Dry Run
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Season: 4
Category: Romance, First Times
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I even borrowed the letters that make up the words.
Spoilers: "Entity," "The Broca Divide"
Notes: The first half of this story takes place sometime around "The Curse," but there are no spoilers for that specific episode. The second half takes place during and after the episode "Entity" and this contains massive spoilers for that episode. Scenes and dialogue that may sound a teensy bit familiar were lifted from the episode "Entity." The episode, like everything else about Stargate, does not belong to me.
Summary: Janet asks Sam for a favor, which puts the major in an uncomfortable position.
Chapter One
"Sam!" the doctor called, spotting her friend leaving the commissary. Janet stood, placing her tray on the counter and hurrying out into the corridor. Sam had apparently not heard her friend and was still walking. "Sam, hold up!"
The blonde finally turned, smiling at the petite woman approaching her. "Hey, Janet. What's going on?"
Janet paused, then smiled. "I... have a favor to ask you." She ushered Sam into the elevator and waited until the doors closed to begin speaking again. "I have a date."
Sam's eyes widened. "O-Ooh, the doctor has a suitor? Anyone I know?"
The doctor blushed, rubbing the back of her neck. "No. He works at Cassandra's school. He asked me out and... without even thinking, I said yes."
"Without thinking?" Sam chuckled. "What is there to think about? You haven't been on a date since I've known you! It's about time you started... sowing those wild oats of yours."
"That's... kind of the problem," Janet explained. "Y'see... I'm a little nervous about the whole thing. Do you know I haven't been on a date in almost eight years?!"
Sam's jaw went slack. "Eight..."
Janet held up a hand, quieting the major. "Five of those years, may I remind you, I was married. And when I finally got ready to start dating again, Cassandra shows up and... I guess what I'm saying is, I may need a little reminder of the dating process."
The doors opened and the ladies stepped into the corridor. They fell into step beside each other as they walked towards the infirmary. "It's like riding a bicycle, Janet. You never forget how to court someone."
Janet sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I know, but there are some things I could be reminded of... like restaurants. Do you know how long it's been since I went to a nice restaurant? Which is where you come in."
Sam frowned. "How is this where I come in?"
"I want to do a... dry run of the date with someone. Just to test the waters to make sure I'm not too nervous on my date. If I asked O'Neill, I would never hear the end of it. With Daniel and Teal'c, they'd be more nervous than me. And General Hammond... let's just say I get enough odd looks from my neighbors. So... I guess what I'm asking is... would you like to accompany me on a fake date?" She smiled, then said, "If nothing else, it'll refresh you on a few things as well."
Sam pursed her lips, leaning against the entrance to the infirmary. "Who's paying?"
"My treat," Janet said, rolling her eyes.
The blonde brightened. "Great. I'll pick you up at seven. Wear somethin' sexy." She winked and turned back into the corridor, leaving the doctor to her work.
"I'll take Dumb Moves for $500, Alex," Sam muttered as she slipped into the chair positioned in front of her computer. She rested her head in her hands, trying to determine what had possessed her to agree to the date. The woman she had secretly harbored romantic feelings for had asked her out on a date and, by some insane logic, she had agreed. The only problem was that Janet's intentions were anything but romantic. She just wanted to make a good impression on her *real* love interest. A man, Sam reminded herself.
She turned on the computer and sat back, waiting for the machine to boot up. Maybe the night wouldn't be as bad as she feared... maybe they would just go out, have a good time and go their separate ways. And Janet's date the following evening would go off without a hitch and she'd get married and Sam would lay awake at night wondering 'what if'? She leaned forward and began going through the motions of filling out a mission report.
By the time she finished, she decided that she would go through with the faux-date and help Janet. 'She deserves to be happy,' the blonde told herself. 'If that means being with someone else, I'll have to be the bigger person.'
She closed the report she had been working on and pulled up a photograph she had scanned into the computer. They had taken the photo on the first anniversary of Cassandra's arrival on Earth. Janet was standing next to the girl wearing a virtually paper-thin sundress and Sam was on the other side in a white t-shirt and jeans. The photo had been taken on Sam's camera and, upon developing the photos, she had secreted this one away. No one else had seen it for one simple reason; the light filtering through Janet's dress made it nearly transparent. The outline of her underwear was clearly visible, as was the dark patch of hair between the petite woman's legs.
Sam always felt a little uneasy looking at this photo, looking at her friend this way, but she couldn't help herself. She stood and went to the door, turning the lock before returning to her chair. She loosened the fastener of her fatigues and lowered herself, keeping her eyes locked on the image of Janet as she slipped her hand below her belt.
Sam pulled up to Janet's house in her classic car, nervously checking her make-up in the rear-view mirror. She had taken almost three hours changing in and out of clothes for this date. While she didn't want to look *too* appealing (and therefore desperate), she did want to make a good impression on the doctor. She had decided on a tuxedo shirt with a pair of black slacks. She also wore a diamond-encrusted broach she had received from her mother on her eleventh birthday. It was, her mother had explained, a good-luck charm. Sam hoped it worked tonight.
She climbed out of the car and nervously went up to the front porch, adjusting her hair as she went. She had curled the ends so that they framed her face. It would be hell showing up to work like this, but she decided it would be worth it. Taking a deep breath, she pressed the doorbell and listened to the bells sound inside.
Inside, the sounds of quick movement began as the doorbell faded. The door opened and Cassandra smiled out at the blonde. "Hi, Sam." She stepped outside, quickly closing the door behind herself and leaning against it. "What's new?"
"Um... Hi, Cassie. Is your mom in?" She tried to peek through the glass window at the top of the door, but Cassie raised her hand and blocked her view. "Is everything all right?"
The girl smiled. "Surrrre," she said, drawing the word out. "Mom's just a little... unprepared. She took a quote-unquote nap today and overslept."
"Oh," Sam smiled. "Well... I'll be happy to reschedule."
Cassie straightened. "No need for that. She'll be good to go in about ten minutes. You wanna wait?"
Sam shrugged. "Sure. Lead the way."
The girl opened the girl and led the major inside. As they passed the staircase on their way to the living room, Sam glanced up... and lost ability to think. Janet was rushing up the stairs, a towel wrapped loosely around her nude body. When the doctor was high enough, Sam could see the doctor's bare butt between the flaps.
She blushed and continued into the living room, seeing that Cassie had already claimed a seat on the couch. She sat beside the girl and began looking through the magazines arranged on the table. "So... your mom has a date, huh?"
"Yeah," Cassie smiled. "With Mr. Schroeder." She laughed the man's name, falling back against the couch. "She's going to be *so* miserable, it's not even funny."
"If it's not funny," Sam said, raising an eyebrow, "why are you laughing?"
Cassandra chuckled, "Because. Mr. Schroeder is *soooo* boring!! I feel really bad for her, but I can't wait to hear what happened!"
Sam playfully slapped the girl's knee. "Now, now, Cass. If she and this guy fall in love, he'll be your dad. And you don't want to be laughing at him, now would you?" She had to force herself not to shudder at the thought of Janet being married again.
The girl sighed. "If she marries him, she'll be Janet Fraiser-Schroeder... and I'll be Cassandra Schroeder." She wrinkled her nose at the thought. "If it comes to that, I'll just come live with you."
Sam wrapped around the girl. "I'd love to have ya, kiddo. But I could never take you away from your mom. She just loves you too much." She sighed and said, "Though I really can't figure out why."
Cassie ignored the tease, sighing, "Oh well. If only you could live here with me and her, it'd all be perfect."
Sam tensed slightly, briefly allowing herself to picture the scene. Living in the same house, seeing each other morning, noon and night... She closed her eyes and said, "I wonder what's taking your mom so long..."
"We've talked about that, Cassandra, and you knows it's impossible."
Sam stood, turning towards the door to see that Janet had finished dressing. 'They've talked about this?' Sam asked herself. She shunned all coherent thoughts, focusing only on her friend. The doctor's hair was up, the ends curled slightly as Sam's were. She was clad in a form-fitting red dress that accentuated her chest and hips, leaving plenty to the imagination (but promising oh, so much more). She tugged on the strap of her dress, allowing Sam a glimpse of the black bra strap hiding below. The blonde licked her lips and said, "You look great... I wish I had brought flowers."
