Title: Strong Country Lovin'
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: R
Pairings: Sam/Janet, Janet/Other
Category: Humor, Romance
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Notes: Despite the pairing, there's no cheating going on in this here story. Good times, all around :D Written for teryl_brat42 to show that, not only do I accept Janet being from Texas, I find it a little easier to write than having Janet from Oklahoma. :D
Summary: A storm awakens memories for Janet...
A giant toddler rushed down the sides of the Rocky Mountains, roaring at the top of his lungs and flinging handfuls of rain at the sleeping town of Colorado Springs. Janet Fraiser woke as several handfuls of rain slapped her bedroom window, raising up in bed and blinking through her rest as she tried to determine the source of the disturbance. A few moments of consciousness revealed all; there was a storm, Sam was still asleep next to her and the power had gone out. Thunder boomed, the toddler expressing his discontent, and another handful of rain pounded the house.
She climbed out of bed, pulling on her slippers and finding her robe. Next to her, Sam stirred slightly and rolled onto her other side. Janet brushed the blonde's shoulder as she stood, moving to the bedroom door. She walked down the hallway, inching forward through the pitch-black house, using the wall as a guide. She stumbled a bit on the stairs, righting herself before she tumbled down to the entry hall, and made it all the way down without incident.
She checked the fuse box, pursed her lips and squinted in the darkness, then finally shut the box and went into the kitchen. She rummaged through the junk drawer until she found a few thin candles, grabbing them and sticking them into the pocket of her robe. Now armed with light, she returned to the bedroom and set three of the candles on the nightstand. There was an Aim-A-Flame wand in the junk drawer outside the bathroom, which she retrieved and used to light the candles.
Lightning sparked the sky and thunder followed with a concussive "BOOOOOM" that shook the walls of the house. Sam jumped in bed, flipping onto her back and searching the flickering bedroom. "Janet," she slurred.
"I'm right here," Janet said, doffing her robe and dropping it as she climbed back into bed. Sam found Janet's arms and sank into them, pressing her face against the brunette's shoulder and closing her eyes. Janet kissed the top of Sam's head, brushing her hair. "Nightmare?"
Sam shrugged, which meant yes.
"Well, I could tell you a story about a storm that'd help you relax."
Sam smiled against Janet's wrinkled tank top. "The Princess and the Doctor?"
Janet grinned. "No, I only tell you that one when I'm trying to get you into bed."
"My mistake."
"No, I'll tell you a real story this time." She thought, then said, "Well... I have one sort of appropriate for tonight, but you'd have to not be jealous." Sam looked up, her eyes bright in the darkness. "It's... about my first time with a woman."
Sam sat up, brushing Janet's face. "I want to hear it."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah," Sam nodded.
Janet licked her lips. "It was way back in 1984. I was nineteen, just out of high school. A group of students went out to this honky-tonk bar after graduation and I went with them. One of our teachers went as a chaperon, I suppose, and we spent the entire night convincing her to buy us beer." She chuckled and said, "God, I was drunk as I've ever been that night..."
May 22, 1984.
Landry, Texas.
Tammy Frye was a Biology teacher at Janet's school, a tall redhead with sparkling green eyes hidden behind her glasses. That night, she was trying so hard to not be 'the teacher' and fit in, while making sure everyone behaved themselves. Janet found herself drinking more and more, eventually leaning against Ms. Frye and whispering, "Don't let me do anything stupid."
Ms. Frye had held Janet, stroking her arm, as the party continued to rage around them. Janet's buzz wore off as the night wore on and she remained in Ms. Frye's arms, watching everyone dance and act like idiots. Occasionally, Ms. Frye would call out a warning and the mood would suddenly drop down a notch. The bartender continually kept his eyes on the crowd of recently freed high school students, but didn't make much noise since they had a semblance of order.
The bar ran along the far wall, facing the entire room. The booth where Janet and Ms. Frye sat was near the front of the bar, separated from the dining area by a low wall. The dance floor was between the booths and the stage and, nestled between the stage and the bar, was a huge fenced in area that contained two dozen rubber mats and a mechanical bull stopped mid-buck. A handful of shots after midnight, Janet patted Ms. Frye's hand and said, "I wanna ride the bull."
