Title: She Doesn't Dance
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Rating: PG13
Series: The Jukebox Series
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Note: Song is "She Doesn't Dance" by Mark McGuinn.
Summary: "Believe me, I know my baby... and she doesn't dance."
The bar was well outside the sort Nicholas Clark normally frequented, but he was out of options. His flight had been delayed until morning and this was the closest place he could find to the airport. He nursed his beer, turning around on his barstool to survey the crowd. He was bringing the bottle back to his lips when he spotted her across the room. She was standing next to a booth, looking out of place, one hand clutching the opposite arm as she looked around for someplace to hide.
Nicholas scoffed. 'Looks almost like Janet,' he thought. 'If Janet ever wore her hair like that... or wore dresses and high heels like that.' He laughed out loud. 'If she'd even set foot in a bar for that matter.' He turned back to the bar, signaling the bartender for another beer. As the bottle was slid in front of him, he found his attention drawn back to the petite woman at the other end of the room. Her hair had blonde highlights, it was loose and hanging on her shoulders. He remembered Janet's prim-and-proper buns, her tight ponytails, her rigid styles. No way would she let her hair look that crazy.
The dress, though... it was certainly made for her; the purple material shimmered in the weak bar light. It was cut modestly, ending just above her knees, but she had a pair of legs that made the outfit killer. Her breasts weren't suffocated by the dress, either, but something about the way it draped her chest made her appear irresistable.
As he watched, another woman appeared. A tall blonde wearing a long black skirt and a white blouse touched the Janet look-alike's bare shoulder, her fingertips lingering over the spaghetti-strap as she bent her head down and whispered something in the brunette's ear. They walked to the middle of the dance floor and the blonde spun the petite woman, slowly letting themselves get drawn into the song that was playing on the jukebox. The woman who looked so uncannily like Janet laid her head on the blonde's shoulder, hugging her tightly.
Nicholas arched an eyebrow and glanced at the bartender. "Is this... that kind of bar?" he asked, raising his voice to be heard over the din and the music.
"What kind?" the bartender asked. Nicholas indicated the women and the bartender smiled. "Nah. But they're good customers. I think one is named Samantha and the other is... ah... Janet."
Nicholas barked a laugh and shook his head. At the bartender's odd look, Nicholas shook his head. "Never mind, man, it's just a weird coincidence. Couldn't be the Janet I know." He turned and watched the women dance. Wasn't Janet supposed to relocate to Colorado for her little Air Force thing? he thought. He wondered if she knew there was a look-alike of her living so close. A look-alike with the same name! He finished his beer and checked his watch, knowing he should head back to the airport and check on an earlier flight.
Samantha and "Janet" joined hands when the song ended and he watched as the blonde (maybe this Janet was the blonde?) kissed the Janet's doppelganger's forehead. They walked towards the exit, disappearing in the throng of the crowd. The bartender came back, taking the money Nicholas laid down for his bill. "You sure that wasn't the Janet you know?"
"Positive," Nicholas said, slipping off his barstool. "My Janet doesn't dance."
Sam laughed out loud as Janet spun on the sidewalk, her high heels dangling from her fingertips as she danced up to her front door. Sam joined the prima ballerina, resting her hands on the petite woman's hips. "I take it you had a good time?"
"The best," Janet assured her, pulling Sam into a kiss. "Thank you for forcing me out of the house."
"Thank you for looking so outstanding," Sam smiled. She nuzzled Janet's cheek and said, "You look amazing. I love your hair down..." She nibbed at Janet's ear and said, "By the way, did you notice we had a sort-of captive audience?"
Janet closed her eyes as Sam's lips slipped onto her throat. "Oh?"
"Mm," Sam said against Janet's flesh. Janet shuddered. "At the bar. There was a guy who couldn't take his eyes off of you."
Janet buried her face into Sam's short hair, blushing. "Probably looking at you..."
"No, Janet," Sam said, pulling back and tilting Janet's head up. "Don't you understand how beautiful you are?"
Janet rose onto her tiptoes and brushed her lips against Sam's. "I keep forgetting... remind me?"
"Who am I to resist a beautiful woman?" Sam smiled. "Take me upstairs, hon."
"She Doesn't Dance"
Mark McGuinn
She was in the middle of an empty dance floor
Wrapped up in a tall dark stranger's arms
They didn't see me slip in through the shadows
And sit down at the end of the bar
She was kissin' him all over
The way she never kissed me
I knew it was her in a heartbeat
But I knew it couldn't be
She doesn't dance
And she hates dark smoky places
She doesn't own any fancy high heel shoes
Or short sexy dresses
Her hair would be up
The way that I love
Never so down and crazy
Believe me I know my baby
And she doesn't dance
The bartender said, "Can you believe it?
Man, some guys have all the luck
But in a cold, old world so full of pain and heartache
It's good to see somebody so in love."
When they walked out together
I just sat there all alone
I thought, God, I hate that woman
But I love the one at home
She doesn't dance
And she hates dark smokey places
She doesn't own any fancy high heel shoes
Or short sexy dresses
Her hair would be up
The way that I love
Never so down and crazy
Believe me I know my baby
And she doesn't dance
It's like a bad movie
That's lasted too long
It's all about her
But it has to be wrong
She doesn't dance
And she hates dark smoky places
She doesn't own any fancy high heel shoes
Or short sexy dresses
Her hair would be up
The way that I love
Never so down and crazy
Believe me I know my baby
And she doesn't dance
Believe me she doesn't dance
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