Janet grinned. "Flirt. I decided on Remy's tonight... that way on my real date, I can order the most expensive thing on the menu without looking and feign ignorance." She turned to Cassandra and her mother-face immediately slid into place. "I will be calling home. I will not tell you what time. I may call more than once, but I *will call*. There will be no loud music in the background, there will be no boys in the background. If I am feeling particularly evil, I will call the neighbors and ask them what you're doing. Do you understand?"
Cassie smiled and nodded.
Sam shivered. "Gee whiz, Ma... none of the other kids are--"
Janet shot the blonde a look that made her shut up. Then, in an instant, date-Janet was back. She smiled sweetly and said, "So, shall we?"
Sam took her friend's hand and moved to the front door. "Piece of advice Number One: Don't do that on your real date."
At a red light, Sam glanced at the passenger seat and noticed that Janet was fidgeting. "You okay?"
The doctor sighed, brushing her hair behind one ear. "I-- Yes. It's just that I picked you for my test date because I was positive that nothing would happen between us."
Janet continued, "But I still feel nervous... like I'm trying to win your approval. I know it sounds weird, but this feels so much like a real date that I'm... nervous and uneasy."
Sam reached across the console, taking Janet's hand and rubbing the doctor's knuckles. "Hey... you don't have to worry about impressing me. I'm already impressed. Believe me, the only person nervous on this date will be that Mr. Shredder guy."
"Schroeder," Janet corrected. "Cass told you 'bout him, huh?"
The light turned green and Sam rolled through the intersection. They were almost to Remy's. "Just that he's *so* boring. What do you have to add?"
Janet looked out the window and, for a moment, Sam didn't think she was going to answer. Finally, she said, "Do you remember Bo Duke on the 'Dukes of Hazzard'? The tall, lanky blonde guy?"
Sam smiled. "Ooh, yeah," she said, pretending she hadn't paid more attention to Daisy.
"He looks kind of like that, but with sad puppy dog eyes. Just... so irresistable." She sighed. "And he's six-eight."
Sam's eyes widened as she pulled into the parking lot. "Six... eight... as in six foot--"
"Eight inches," Janet nodded. "He towers over me like you wouldn't believe. I mean, if we ever have sex, it'll be like I'm trying to climb... Mount... Everest... Oh, my God, I can't believe I just said that." She covered her face, obviously embarrassed.
Sam parked the car and touched her friend's shoulder. "C'mon... let's go get you some lobster. But," she opened her door, "stay right where you are." She climbed out and jogged around the back of the car, pulling the passenger side door open and helping the petite doctor out.
"Well, well," Janet beamed. "Manners."
"Of course," Sam said, faking an English accent. "I am not just some awful rock-em, sock-em soldier woman." She kissed the top of Janet's hand and added, "I am always well-mannered to beautiful women."
Janet blushed as Sam's lips came in contact with her hand and she subtly looked away. Sam stepped forward and said, "C'mon... let's get in there before all the good pinchers are taken."
Deciding to ignore the kiss, Janet eagerly followed Sam into the restaurant.
As they stepped inside, Janet was aware of a quiet snap as every head in the place turned and looked at them. She felt slightly embarrassed, brushing a phantom hair from her face and stepping in behind Sam. She was glad the other woman was so tall; it allowed her to hide more completely.
Sam looked back, half-smiling. "Hey, Janet... what're you doin' back there?"
"Uh," the doctor said, trying to ignore all the eyes on her. "Nothing." She straightened, looking at the host's podium. "We, uh... we wait to be seated?"
"I guess so," Sam said, clutching her purse in front of her.
Janet looked at the small accessory. She had never once seen Sam with a purse and could barely imagine her with the small bag slung over her shoulder. Perhaps this tomboy soldier was more woman than Janet had thought. At that thought, Janet inadvertantly conjured up an image of Sam prancing across a field in high heels, trying to apply lipstick as staff weapons exploded all around her. She giggled, covering her mouth.
"What?" Sam whispered.
"Nothing, nothing," Janet assured her, waving it off.
A tall man in an expensive tuxedo practically swung around the corner, his perfectly coiffed hair and neatly trimmed mustache making him look French. He slid a hand into his jacket and smiled courteously. "Why, hello!" he said in a fake French accent. "I am Jean-Pierre and welcome... to Remy's!" He made the name of the restaurant into two syllables, his nose turned up at them.
Sam smiled sweetly. "Um... we'd like a table for two, please. Non-smoking."
Jean-Pierre bowed and said, "But of course. Walk this way." He turned and moved towards the back of the restaurant in a disgustingly haughty manner.
Janet grabbed Sam's forearm and said through clenched teeth, "Don't you *dare* do that old joke!"
Sam smiled and said, "As you wish, madam." They walked through the restaurant after the host, Sam restraining the urge to mimic his hilariously arrogant moves. He stopped by a small table that overlooked a large picture window. Outside, they could see cars speeding by on the freeway. He held Janet's seat out for her, noticing that Sam took her own seat. He snapped twice, calling forth a tuxedo-clad waiter. The younger man took their drink orders - a beer and a Diet Coke - and disappeared into the kitchen.
Once they were alone again, Janet glanced at the room and tried to hide herself behind the menu. "Date advice Number Two... Dress down next time."
Sam looked up, scanning the restaurant. "Wow," she whispered. "You certainly got everyone's attention, didn't ya?" She paused, then said, "Date Advice Two... dress sexier next time."
Janet's eyes widened. "Are you *kidding* me?!"
"No, no, don't you see?" She motioned to the people staring, causing them to look away when they realized they'd been caught. "Every eye is on you... You're the most beautiful woman in the room. Slapper will *love* that."
Janet cocked her head to one side, eyeing the blonde skeptically. "First off, it's Schroeder. Second, are you serious?"
Sam nodded emphatically. "Of course! Every guy dreams of being with the girl everyone wants."
"No, no, I know that," Janet said. She rested her hand on her cheek and meekly asked, "The part about... the most beautiful woman in the room."
Sam swallowed sharply, saved from answering when the smiling waiter returned with their drinks. Sam told him they hadn't had time to look at the menus and he disappeared again. When she looked back at Janet, she saw that the brunette's dark chocolate eyes were still locked on her. The doctor blinked, then repeated, "Am I?"
Sam smiled. "Arrogant, aren't we? Yes, Janet. You're the most beautiful woman in this room." Under her breath, she added, "And in most other rooms."
Janet felt a crimson blush rise to her cheeks as she picked up her menu. "I see they don't have lobster here..."
Sam smiled as she watched Janet work her knife and fork. The brunette diligently cut her steak into five vertical strips, then deftly split each strip until she had a plate-full of small squares of meat. She looked up, finally seeing that she was under heavy scrutiny. She smiled self-consciously. "What?"
"I don't know," the blonde shrugged. "You don't see many adults doing that so expertly."
Janet blushed. "I used to do it for Cass right after I adopted her. The mother in me coming out, I suppose. Plus, being a doctor, it makes me *very* precise about things like cutting flesh. Even dead flesh." She speared a square, dipped it in her steak sauce, and popped it into her mouth. "It's delicious."
Sam looked down at her salmon, suddenly wishing she had ordered steak. Looking again at the doctor's plate, Sam meekly said, "It *does* look good."
Janet speared a piece, sauced it, then extended the fork across the table. "Take a taste."
"No," Sam smiled, suddenly nervous about fellow patrons seeing them.
"C'mon," Janet prodded. "It's wonderful."
Sam leaned forward and captured the meat between her lips, pulling it free from the utensil. She slowly chewed, taking time to savor the flavor of the sauce. Finally, she swallowed and said, "Mmm... very good. Delectable."
Janet pointed at the corner of her own mouth and said, "You got a little sauce." She leaned forward, using her thumb to wipe the seasoning away. She fell back into her chair, bringing her thumb to her mouth and sucking it clean.