"Are you sure?" the teacher asked, looking warily at the contraption.
Janet nodded and stood, making her way to the bull. It was a dollar for a minute and she slid a five into the slot. Ms. Frye squeezed her hand and said, "There's a stop button. Let me know if you want me to hit it."
"That's okay," Janet said.
"Say 'whiskey,'" Ms. Frye said. "If it gets to be too much, say whiskey and I'll shut it off. No one has to know you wanted to stop, you can just say that I forced you to stop. Okay?"
Janet smiled. "Thanks, Ms. Frye." She kissed the teacher on the cheek, a contact that lasted just a little too long. Janet giggled and climbed onto the rubber mats. Her classmates realized what was going on and had made their way over, surrounding the area. The bartender also had his eyes on the petite brunette. She climbed onto the bull, straddling it's bulk between her slender jean-clad legs, and wrapped her hands around the reigns. "Okay!" she called.
Ms. Frye hit start and the bull immediately bucked upward. Janet held on, falling forward against the creature's fake hide, squealing loudly. The bull spun on it's base, the back raising as it twisted. Janet lifted herself up, arching her back and laughing wildly. From the sidelines, Tammy Frye tried desperately not to notice how the teen's breasts filled out her t-shirt. She didn't watch Janet's ass, wrapped in skin-tight denim that betrayed no pantyline, as it bucked back and forth with the bull. Janet was bucking wildly in tune with the bull, unconsciously pantomiming a sexual act. She lifted one hand over her head, waving an imaginary cowboy hat in the air. "Whoooo!" she cried out.
The bull rocked to one side and immediately righted itself, bucking forward three times. On the third forward buck, Janet's hands slipped free of the reigns and she flipped, her petite body lifting off the bull and towards the ceiling. Ms. Frye's eyes widened in horror as Janet bent in mid-air, her legs flailing madly, her arms pinwheeling as she slammed loudly against the rubber 'safety' mats. Her body bounced minutely upon impact and she exhaled sharply, the wind knocked from her lungs. Then, she laid completely still.
Tammy rushed onto the platform, dropping to her knees by Janet's side and rolling the girl onto her back. Janet wasn't breathing. Panicked, the teacher plugged Janet's nose and pulled her mouth open, pressing her lips to the teenager's. Janet coughed almost immediately and Tammy rose, looking into Janet's crossed eyes. The girl coughed again, blinked, then smiled and sat up on her own. She scanned the crowd of classmates and lifted her arms in triumph. The graduating class of 1984 cheered.
Ms. Frye smiled despite the racing of her heart. She patted Janet on the back as they stood and left the bullriding platform.
The party broke up an hour or so later with the bartender cutting off alcohol to the group. Janet was in more or less good condition after her run-in with Ferdinand's not-so-friendly cousin, but needed Tammy's support to get out to her car. Each step prompted an "ow ow ow" from Janet. "I think I broke my coccyx," Janet declared, leaning her hip against her car as Tammy unlocked the doors. Thunder rumbled above them and Janet looked up, hugging herself.
"You know," Janet said, then stopped.
Tammy had gotten the door open and was standing in the wash of the interior lights, watching Janet. "What?"
"No, what?" Tammy asked, stepping forward and standing next to Janet.
"I can't tell you."
Tammy grinned. "Yes, you can. Anything. I'm your friend, Janet."
Janet sighed and looked at her teacher. She brushed her hand over the older woman's face and softly said, "I didn't like the ride as much as I liked what came after."
"Being hurled to the ground?"
"Kissing you," Janet said quickly.
