O'Neill is eight feet behind you," Janet growled, trying to tone down Sam's reaction.
"I don't care. I'm just so happy you're okay. God, I was so worr..." She froze. "Who is the patient?" Janet's family lived in Oklahoma. The only other possible Fraiser who could be in the hospital was--
"Cassandra was hurt." Sam felt the dread coming back into her, but Janet touched her neck and it vanished. Sam leaned into Janet's caress and allowed the doctor to finish speaking. "She was in a car accident with her friend Amelia. Amelia was driving and she's got some bruises from the steering wheel. And Cassie's okay, she just has a broken leg. They're going to let us take her home tonight."
"And everything's okay?"
Janet nodded. "Come on." She took Sam's hand, leading her to the door of Cassandra's room. As Sam went in, Janet glanced at O'Neill. He smiled a bit then waved her to continue inside. Janet waved back and followed Sam in.
Cassandra was sitting up in bed, reading a magazine. There was a white bandage marking her forehead and the cast on her leg was elevated by a sling. She looked up as Sam entered and groaned, "Uh-oh."
"'Uh-oh' is right, young lady. Just what exactly were you thinking? Were you wearing a seat belt?"
"Yes," Cassie said, sheepishly.
"Was Amelia driving recklessly?" No answer. "What were you thinking getting into a car with someone who drives recklessly? Didn't I teach you better than that?" Cassandra bit her lip. Sam shook her head and embraced the girl. "Don't ever scare me like that again, do you hear me?"
Cassie returned the hug. "I promise. I'm sorry."
Sam brushed the girl's hair and said, "You're not forgiven yet... but I'm happy you're okay."
Janet sat on the other side of Cassie's bed and took the girl's hand. "Dominic was here to see her," the doctor smiled.
Sam raised an eyebrow and glanced at the sling holding the girl's leg airborne. "Did he sign your cast?"
Janet giggled. "He almost cried. He thought Cassandra was on the verge of death."
"I think it was sweet," Cassie argued weakly. "He's going to carry my books while I'm on crutches."
Sam brushed Cassie's hair and kissed her forehead. "Don't let him go, Cassandra. Ask him out, okay? I promise your mom and I'll behave. Just don't let him go."
Cassandra nodded and managed a smile. "I really like him."
"He adores you, it seems," Sam chuckled.
"I won't be able to cook tonight," Cassie said suddenly, effectively changing the subject. "Can we stop by some fast food place and pick something up?"
Sam glanced at Janet and shrugged. "I'm sure that'd be okay." After a moment, Sam said, "I want to talk to Janet alone for a second, okay kiddo?" Cassandra nodded and the two women walked across the room. Pressing her forehead to Janet's and cupping the back of the smaller woman's head, Sam whispered, "I... am furious with you."
"Why?" Janet asked, genuinely confused.
"You run out of the base, you leave me nothing to let me know where you are... I thought you were hurt or dead or kidnapped or..." She closed her eyes and a few tears rolled out. "You scared me to death, Janet."
"Ooh, honey," Janet sighed. "I'm so sorry. I was just... I was beside myself with worry about Cass before I knew she'd be okay. I was meaning to call you, but... I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry, honey."
Sam pressed herself tight against Janet and said, "I'd die if anything happened to you."
"I know," Janet whispered. "I know, I know... forgive me?"
"Will you spend the night making it up to me?" Sam asked, smiling through her tears.
Janet grinned. "Your wish is my command..." She lightly kissed Sam's lips, unaware of O'Neill standing in the doorway of the room.
Jack trailed in behind Sam, watching for signs of other people from the base. Sam moved faster than he'd ever seen her move off-duty, nearly attacking the poor woman behind the nurse's desk. There was a bit of a scuffle about the spelling of Janet's name, but the nurse finally admitted they did have a patient named Fraiser. Jack saw her first; Janet Fraiser was walking from the snack area towards a hall of rooms. She was still in uniform and didn't seem injured... the doctor rubbed the back of her neck, then turned slightly and saw the ruckus. "Sam?!" she asked, relief evident in her voice.
Sam spotted Janet and flew across the room; Jack was certain her feet didn't touch the ground once until she had the petite brunette in her arms. "Janet!" Sam cried, holding the woman tightly. Jack watched them whisper back and forth, then start back towards a patient room. He trailed behind and saw Janet look at him questioningly. He waved her into the room and she smiled, waving back.
He'd known for quite some time that Sam and Janet had something going on outside of work. But he had no idea it was to this extreme. He quietly approached the door and peeked in. Cassandra had a broken leg, it seemed. The two women were sitting on either side of the bed, talking in hushed tones and giggling occasionally. They were a family... something he'd had once and lost. He blinked back a tear and leaned against the wall, forcing himself not to think about Charlie and Sara. He rubbed his face and peeked back in, feeling slimy for spying on a family moment.
Cassandra was back to her magazine, but Sam and Janet had moved across the room. Sam was hunched over, her forehead against Janet's and her hand rubbing the back of Janet's neck. They were talking quietly, Janet's hands resting lightly on Sam's lower back. Sam took a step forward and Janet copied the move. They were pressing together softly, their words still inaudible. Janet then tilted her head up and kissed Sam's lips.
Jack winced as if a gun had gone off in the room. In a way... one had. That kiss could've been the smoking gun to end two brilliant careers. Jack shook his head and stepped back. None of his business. None of his business...
He had sat down on the floor when Sam finally exited the room, a dollar bill in her hand for the snack machine. "Oh," she said upon seeing him. "Sir, you're still here."
"Yup," he said, standing up and grimacing at the pain in his knees. "Wanted to make sure everything was okay. Is... everything okay?"
"Yes, Sir. Everything's fine."
Jack stepped closer. "What I saw in that room could end your career. You know that, don't you?"
Sam stiffened. "I'm fully aware of it, Sir."
He pursed his lips, then said, "Don't let it end. If you love her... don't worry about your career. You got it?"
Sam was shocked by how close his advice matched the advice she'd given to Cassandra. "I understand, Sir." He looked at the doorway and saw Janet standing there, watching them.
"You two... take care of Cassandra." He grinned and said, "I'm gonna go back to the base. Fill Hammond in. You'll be okay here?"
"Yes, Sir," Sam said. "Thank you. For your advice."
He nodded and said, "Any time, Carter. Doc... See you guys later." He stuck his hands into his pockets and made his way to the exit.