Watching this display, the brush of Janet's thumb still burning on her lip, Sam blinked. "Also... do that with Grader. It's very... appealing."
Taking a drink of water, Janet winked and corrected once more, "Schroeder."
Sam escorted her friend up the driveway, chewing on an after-dinner mint that they had taken from a dish by the cash register. There was about a dozen more hidden away in Sam's purse - the real reason the major carried the accessory. "Ya know," she said, "That place is kinda 'spensive. On a teacher's salary, Scraper would have to give up about two months' rent."
Janet fumbled with her purse, searching for her keys. She scoffed, "Yeah, 'cause we Air Force dames make so much more than him."
They stepped onto the porch, standing in silence for a moment until Sam indicated the door and asked, "So... is this you?"
Janet laughed, then nodded, "Why, yes it is. Thank you for a wonderful time." She took Sam's hand and added, "Seriously. This is the most fun I've had in... a while."
"Glad I could be of service," Sam smiled. "Although..."
The doctor looked up.
"This guy Shaper--"
"Schroeder," Janet said, enunciating the name.
"Whatever. At the end of the date, he's still a man. He may want to try to kiss you good-night."
Janet shrugged. "I don't have a problem with that. I may need a steepladder for that, but... he's very kissable."
Sam groaned inwardly. "But... he may *not* want to kiss you. There are very subtle signs that says he's interested. You don't want to kiss *him*, or else he may think you want to go further."
"Well," Janet said. "How do I know if he wants to kiss me?"
"It's very complicated," Sam said. "Okay, you just ate your very expensive dinner... you're standing on the porch making small talk. He's standing... well, like we are now." They were about two feet apart, standing very close. "As you talk, he may... reach out and stroke your arm." She touched Janet's shoulder softly, feeling the warmth of her friend's skin through the coat and stroking down towards the elbow. "Like this."
Janet nodded slowly. "So... stroking arms, kiss?"
"Not exactly," Sam said. "If it's a cold night like this, some signals could just mean that he's cold and wants to share body heat. It's not a precise science in the cold. For instance, in warm weather, this would be considered a sure-fire signal." She stepped forward so that she and Janet were pressing against each other. "But maybe I'm just very cold," she breathed, her breath snaking towards Janet's face.
Janet brought her hand up, cupping it against Sam's face. "And... this could mean... I just want to make sure you aren't too cold." She stroked her friend's cheek, swallowing sharply.
"Right," Sam breathed. "But if he's... a daring man... he may be forward and just tilt towards you. Like this." She leaned forward, her lips a hair's-breadth from Janet's. "And all you would have to do is... purse your lips... and you're kissing."
Janet was frozen in place, her entire body locked up. "Sam... I don't think we should--"
"Shh," Sam admonished, closing the distance and tenderly pressing her lips to Janet's. They remained motionless for a moment, their lips simply pressing together. Then, Sam parted her lips, spreading them to completely enclose the smaller woman's mouth. She slipped her arms under Janet's, flattening her hands against the brunette's shoulder blades and slightly tilting her back. Janet's eyes popped open when she felt the blonde's tongue flutter across her mouth, begging entrance.
Janet brought her hands up, pressing them gently against Sam's shoulders. As soon as her lips were free, she breathed, "Sam, we... stop. Don't kiss me again."
The major pulled back, her heart shattering as she heard those words. "I'm sorry, Janet. I just... I just thought that... I've had these feelings for so long that--"
"You've had feelings?" Janet gasped. "For me? God... then this *was* a date for you?"
"No!" Sam said, stepping forward. "I honestly, positively only did this to help you. I didn't plan on the kiss, it just happened." She stepped back, moving off the porch. "I... should probably go."
Janet nodded. "I think that would be best."
Sam zipped her leather jacket, smiling as best she could before waving good-bye. "I'll see you at the base tomorrow. Right?"
Janet hesitated, then said, "Do you have a physical scheduled?"
The question was a dagger to her heart. "No... I'll steer clear. I'm sorry, Janet. Sorry." She turned and headed back to her car. As she slipped behind the wheel, she saw Janet was still on the porch, her fingers touched to her lips as if trying to tell herself it had really happened (or convince herself that it hadn't). Sam keyed the ignition and pulling out of the driveway, wanting for the first time to put as much distance between herself and Janet as possible.
Chapter Two
Janet stood in front of her full-length mirror, holding a dress in front of herself. She pursed her lips and then let the dress fall, admiring her underwear-clad reflection. After a moment, she wrinkled her nose and unhooked her bra. She had never intended this night to end in the bedroom, but after Sam's... declaration... the night before, she felt the need to prove that she loved men. If that meant using Schroeder for one thing and one thing only... so be it. She tossed the underwear across the room and began digging through her dresser drawers, looking for the perfect lingerie to wear.
She finally found the perfect pair; something she had gotten at Victoria's Secret a few years before and never had the opportunity to wear. She slipped into the bra-slip and panties, examining herself in the mirror. She brought her hands to her breasts, carefully tweaking the nipples until they stood erect against the soft silk of the underwear. Deciding she had made the right choice, she smiled seductively at herself and said, "You're going to get the night of a lifetime, Schroeder..."
Her eyes widened as she realized she didn't know the man's first name.
Cassandra opened the door, stifling a giggle at the sight on the front porch. Mr. Schroeder was standing on the steps, his back to her. He stood at almost seven feet, his shoulders hunched to make himself appear smaller. He was stuffed into a tweed jacket, the sleeves riding high on his forearms as he turned and smiled nervously. His large brown eyes looked like they had been ripped out of a Precious Moment's calendar, his bushy blonde eyebrows settling somewhere near his hairline. His powerful jaw was shaped like an anvil and gave the impression of a not-too-bright fellow.
He adjusted his tie and said, "Oh. Uh, hi, Cassandra."
She grinned. "Hello, Mr. Schroeder. Any new things developing in the science world?"
He shrugged. "Uh... well, actually, they discovered remnants of what appears to be an artificial craft orbiting the Earth. At first they assumed it was simply your generic space debris, but apparently they learned that it may in fact be alien in nature. Now--"
She stomped her foot loudly and said, "THAT'S... great, Mr. Schroeder. Would you like to come in? Mom's getting ready."
The giant man smiled meekly and stepped inside. "This... this is a great house, Cass."
She moved past him into the living room. "Thanks. I like it."
Several moment passed where neither of them said anything. He stood in the doorway, swinging his arms and clapping his hands occasionally. He peeked at the stairs, then decided to try to make conversation. "So... you finish all your science homework from today?"
"We didn't have homework today," Cassandra said, matter-of-factly.
He frowned. "I-I thought we did. The-the chapter on... oh, right... that's Monday."
Silence prevailed once more. Finally, the awkwardness was ended by Janet's soft footsteps on the stairs. Schroeder turned, smiling up at her. "Ms. Fraiser.... You look..." He blinked, shaking his head. "You look incredible, Ms. Fraiser."
She grinned. She was dressed in a stunning blue dress that flowed around her legs and offered tantalizing glimses of her upper thighs when she moved. The top was cut low, revealing the entire upper curve of her breasts. She slipped her purse onto her shoulder and smiled sweetly at the man. "Good evening and thank you for the compliment." She hadn't planned on it, but when she began to speak she realized she had slipped back into her long-absent southern accent. She didn't correct herself; it might turn the guy on to think he was going out with a Southern belle. "Please, call me Janet... and if I could know your first name?"
"M-my first name?" he stuttered, his mind scrambled by the intoxicating dress.
"Yes," she chuckled. "If I call you Mr. Schroeder all night, I may feel like I'm back in school."
He grinned. "Oh. Caleb... my first name is Caleb."
Cassandra entered the hall and froze, her eyes practically popping out of her head. "Mom?!"
The brunette smiled. "It's not polite to stare, Cassie, honey."
Cassie looked her mother up and down, then shook her head and muttered, "My mom has been possessed by Mae West and Scarlett O'Hara at the same time." She turned around and disappeared back into the living room.