Tammy's eyes widened behind her glasses. "I didn't kiss you. I thought you weren't breathing. I was trying to--"
Janet held up a hand and said, "Ms. Frye. This is mouth-to-mouth." She stepped forward and pressed her lips to Tammy's. She blew once, parting the teacher's lips, and pulled back. "And this, Ms. Frye... is a kiss." She rose onto her toes again and pressed her lips to Tammy's again. Tammy's green eyes stayed open behind her glasses, her lips parted in shock as she felt the younger girl's tongue against her own. Janet's hands rested on Tammy's belt, and the older woman felt her fingers trembling.
When they broke apart, Janet smiled. It had started to rain. Tammy looked at Janet and said, "We shouldn't."
"Shouldn't what?"
Tammy swallowed. "H-have sex."
"Do you want to have sex with me?" Janet asked, genuinely shocked. She was still a virgin; kissing had never led to sex in her experience. "Because I'd like to..." She closed her eyes and said, "I'm sorry."
Tammy's heart was pounding. "You're my student."
"I graduated last night," Janet pointed out.
"You're so much younger than I am."
"So?" Janet rose again, kissing Tammy's face where the rain it hit. The teacher pulled back and Janet said, "I'm an adult. I want this. I want you."
Tammy took Janet's hand and led the girl to the car, helping her into the passenger side. "Come on. Let's go somewhere dry."
Janet woke the next morning in Tammy's spartan apartment. She was asleep on the bed, which was a bare mattress on the floor. She sat up, rubbing her eyes and groaning at her hangover as she stumbled out of the bedroom. Tammy was asleep on the couch, curled under an afghan quilt. Janet looked at her teacher, knowing nothing had happened the night before. She knelt next to the couch and woke her former teacher with a soft kiss, brushing the tangled curls out of the other woman's face.
Unfocusing green eyes opened and she squinted, trying to see Janet's face. "Hi," the teacher said.
"Hi," Janet replied.
"How was--"
"Good. I slept well. My hangover is a bitch, but..."
Tammy smiled.
"But most importantly, I'm not drunk any more. And I still want... what I said I wanted last night." She leaned forward and kissed Tammy softly, hands tangling in the older woman's hair, pulling her closer. When they broke the kiss, Janet rested her head against Tammy's. "I've known about you for a long time. A lot of people in school do. But I didn't pick you just because I knew you... would be responsive. I want you because you're brilliant, beautiful, funny, shy, helpful, comforting, tender... I want my first time to be with someone who will treat me kindly. Someone who'll teach me."
Tammy kissed Janet, lips trembling, and then said, "You're nineteen, right?"
"Legal," Janet nodded.
Tammy took Janet's hand and led her back into the bedroom, closing the door behind them.
Sam was kissing Janet as the story ended, her lips muttering against the skin of Janet's neck. "Ahh," Janet said. "I spent most of the summer with her. She was my first love. We only broke up when I had to leave for college. The school hadn't gotten wind of us, which was a blessing, so she went back to another year of classes while I headed out for my life. After her, I don't know... the times I would be with men were just... plain. I only felt alive, I only felt sex when it was with a woman. Does that make sense?"
"Mm," Sam said. Her mouth was full of Janet's shoulder.
"Quid pro quo," Janet said.
"I'm too horny for Latin," Sam said, adjusting her pajamas before fingering the elastic of Janet's waistband.
Janet giggled and squirmed away. "I told you my first time with a woman. Now, you tell me yours."
Sam looked up. "You know mine," she claimed.
"I do?"
Sam brushed Janet's hair. "You... were there, sweetheart."
Janet was taken aback. "You never said anything." Sam shrugged. Janet blinked and then said, "I... wow."
"I have to say," Sam said, kissing Janet's lips, "Ms. Frye must have been an excellent teacher."
"She taught me everything I know," Janet smiled, sinking down onto the mattress, succumbing to Sam's advances.
"And you taught me everything I know," Sam said, perched over Janet. "So, Ms. Fraiser... think it's time for my pop quiz?"
"I'll be grading on a curve, ya know."
"This curve?" Sam asked, stroking from Janet's hip to her underarm.
Janet moaned. "Yeaaah."
The storm had passed overhead. Morning was a few more hours to breaking. Janet proceeded to remind Sam what real country-lovin' was...