Author: Geonn
Rating: PG
Pairings: Janet/Sam
Category: Drabble
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Notes: Placed in Season 6. Title and inspiration come from Doug Stone's song "In A Different Light."
Summary: Sam sees Janet.
They were at the zoo when it happened. Sam was standing by the water fountain, waiting for Cassie to get her drink. It was a regular day; Jack O'Neill had invited Cassie, his team and Janet out for a day at the zoo.
O'Neill was by the bear habitat. Teal'c and Jonas were checking out the dolphins. Janet was sitting on a bench, looking across the way as Jonas leaned over the railing to get a better look at the mammals swimming below.
Janet was wearing a red t-shirt, baggy in just the right places so as not to attract attention to her figure. Her jeans were faded, ripped on the knees and missing a back pocket. Her arms were resting on the back of the bench, taking the rare moment to relax and catch her breath. She was wearing a baseball cap pulled low over her eyes and a pair of dark sunglasses. As Sam approached, she smelled the sunscreen Janet had slathered onto her face and arms before leaving the house. "Hey," Sam said.
"Hey," Janet replied. "Wanna place bets on how long it takes for Jonas to fall into the dolphin tank?"
Sam couldn't stop looking at Janet. It was a side of the doctor she never got to see in the infirmary. The playful, smiling, laughing, joking Janet wearing comfortable clothes. In sneakers instead of high heels. In a shirt that wasn't buttoned all the way to the throat and jeans that looked painted on... Janet finally looked at Sam and said, "What's wrong?"
Sam leaned in and kissed the doctor, tasting the hot dog the brunette had eaten earlier and the protective lipgloss on her lips. Her fingers massaged the back of Janet's head, right where her spine and skull met. Janet touched Sam's cheek, her fingers trailing down to the blonde's chin before they broke apart. "What was that for?" Janet asked.
"I saw you in a different light," Sam whispered.
"How'd I look?"
Sam grinned. "Just like you did last night." They kissed again, not caring if anyone saw them. Not worrying about what people might think. The only thing they cared about was the message emanating from both of them: "I'm so in love..."