Janet extended her hand, sliding it around her date's forearm. "Well now, my strapping stallion. Shall we?" As they headed for the door, she turned and called over her shoulder, "Cassie, dear! Don't wait up for us!"
That was the number of steps it took for Sam to walk the length of her bedroom. She had left the base early and headed home, not wanting to think about Janet. She only wanted to sleep and let tomorrow come. If she didn't think about it, the night might not seem so endless. She was wearing only her panties and a small t-shirt as she paced, allowing her bare feet to sink into the plush carpeting of her bedroom. At this very moment, Janet was out on a date with... with some *man.* The thought made her sick to her stomach. She dropped onto her bed and stared up at the ceiling, trying to think of anything else... anything unrelated to Janet to help her sleep.
Football? She hated football.
Her favorite TV shows? Like she had time to watch anything.
The team? Hell, anything remotely related to Janet would cause her thoughts to loop back to the beautiful doctor.
Deciding that her search would be fruitless, she pulled the blankets around herself and stared at the ceiling. Finally, she closed her eyes and started to recite the words to a song she had heard a long time ago. "It's times like these... I wish I were the Tin Man. You could hurt me all you wanted and I wouldn't even know. And I'd give anything, just to be the tin man. Cause I wouldn't have a heart... and I wouldn't need a soul."
As she fell asleep, she felt a single tear trek down her face to lay on the pillowcase.
Janet realized that when Caleb Schroeder spoke, his lips moved as if possessed by an alternate entity. His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he spoke and he was hunched over his plate as if he was protecting it until he was ready to eat. He would occasionally punctuation his sentences by flinging his arms to the side, causing people around them to flinch in anticipation of a punch. The brunette leaned on her hand, staring at the way his lips moved. She had decided several topics ago that observing his speak was far more interesting than *listening* to him speak.
With a chuckle, she realized that *this* could have served as her practice date; there was no way she'd go out with this guy again. She had ordered the largest appetizer and their best steak, planning to push the bill into the stratosphere when dessert came. If she was going to bed with this bore - and she *was* going to go to bed with him - he wouldn't be getting a free ride. She ran her finger around the rim of her glass, wondering what topic he could possibly be so passionate about. Deciding she owed it to him to listen to *something* he said, tuned herself into him once more.
"--billions and billons of light years away. You and I - and probably the grandchildren of a lot of my students - will be dead by the time the message is even received!" Science! Janet groaned inwardly. He had spent the entire evening lecturing her on science like she was a seventh grader?!
When he finally stopped speaking to take a bite of food, she finally said, "That's so incredibly interesting." She had dropped the accent; it was much too hard for her to fake and, as it turned out, not worth her time. "It's kind of like what I do."
"Oh?" the man said, his mouth now occupied by a huge portion of steak. She smiled slightly at him. 'Well, that's a good sign... when he does something with his mouth, he goes all the way.' The evening was looking up.
"Yes. I'm associated with Deep Space Radar Telemetry... stationed out of Cheyenne Mountain. It's *quite* interesting, but very confidential. If I told you about it, I'd have to kill you."
He grinned, showing off his immaculate teeth. "After tonight, I wouldn't care. I'm having a wonderful time."
'You *are*?!' Janet wanted to scream. All he had done was talk endlessly and run down his credit card. How could this possibly be a good date? She decided that, by this time, most of his dates had usually disappeared screaming into the night. She sipped her champagne (another fifty bucks on the bill) and tried to determine the man's build below his suit. 'If this guy turns out to be hung like a pinworm, I'll just go grab Daniel... or Teal'c...' The thought of the large Jaffa sent shivers down her spine; she had seen him during physicals and knew she wouldn't be disappointed.
Caleb smiled. "Are you cold?"
"No, no... just a little excited. This has been a wonderful night for me, too." She reached across the table, laying her hand on top of his. "I... wish it didn't have to end."
She could tell that his heart rate had tripled when her hand came in contact with his. "I-I... uh, Ms. Fraiser?"
"Yes, Caleb?"
He swallowed, then said, "You weren't hoping on dessert were you? Cause... I'd kinda like to take you home now."
She smiled devilishly. "Why, Caleb Schroeder... I think that's a marvelous idea."
He raised his arm, signalling the waiter.
Once, when she was a senior in high school, Sam had slept through the ringing of a smoke alarm. It had been a false alarm and there was no damage, but she remembered clearly waking up to see her father standing over her in his pajamas, his face a mask of terror as she finally came around. He had told her they had all gotten out of the house before they realized she wasn't with them and headed back in to find her. Luckily, no one was in danger; the alarm had been triggered by a candle Sam had been burning. The episode had prompted her father to install a smoke alarm in her bedroom, directly above her bed.
After years on Air Force bases and sleeping on potentially hostile alien worlds, Sam no longer slept through the night. The slightest thing would wake her. The slamming of a car door, for instance.
She opened her eyes, quickly sitting up and scanning the bedroom for anything amiss. She climbed out of bed, wrapping her favorite silk robe around herself as she headed to the hallway. She didn't bother turning on any lights; she was acquainted enough with her home that she could practically see in the dark. And the lack of light would be a weakness for any potential robbers.
In the front hallway, she picked up a baseball bat and tested it's weight. As she moved towards the living room, the doorbell sounded loudly. The sudden ringing shocked her and she dropped the bat, spinning around as her guest began pounding on the door. She cinched the robe tighter around her body and moved to the door. "Um... who is it?"
"Me," came Janet's terse reply. "Let me in, Sam."
Frowning, the blonde turned the locks and pulled the door open. The brunette brushed past her friend into the dark house. Sam was flustered as she closed the door once more, turning on the hall light. "Janet?" She looked at the clock and saw it was barely past ten. "Shouldn't you be out on your date with Schnapps?"
"His name," Janet snapped, "is Caleb Schroeder. You're smarter than that, Sam. You know his name, you just pretend you don't to make him seem less important. After tonight, you shouldn't bother."
Sam was shocked by her friend's anger. "What... what happened?"
The doctor exhaled sharply, holding her hand to her forehead. "I can't believe I came here," she muttered.
A tense moment passed as Sam allowed her friend to collect her thoughts. Finally, Janet began to speak. "I went out with Caleb tonight and I fully intended to sleep with him. I wanted to... I wanted someone in my bed tonight." Sam felt a pang at those words, but allowed Janet to continue. "I made sure that he *knew* what I intended and we went home about an hour ago. He was ready, Sam. He was ready, willing and able. But I couldn't go through with it. I let that poor man get down to his underwear and had to ask him to leave. Can you imagine the look on his face when I told him I had changed my mind?"
Sam hid her smile, knowing this wasn't supposed to be funny. "Why... why didn't you?"
"Because every time I kissed him, I thought of you. Of your... your lips." She turned away from Sam, then said, "I couldn't do it because everything he did reminded me of you in some way, shape or form. He got so excited about science and I knew you would've loved that. He was blonde... I can't keep going on dates with men and wondering about you."
Sam felt hope well up inside of her. "Which means?"
Janet shocked the blonde, stepping forward and tersely said, "I want you out of my life, Major Carter."
Sam blinked, hurt beyond words. "W-what?!"
"If you're not around, I won't be tempted by all these thoughts of... of what if. I only want to see you when you have scheduled physicals and, even then, I'll make sure that absolutely no one else is available."
Sam felt her tears rising. "Janet... what... what about Cassandra? You can't do this to her."
The doctor took a deep breath. "Cass is a big girl. I'll tell her that you're no longer welcome in our house. If she doesn't like that then I guess... I guess she can come over here on her own to see you." She moved to the front door and paused. "I'm really sorry it had to turn out this way, Sam. But I don't know what else to do."
Sam turned, speaking softly. "Janet... the only reason you would react this violently is because you're afraid. You have feelings for me and you're afraid of what it might mean." She gently touched the smaller woman's shoulder. "We could be so good together, Janet. Let me show you how wonderful it could be."
Janet paused and, for a moment, Sam allowed herself to believe that she had a change of heart. But she turned the knob and stepped onto the porch, pulling the door shut behind her.
Alone again, Sam leaned against the wall, closing her eyes to hold back the tears.
