Title: The Cure For Boredom
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: PG
Category: Drabble, Humor
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Summary: Boredom can be cured in so many ways...
Sam was on the couch in the den when Janet finally wandered in. Janet settled in next to the blonde and draped her legs over Sam's thighs, crossing her bare feet and laying back on the couch. Sam immediately began to rub the brunette's feet, closing her book and looking at Janet. "Hey," she smiled. "What's up?"
"I'm bored," Janet said.
"Aw, poor baby," Sam mock-whined, poking her bottom lip out. "Isn't there anything on TV?"
Janet shook her head. "Repeats or reality shows."
"Not a single email. Internet must've shut down for the weekend."
Sam chewed on her bottom lip. "Wanna go rent a movie?"
"Ahh, no, we'd have to worry about returning it and all that nonsense. Besides, I can't think of any movies I want to see. By the time we browse the video store, it'll be too late to start watching a movie tonight."
Sam put her book down and thought. After several seconds of getting nowhere, she glanced at Janet and asked, "Well, you have any ideas of what we could do?"
"Not one," Janet sighed.
They both pondered, then Sam slid her hand from Janet's foot to her calf. "I have an idea..." Sam said. Janet quirked an eyebrow. Sam grinned wickedly and said, "Let's chase each other around the bedroom."
Janet was off the couch and running upstairs in seconds flat, with Sam hot on her heels.
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