Janet stood alone on the porch, hugging herself in the late-night air. She turned, positioning her finger over the doorbell, prepared to press it... but she stepped back instead. There was no need to forbid Sam to see her... just because the major was gay - bisexual? - didn't mean that she couldn't contain herself. The brunette turned and stepped off the porch. Any apologies and any talking could be done in the morning; it was too much of a temptation to see Sam in that robe... her bare legs stretching out from the hem of the material... her hair mussed from sleep...
The doctor slipped behind the steering wheel, leaving the door open so that the overhead light remained on. Finally, she leaned forward and rested her head on her hands. "Oh, my God," she whispered. "I'm attracted to her..."
Finally, she slammed the car door and pulled out of the driveway. Tomorrow. It could all be settled tomorrow...
Chapter Three
Two Months Later,
Janet had been in the middle of orienting a new sergeant when the lights all went out. She froze for a moment, putting her hand on the dark-haired woman's arm to calm her. "It'll just be a second," she promised, hoping she sounded more confident than she was. The green back-up lights came to life and Janet was already headed to the door. A power outage or interruption like that could cause countless problems... she tried not to picture a team lost in transit...
The new arrival was running next to Janet as they exploded into the corridor. SG-1 had been looking at a planet for a possible mission... which meant Sam would be at the MALP controls. As upset as she was with the major, the thought of Sam being hurt filled her with dread. She hurried around the corner, gratified that the Gate Room was so close to the infirmary. She bounded up the stairs and into the Control Room. Major Davis was laying on the floor behind his post; Janet made a first-glance diagnosis of semi-serious burns. Sam was sitting, cradling her hand but apparently in one piece.
The next few minutes passed in fast-forward. Janet helped one of her nurses lift the injured Major Davis onto a gurney, then used her penlight to check the back of his throat. As she clicked the light off, the green lights went off and were replaced by the regular illumination. She told the newly arrived nurse and one of the other orderlies to take Davis to the infirmary, then turned to Hammond. "He's got first and second degree burns," she informed him. "Mostly superficial, but I would like to run some more tests."
Hammond nodded and grumbled, "Very well."
Sam and Daniel moved away from a large, now-ruined computer at the back of the room. As the major began rattling off the problems that now plagued the Stargate, Janet found her attention firmly locked on her friend's hand. Although she was speaking as normally as possible, she was holding her left hand carefully, the face-up palm covered with blood. Janet moved towards Sam and gingerly touched the hand. She felt a subtle jerk as their fingers came in contact, but ignored it. Sam was speaking to Hammond, "I'd like to run a full-systems diagnostic on the main computer."
Janet firmly said, "Yeah, after I treat this hand."
"As soon as I get the systems up," Sam stubbornly argued.
"It's a bad burn," the doctor said, trying to stare her friend down.
"Five minutes."
"NOW," Janet ordered.
Jack O'Neill stepped in, much to Janet's relief, and ended their debate. "Do as the doctor says," he told her.
Sam glanced at her superior, then sighed, "Yes, Sir." She brushed past the petite brunette on her way out of the Control Room. She didn't even bother to look at Janet as she left.
Hiding her own pain, she thanked the colonel for his help, then informed Daniel and Teal'c they were next. After they were done whining, she told them it was completely prudent that they get checked out ASAP and left, snapping off her rubber gloves as she went.
As she started down the corridor, she recalled how happy she had been earlier at the infirmary's proximity to the Stargate. Now, she would have preferred they were several states apart. She stepped into the Med Center, noticing that Sam was sitting on the edge of a bed, looking down at her burned hand. As she was pulling on her rubber gloves, the doctor noticed that the new arrival had taken the initiative and was already seeing to Major Davis' injuries. Feeling proud of the young woman, Janet picked up a roll of gauze and moved to the blonde's side. Sam hardly even looked up as the brunette began to treat the wound. Carefully medicating the injury, Janet wrapped the burn several times, making sure it was fully covered.
Once the bandage was secured, she stroked the soft flesh under Sam's thumb for a moment, prompting the major to look up in surprise. Janet averted her gaze, looking instead at Major Davis. Hoping to take Sam's mind off of the caress, Janet said, "Well, by the looks of the control room, I'd say you're both very lucky."
Davis sighed, "I guess it could've been worse."
Sam, apparently thinking out loud, said, "I'd just like to know what it was trying to do in the first place." She looked up, deliberately focusing her gaze over Janet's right shoulder. She continued, "Unfortunately, our best diagnostic tool for figuring that out has been trashed."
Janet quietly said, "You're all done here."
They made eye contact for a brief moment, then Sam was up and out of the infirmary. Janet leaned on the edge of the bed for a half-second before moving to Major Davis' bedside. Teal'c entered and she told him to have a seat, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the major...
After Hammond had ordered SG-1 to the MALP room, Janet found herself alone with Sam's lifeless body. She tenderly touched Sam's cold cheek and felt a twinge of pain... her dam was about to crumble. She bit her lower lip and turned, leaving the ICU and heading down the hall as fast as she could go. She couldn't do this in public... The infirmary was blessedly empty as she stormed through, moving past empty beds and down the hall to her private office.
As she breezed inside, slamming the door behind herself, she allowed her steely resolve to crumble completely. She had played the professional all day; she had hidden the tears and the trembling lips to the best of her ability, but she just *couldn't* do it anymore. She moved to the couch, cheeks already wet with tears as she dropped onto the plush cushions. Her mind was ransacked by 'if onlys'... if only she had apologized to Sam. If only she had let the woman back into her life and not been determined to hold a grudge. If only she had admitted that she did have feelings for the major.
There. It was out. Two months of denial, two months of anger, two months of cold stares boiled down to this one moment. Janet covered her face with her hands. After all of this, she had finally admitted to herself that she had romantic feelings for Major Samantha Carter... and it was a moot point.
The probe or entity or creature or life-form or whatever the hell they had decided to call the damned thing had returned, had never really left, and Sam had fallen into it's nefarious little trap. The alien had taken over the major's body and had expanded exponentially. She could still feel the hollow pain when she told Hammond she doubted extracting the entity was possible. She had given up so early... but what else could she do?
She shuddered as all the pain and heartache from the previous day caught up with her. She was crying almost uncontrollably. The damned entity... the damned ancients... THE DAMNED STARGATE! The doctor moved quickly to her desk and picked up the small trophy she had received after curing the Touched Virus. It had been her first victory at the SGC and she had always been proud of it.
With a scream of inhuman fury, she hurled the bauble at the wall. It shattered, exploding into a million shards and spreading across the floor in a fanned shape. "Damn you!" she screamed, wanting an enemy to disembowel. She dropped to her knees, hugging herself as her own words filled her mind. 'There's no brain activity of any kind,' she heard herself telling Colonel O'Neill. 'I think it's time to let her go.'
Her hands were balled into such tight fists that her fingernails were digging into the flesh. She felt the four pinpricks across each palm, but no longer cared. Sam was dead. Sam. Was. Dead.
"Dr. Fraiser?"
She looked up, wiping her face as she recognized the sergeant she had been orienting when this whole fiasco started. She stood. "Yes?"
The woman looked slightly embarrassed, then said, "Colonel O'Neill is looking for you. They think they found a way to save Major Carter."
Janet refused to let herself celebrate this news as she followed the sergeant out of the room.
Her heart was pounding. She could feel the sweat forming in the small of her back. She wanted to cry... wanted to grab the blonde and hold her still. The machine was sending yellow shockwaves into Sam's body, causing the beautiful woman to jerk and spasm uncontrollably. Janet held herself back, waiting for the convulsions to stop before she moved to disconnect the machines. She turned to the monitors and prayed for the first time since she was a little girl. After what felt like an eternity, she saw what she had wanted to read. She turned, smiling broadly. "She's back!"
Jack, his usual joke-a-minute self, asked, "Hey, Carter, where you been?"
She wanted to smack the older man, but restrained herself. She Sam's blanket tightly, watching as the major struggled to speak.
Sam finally managed to ask, "It's gone?"
"Yes, it is," Hammond confirmed.
Sam closed her eyes, resting her head on the pillow. Her eyes moved to the mass of wires and conduits that had housed her consciousness. Her eyes locked with Janet's for a moment and she whispered, "I was shouting... for you to hear."
Janet realized the comment was directed at her and she felt her heart skip slightly. She moved her hand and wrapped it around Sam's fingers, squeezing gently. Sam looked down at their intertwined fingers, then followed the doctor's arm up to her face. The brunette blinked back tears, smiling slightly down at her friend.
"We heard," Jack said.
Janet looked up at the colonel, wondering if he thought the holding of hands was simply an affirmation of friendship. Then, she realized she didn't care. She locked eyes again with Sam, hoping that the passion in her soul transmitted to the prone woman. The look in Sam's sapphire eyes told her that the message was received.
Janet parked in front of Sam's house, resting her hands on the steering wheel before finally shutting off the engine. This had seemed like the easiest thing to do a week ago, when the blonde had been at Death's door. Why did it seem so hard now?
She climbed out of the car and moved up the drive, taking her time as she tilted her head towards the heavens and smiled at the countless stars. Idly, she wondered how many of the suns had inhabited planets orbiting them... and how many of them had Stargates. Constellations began to make themselves visible as she watched, the moon starting its slow path across the heavens.
'God, stop it!' she ordered herself. 'You're not a teenager! Stop wasting time!'
Taking her own advice, she stepped onto the porch and nervously rapped on the hard wood. Footsteps sounded on the hallway inside and Janet fought the urge to turn and run. She bit her lip nervously, blinking when the porchlight came on.
The door opened, revealing Samantha Carter. The major was wearing the silk robe that barely reached her thighs, her hair mussed up and her cheeks flushed. She looked exactly as she had the night Janet had broken off their friendship. "Janet?" Sam asked, her brow furrowed with confusion.
"Yeah... I, uh... I just came to talk. About us." She smiled nervously. "And... if there's a chance."
Sam blinked. "Uh... God, Janet, you're serious?"
"I am... I am so serious, Sam. Last week, when you were laying on that bed... I was forced to look back over all of the things I wanted to share with you. I realized all the things I loved about you and-and I guess I just decided that you're worth taking the chance for. I want to explore the possibilities. But most of all... I want your friendship back."
Sam leaned against the door. "Wow. I... don't know what to say, Janet. I mean... of course, we're friends again. I've hated the fact that I couldn't gossip with you." She smiled and pulled Janet into a hug. As the doctor felt Sam's body press against her own, she realized that the major was nude below her robe. She bit her lip and placed her hands on the small of the blonde's back. "I just... wish you had called first."
At that moment, a redhead wearing an oversized Colorado Rockies shirt stepped into the hallway, obviously coming from the bedroom and heading towards the kitchen. "God, Sam, who *is* it already? Tell 'em you don't want any and come back to bed."
Janet's eyes widened, her body going numb. Sam winced in pain as she placed a hand on the smaller woman's shoulder. "Janet, I... I can explain."
"Explain?" she chuckled. "No need for an explanation, Sam." She blinked rapidly, stepping off the porch. "I-I'm sorry to have bothered you."
"Janet--" Sam pleaded. "Wait a minute..."
The doctor waved her back and said, "I... shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry, Sam. So... so sorry."
If the Olympic clockers had timed Janet's jog from the porch to her car, the doctor would be taking home the gold. She slipped onto the leather seat, keying the ignition and blindly pulling out into the street. Her heart was pounding madly against her ribcage, her eyes wide and unblinking. She had just admitted that she was open to the possibility of a relationship with another woman... and the other woman was involved. How could she have *been* so stupid?!
At a red light, she laid her head on the steering wheel and released a heavy breath. She had finally realized she could possibly love Samantha Carter... but the opportunity had passed.
Now what?
Chapter Four
Sergeant Adriana Dematrakas, Demmy to her friends, checked the vitals on one of her patients, pleased to see that everything was fine. She had been assigned to the SGC for only two weeks and had immediately gotten a crash course on the dangers of the Stargate. The first emergency had presented itself during her orientation... and then things had gone downhill.
For the first time in her nursing career, Demmy was glad to be scheduled to the overnight shift. It was finally quiet in the cold Air Force base and no alarm klaxons had sounded for several hours. She checked her watch as she headed back towards Dr. Fraiser's office. Since the CMO wasn't on duty, the younger nurse was allowed use of it during her shift.
Just as she had entered the hallway that led to the office, she heard someone enter the infirmary. She turned, shocked to see who had just entered. "Dr. Fraiser? Did... did I look at the wrong schedule?"
"No, you're fine, Sergeant Dematrakas. I just... needed to keep busy."
The raven-haired nurse noticed that Janet was dressed in a light blue sweater and blue jeans; obviously not a work uniform. The younger woman fished her keyring out, presenting it to the doctor. "I was just going to fill out some reports in your office."
Janet accepted the keys, then took the stack of files as well. "You can take a break for a while... go grab some of that wonderful commissary coffee," she smiled. "I'll take care of these for you."
"Oh," Demmy said, slightly shocked. "Okay." She smiled and followed the doctor's orders.
Janet watched the woman go, glad when she was finally alone. She moved to the office door, raising one leg and balancing the files on her thigh as she fumbled with the keys. She moved to turn the knob and the entire pile spilled to the floor. She cursed, then dropped to her knees and began assembling them. She noticed someone approaching, hardly paying attention to the advancing feet. When the newcomer knelt to help pick up the files, Janet said, "I thought I told you to get some coffee."
"I don't recall you saying that..."
The doctor's head snapped up, eyes wide. All she was able to say was, "Sam."
The major handed Janet the retrieved files and stood. She was wearing a fully-buttoned overcoat, a pair of sweatpants peeking through the two halves. She had apparently not taken the time to get dressed before pursuing the doctor.
Janet took the files and moved into the office, noticing that Sam followed closely. The brunette deposited the files on the desk and moved around to the other side, dropping into her chair. She refused to make eye contact with her friend, instead choosing to focus on her blank computer screen. "What... what're you doing here?"
Sam scoffed, running a hand through her still-uncombed hair. "You come to my house, tell me you love me, tell me that you want to explore the possibilities... and you have to ask what I'm doing here?"
The doctor chewed on a thumbnail, then sighed. "Fine. What was *she* doing *there*?"
"You sound like a jealous lover," Sam smiled.
Janet closed her eyes. "I'm not... it's just that... it took me so long to admit to myself that the possibility was there. It took me even longer to realize that you're far more than just a friend to me. And then... to see that you've moved on...."
Sam moved to the desk, leaning on the edge of it. "No, Janet... I didn't move on. Tara is just, just a friend. We lean on each other when we're vulnerable... After the... incident... last week, I needed her more than ever. I needed *you* more than ever. I guess she's... kind of like a salve." The taller woman walked around the desk and knelt next to Janet's chair. She gripped Janet's hand and squeezed softly. "I love you, Janet... I love everything about you and I would love to give us a shot."
Janet blinked, holding back her tears. "Sam... the security cameras..."
Sam looked up, eyeing the damned glass eye before returning her gaze to Janet. "I sent Tara home. She wasn't happy, but... but I'll be going home to an empty bed tonight." She stroked the brunette's cheek. "Will... will I see you before dawn?"
Taking a deep breath, Janet whispered, "I don't know."
Sam bit her lip. "I'll be asleep," she managed to say, "but you can wake me up. Even if we just talk all night... I want to spend the night with you."
With that, she stood and walked back around the desk, leaving the office and closing the door behind her. Janet leaned forward, medical files all but forgotten. Her actions in the next few hours would most likely determine the course of the rest of her life. Take a chance at love or wonder what if? Risk her career or risk happiness? She picked up a pen with trembling fingers and went to work on the first file.
"And now, for the low, low price of just $29.95, you can get the Salad-Shooter and the three attachments sent right to your home! But you have to call right away!!"
Sam dropped onto the sofa, thankful that she didn't have work the next morning. It was almost four in the morning and she was wide awake, her entire body buzzing with energy... and caffeine. Hoping against hope that Janet would show up, she had dressed in her best blouse and slacks, taking the time to squirm into her sexiest underwear in anticipation. Then, the reality of the situation set in and she changed into a pair of sweats and let herself believe she'd fall asleep alone once again.
She was on the final mug of the coffee pot, nursing the lukewarm drink as she watched the infomercial. As the over-active 'host' excitedly pointed out how much you could save on this wonderful device, a pair of headlights washed over the living room wall.
The blonde gasped, dropping her mug. It shattered on the floor, spilling coffee across the carpet. "Shit," she muttered, pulling her feet onto the couch to avoid getting cut. She scrambled over the back of the furniture and quickly moved down the front hallway. Pulling aside the curtain just enough that she could see out, she held in a cry of triumph when she recognized Janet's car parked in the driveway. She let the curtain fall and took a step back. No need to seem overly excited.
Nervously, she shifted from one foot to the other. What was taking Janet so long?
Finally, she heard a car door slam and her heart began slamming violently against her ribs. She looked down at herself, suddenly wishing she had worn the sexy lingerie instead. She was wearing a faded rock band t-shirt and sweatpants and had plain cotton underwear on beneath. She had never felt less attractive. The moment she turned to dash down the hall and change clothes, the doorbell sounded like the symphony of angels.
Taking a deep breath, she turned and opened the door, holding her breath.
Janet stood on the porch, smiling nervously. "Hi," she whispered.
"Hi," Sam said. She wondered if Janet could hear her heart... they looked at each other for a moment, taking in the moment, then the blonde stepped aside. "Would you-- like to come in?"
A pause. The longest pause Sam had ever heard. Then... "Yes... I'd love that."
The doctor was wearing the same blue sweater and jeans that she had been wearing earlier. Her hair was up and several strands hung loose, framing her face. She had pulled on a faded denim jacket and was clutching the hem as if it were a lifeline. Sam closed the door, deciding not to lock it for fear it might give Janet the wrong impression. She bit her lip, then said, "You... look beautiful, Janet." Wrong thing to say, she scolded herself. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't--"
"Thank you," the brunette said, her voice soft. She pulled off her jacket, hanging it on the coat rack before turning and facing Sam. "You look beautiful, too. You always look beautiful."
Sam swallowed sharply. "I... I would offer coffee, but I drank all of it. And-And I would offer to let you sit, but I broke a mug in front of the... the sofa. I should clean that up. I... the broom is in the kitchen, I think."
The blonde quickly moved towards the kitchen, but Janet stopped her by placing a hand on the taller woman's right shoulder. "Sam... it can wait until tomorrow, can't it?"
Sam could feel the heat from Janet's fingers through her thin t-shirt and felt her entire body become flushed. "I guess so," she said quietly. "It can wait." Janet moved her hand away and they stood a few feet apart, staring awkwardly at each other. Sam finally leaned against the wall, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "Did you want to-to talk? Or... did you just come to talk? Because if... if you want, I could start some more coffee. Or hot chocolate. I have hot chocolate if you prefer. Or there's, there's, there's a 7-11 down the block if you wanna buy some cappuchino. Or a soda. Do you, um, call it soda or pop? I--"
Janet moved quickly, shutting Sam up by covering the blonde's lips with her own. She felt the taller woman whimper, her entire body going limp as they kissed. Janet reached up, placing one hand against the wall as she pressed herself into the major's body. Moaning quietly, Sam opened her mouth and let her tongue stray across the soft, wet flesh of her friend's lips. Janet felt her bottom lip disappear into the blonde's mouth. Sam sucked hungrily on her friend's lip before delving into the other woman's mouth to explore the warmth there.
She had dreamed of this so long... never dreaming that it would be possible. All of her dreams were coming true in her arms...
They broke apart, panting for air and looking at each other with lust-filled eyes. Janet stepped back, gently touching her lips as if to make sure they were still there. Finally, she whispered, "I didn't... come just to talk, Sam."
Fireworks exploded in the blonde's heart as she felt tears slide down her cheeks. She brought her hand up and brushed the backs of her fingers along the brunette's jawline.
Janet leaned into the caress, then said, "How long have you wanted to... to do that?"
Sam cupped the doctor's face and admitted, "Since the Land of Light. I've always wanted to kiss you, Janet. More than anything." Carefully, she brought her other hand up and let it run through her friend's brown hair. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever known and... I would love to take you to bed tonight."
"Yes," Janet whimpered. "I want... I want that, too, Sam."
"Are you sure?" the major asked. "We can stop."
Janet placed one hand on the back of Sam's head and pulled the taller woman in for another searing kiss. Their tongues danced, massaging and exploring the new territory. When they broke apart for air, Janet said, "Maybe you can stop... I can't." She kissed Sam's lips again and rested her forehead against the blonde's. She was breathing heavily, her heart pounding as she realized that the following night would change her life. Even if it stopped here, she would never be the same. She swallowed sharply, then made a decision. She firmly said, "Take me to your bed, Samantha."
Sam let her hands slide down the smaller woman's body, gently touring the curves that she was finally going to become more acquainted with. She slid her fingertips under the hem of Janet's sweater and undershirt. She tickled the flesh below the clothing before removing her hands and stepping back. She cupped Janet's face and then smiled, taking the brunette's hand.
Moving without speaking, Sam led the brunette down the dark hallway to the bedroom. Sam became upset with herself when she spotted the bedroom; dirty clothes stuck out of the hamper, the bed wasn't made and her dresser drawer stood open. In a perfect world, everything would be in it's place and a hundred candles would be illuminating the room. She turned to apologize to Janet, then realized her companion wasn't focused on the room; her chocolate eyes were locked onto Sam. "I... can't believe this is going to happen," the doctor breathed.
Sam smiled. Candles or no, Janet Fraiser was in her bedroom. It *was* a perfect world. Sam stepped back, licking her lips as she examined the other woman.
Awkwardness turned to embarrassment as Janet found herself the focus of some very intensive scrutiny. She played with the hem of her sweater, then said, "What... do we do now?"
It was obvious Sam wanted this to go on as long as possible. Neither of them had duty the next day... this could go on well into the weekend. Finally, Sam locked eyes with her friend and said, "Undress."
Sam was shaking, hugging herself. "I want... I want to see you. All of you. W-Will you strip for me?"
Janet smiled and said, "Of course." She stepped forward, putting her hands on Sam's shoulders and gently pushing her onto the edge of the bed. "But only if you'll do something for me later."
"Yes, anything," Sam promised. Her body was quaking, her eyes completely dilated with anticipation. Janet allowed her hand to linger on the blonde's cheek as she stepped backward, trying to control her breathing. With liquid grace, the brunette gripped the hem of her shirt and slowly pulled it up, twisting herself out of the confining garment. Underneath was a t-shirt with the sleeves cut high on the shoulders; it almost resembled a man's muscleshirt, but served to compliment the toned and tanned flesh of Janet's arms.
Sam pulled her legs onto the bed, sitting crosslegged as she watched the other woman undress. She placed her hands in her lap, letting her gaze travel over the smaller woman's body before slipping her fingers under the waistband of her sweats. She moaned as her fingers came in contact with the soft hair between her legs. Watching Janet, she held herself back, definitely not wanting to reach climax by her own hand now that she had this lovely woman in her bedroom and, soon, her bed.
The simple act of undressing had turned into a show; Janet was now cupping her breasts through her t-shirt, arousing the nipples to erection. She moaned quietly as she massaged her own breasts, knowing the effect it would have on Sam. Wanting to move forward with this, the doctor pulled her undershirt off and tossed it across the room, baring her chest to the admiring blonde.
Sam's eyes widened at the sight of her companion's bare breasts. Her mouth was suddenly dry, her heart threatening to explode within her chest. Throwing caution to the wind, she slipped her hand lower and let her fingers explore the silky softness of the sensitive flesh of her sex. Even if she did climax by her own hand, she knew that she'd have many more opportunities with this lovely doctor.
Janet watched her best friend's expression as it subtly changed. She was amazed that the simple act of removing clothing was having this effect on the blonde. She paused, moving towards the bed. Carefully, she straddled her friend's thigh and pushed her hips forward. She touched the catch of her jeans and breathed, "I can't get the button undone... can you help me?"
Sam carefully pulled her hand free from the confines of her sweats. Her index and middle finger glistened with her juices, begging to be licked clean. Janet ignored the impulse to pull the hand to her mouth and instead let Sam do her job.
Moving as slow as possible, Sam undid the top button and spread the two sides of the crisp material aside. Her fingers were trembling as she grasped the zipper and pulled it down. As the zip moved lower, Sam's breath caught in her throat. Just below the denim, she could see the pink flesh of the doctor's crotch... and the soft hairs that protected her sex. "No underwear," she breathed.
"I took them off," Janet admitted, "when I realized I would be coming here."
Sam bit her lip and pulled the zipper the rest of the way down. Once that was finished, the blonde hooked her fingers in the belt loops and removed the jeans from her friend's body. She was in serious danger of hyperventilating when she pressed her face to the warm flesh of the brunette's stomach, gingerly letting her fingers stray through the downy field of Janet's pubic hair. The hair was so soft, so fine... she flattened her hand against the petite woman's body, then slipped her fingers down until she was cupping Janet's mound.
Both women moaned, leaning into each other. Janet threaded her fingers through Sam's hair, then pulled the major's head up. Sam was looking up at her love, her chin pressing against the soft flesh of Janet's stomach. The blonde's eyes were wide, her lips glistening. Janet whispered, "I know what I want... will you do something for me?"
Sam curled one finger, pressing it against Janet's entrance. "Anything."
Janet closed her eyes at the intimate touch, then said, "I want... I've never had sex with a woman, Sam."
"I know, dear," Sam said. "I'll show you what you need to know."
With that, Janet took a step back. "I... want you to do just that. I want... to watch you... pleasure yourself." The words seemed difficult to say, but once they were out, there was no way to bring them back in. "I want to watch you."
They were now an arm's length apart. Sam stood and pulled the string of her sweatpants, loosening them and allowing the soft material to pool at her ankles. "Go sit over there," she said, indicating a large wicker chair. Janet pressed a kiss to Sam's lips before backing up, lowering herself to the cushioned seat. Sam stood across the room, clad in her panties and a tshirt, the outline of her bra visible through the material.
She peeled the shirt off, dropping it to the floor before lowering herself once more to the mattress. One hand drooped, resting idly between her thighs. The other was toying with the clasp of her bra. Janet found herself mentally begging the other woman to bare herself. She had seen the major nude during countless physical examinations, but this was in a different galaxy. She had never allowed herself to look at another woman as a sexual object... but now she was determined to make love to this woman... and she wanted a 'how-to' guide.
With a quiet sigh, Janet watched the cups of the blonde's brassiere fall away, revealing the pink tips of her breasts. Sam shrugged out of the underwear, raising her idle hand and inserting it into her mouth. Janet realized it was the same hand she had been using to play with herself earlier... and that Sam was tasting her own juices. That thought made Janet squirm in her seat, the moisture between her legs increasing. Sam used her wetted finger to draw circles around the hard buds of her nipples, pausing to caress her own stomach before continuing downward.
The blonde bent her knees, spreading her legs and smiling at Janet as she slipped her hand into her panties. Janet bit her lower lip as she watched the bulge of Sam's fingers move into position under the newly-formed wet spot in the crotch. The fingers began to slide back and forth, several of them disappearing completely as they delved into the wetness of Sam Carter's core. Janet placed a hand over her own sex, rubbing herself as she watched Sam demonstrate.
Sam raised her free hand, brushing loose strands of hair away as she watched Janet. She'd never had anyone perform such an erotic dance... and it was just for her. She smiled, allowing herself to come to the realization that Janet Fraiser was half-naked, pleasuring herself, and it was all for Sam's benefit. She sighed, closing her eyes for a brief moment of waves of arousal passed over her body. Finally, she managed to say, "Enough?"
Janet was up and across the room by the time Sam had finished the word. The brunette knelt in front of the blonde, their eyes level as Janet tenderly extracted Sam's hand and pulled the underwear away. The material ripped, the elastic snapping against the flesh of blonde's thigh, but neither woman cared. Janet pressed her lips to Sam's breast, inhaling the nipple as she pushed the taller woman. Sam cupped the other woman's head, letting her fingers play in the long strands.
Her mind was reeling; the woman of her dreams was sucking on her nipple like a hungry infant. Sam laid her head on the mattress and started to cry, tears wetting her cheeks as Janet switched breasts. Sam dropped her hands to her sides, mindlessly chanting, "Yes... oh, yes, God, yes, Janet... oh, God, Janet, I love you so much..."
When Janet abandoned her chest, Sam looked up questioningly. She found herself face-to-face with the brunette, surprised to see that she had also been crying. She smiled, brushing away her lover's tears. "Janet... I know why I'm crying. Why are you?"
Janet sniffed, kissing the salty tracks of Sam's tears. "I never knew I wanted this, wanted you... I'm crying for lost time, Samantha." She kissed her new lover's lips and said, "I love you."
Sam clutched the petite woman, holding her tight. She slipped her thigh between Janet's legs and pressed up against her mound. The doctor gasped, then began to rock in Sam's arms. Sam felt the wetness spreading on her thigh... Janet's wetness... She groaned and increased the pressure, kissing a trail down Janet's throat.
As she writhed on Sam's thigh, Janet decided that turnabout was fair play. She straightened her inside leg and forced Sam to sit on her calf. The blonde picked up on the not-so-subtle hint and began to press herself into the doctor's leg. She reluctantly pulled her lips away from the wonderfully fragrant taste of the brunette's throat and kissed her closed eyes. "Look at me, dear."
Janet opened her eyes as instructed. Sam placed one hand above Janet's ear, slowly trailing her fingers down across the brunette's cheek. She trailed from Janet's neck, cupped one full breast, slid down the flat stomach, and finally separated the downy forest of Janet's pubic hair. She found the doctor's hard clitoris, pinching it between two fingers as the brunette continued to rock back and forth. Sam's thigh was thoroughly drenched now, causing the brunette to slide easily from her knee to crotch. Janet found Sam's clitoris and mimicked the blonde's pinches.
Sam had been balancing on her free hand, but she leaned against Janet and raised the hand. Janet saw what her lover was doing and repeated the gesture. Their breasts were pressed together, both of them depending on the other to keep from collapsing. They held hands, staring into each other's eyes as they rocked back and forth. Janet's face was flushed with desire, her eyelids heavy as she felt her orgasm approaching. "Samantha," she whispered.
"Janet," the major found the strength to reply.
The doctor closed her eyes, squeezing Sam's hand as she felt the muscles in her stomach tighten. "Oh... Oh, God... oh, Sam, I'm going to... I'm going to cum, Sam!"
Sam leaned into Janet, resting her head on the hollow where the doctor's neck met her shoulders. She lightly nibbled the flesh there as she felt a flow of warm liquid on her thigh. She allowed her own release to crest, flooding Janet's leg with cum. They held tightly to each other, their sweat-sheened bodies finally collapsing to the mattress. Sam somehow found the strength to pull the sheets around them, not bothering to find and untangle the blankets. Janet squirmed, extracting herself from the major's limbs and laying on her opposite side.
They lay in the 'spoon' position for a long while, just listening to each other breathe. They didn't speak for a long time, neither of them feeling the need for words. Finally, as the sun began to peek through the window, Janet spoke.
"Yes, Janet?"
"I think... I'm head over heels in love with you."
There was a long moment of silence. When Sam finally spoke, her voice was weak and breaking slightly. "I... love you with all my heart. I'll always love you."
They remained still for a long while. This time, it was Sam who broke the silence.
"Yes, Sam?"
"I'm glad things didn't work out with Schroeder."
Janet smiled as Sam used the teacher's name correctly for the first time. Finding Sam's hand finding Sam's hand and squeezing the blonde's fingers, she whispered, "Me too, sweetheart. Me too."