Cookies & Cream
Author: Geonn
Rating: R
Pairings: Sam/Janet, established relationship
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I even borrowed the letters that make up the words.
Series: Eighth in the Ampersand Series
What Came Before: Life & Death, Search & Rescue, Forgive & Forget, Hide & Seek, Light & Dark, Now & Then, True & False
Summary: Ice cream leads to other endeavors... and a surprising question.
Janet started to use the regular scoop, then realized she was alone in the house. With the smile reminiscent of a teenager breaking her parent's rules, Janet reached into the back of the drawer and retrieved the large scoop; the one that practically hollowed out the carton. The one Cassie wasn't allowed to use because, basically, Janet believed a sixteen-year-old didn't need that much ice cream in one sitting. The girl never bothered to ask why the scoop had been purchased if no one was allowed to use it. It had been purchased for just this occasion, Janet decided.
Returning to the counter, she unfolded the top of the ice cream carton and scooped a large serving into her bowl. After two or three giant scoops of vanilla ice cream, she closed the ice cream and returned it to the freezer, pausing to gather her condiments from the counter beside the fridge. She added a handful of crushed Oreo cookies into her bowl, mixing it with the spoon. The frozen concoction was finished off with a generous amount of Hershey's chocolate sauce and a large cherry - stem still attached - dropped onto the apex.
Janet moved the bowl out of her way and jumped up onto the counter, pulling the dessert into her lap. The bottom of the bowl was cold against her bare thighs, but she didn't care. Gathering a large amount of ice cream on her spoon, Janet smiled. "I scream, you scream, we all scream for--" She took a large bit and, around the mouthful, mumbled, "--Ith cweeem."
As she was savoring the first bite of her treat, she heard the front door open and close softly. "Janet? You home?"
"In here," Janet replied.
Sam entered the kitchen, smiling at the sight of her lover perched on the counter eating ice cream. The brunette wore a powder blue tank top with spaghetti-string straps over a pair of pink boxer shorts. She was swinging her feet from side to side, her heels occasionally bumping and sending the other askew. It was one of the most beautiful sights Sam could remember.
Janet turned, seeing the blonde eyeing her. "What? Never seen a grown woman eating ice cream in her undies before?"
"Never one so gorgeous," Sam winked.
Janet took another spoonful, then noticed Sam was wearing a white t-shirt and jeans. "What, was this a 'come-as-you-are' wedding?"
"Nah, I changed at the reception. Cortney and some of the wedding party went out for pizza afterward."
"The bride went for pizza after her own wedding?"
Sam shrugged, pulling the ice cream from the freezer to make herself a bowl. "I guess her husband understood. He waited at their apartment and packed for their honeymoon."
Janet raised her eyebrows. "Wow... she gets pizza while he packs? This'll be a fun marriage." She chuckled, then shook her head. "I'm glad you changed, though. If I saw you in that bridesmaid's dress one more time, I don't think I'd be able to make love to you anymore."
"It wasn't *that* bad," Sam protested.
"Sea foam green," Janet recalled. "Poufy shoulders... hoop skirt... Damn, just remembering it, I find you less appealing."
"Oh, is that so?" Sam smirked. She had her back to Janet, busy preparing her own bowl of ice cream. She reached up, sliding her shirt off of one shoulder. She carefully repeated the move on the other side.
Janet cleared her throat. "Gettin' warmer..."
Sam chuckled. "I can't help but notice you used the, uh... 'forbidden scoop.' Where's Cassie at tonight?"
"Ah, she went out to see that new Bruce Willis movie."
Sam turned. "'Bandits'? Ah, man, I've been *dying* to see that!"
"Relax," Janet grinned. "I'll take you to see it this weekend."
Sam waggled a finger over her shoulder. "Oh, no you won't, missy. Not unless we bring along a chaperone. If we go alone, I won't see a damn minute of the movie."
"Are you complaining?"
"Never," Sam winked. She had finished fixing her bowl and returned the carton to the freezer. She picked up her bowl, then moved closer to Janet. "I notice you used the majority of the chocolate sauce... mind if I borrow some?"
Janet swirled her spoon around, gathering some of the excess sauce. "You know, I must say you've handled this entire thing very well."
"It's just ice cream, Janet," Sam grinned.
Ignoring the blonde's comment, Janet said, "Cortney Roe was your... first..."
"You can say it," Sam said. "She was my first female lover."
"Right," Janet agreed. "To actually participate in her wedding, it's... an amazing step."
"We haven't talked about that night in a long time. All it did was prove to me that I was attracted to women and she... she really wasn't." Her smile faltered a bit, but she recovered quickly. "I'm extremely happy that she found someone."
Janet's spoon was now covered in chocolate sauce. She lifted it, holding it out before Sam's lips. "Care for a taste test, my love?"
"I meant on my bowl, Janet."
"I realize... hurry before it..." A hanging drop lost it's precarious hold on the spoon and plummeted, leaving a trail on Sam's chin before dripping further south. If Sam hadn't recently pulled her shirt down to entice Janet, the chocolate would have stained the cotton. Instead, it hit her collarbone just above the collar of her shirt.
Janet licked her lips. "Uh-oh. I got chocolate all over you. Let me get it." She leaned forward, letting her tongue trace the small trail of sauce on Sam's chin. The tongue was dancing just inches from Sam's lower lip and the blonde was more than aware of it's proximity. She parted her lips, hoping that Janet took the hint.
Unfortunately, the brunette didn't notice Sam's wanton expression. She lowered her head, pressing her lips against her lover's collarbone. Her tongue darted out, gathering the dropped sauce. When Sam was once again chocolate-free, Janet straightened. "Now... what were we talking about?"
"Uh..." Sam mumbled. "The, uh... tongue? Your tongue?"
Janet grinned. "No, silly."
"Can we change the topic then? I'd really like to talk about that tongue..."
Janet stuck the object of Sam's affection out, grinning like mad.
Sam leaned forward, capturing the doctor's proferred tongue in her mouth and sucking it in, swirling her own tongue around it. Janet moaned, her hands almost failing her and dropping the ice cream. Fortunately, she had the presence of mind to move the bowl to the counter. When the kiss finally broke, Janet's hands were cupping Sam's breasts under her t-shirt and Sam had slipped her fingers into the waistband of the brunette's boxer shorts.
Janet gasped, "Well... that was more refreshing than ice cream."
"You know," Sam said, her hands sliding lower to fully cup her lover's ass. "Weddings in Cortney's family are supposed to be infamous. No bridesmaid has ever failed to get lucky after the ceremony."
"Oh," Janet said, sighing heavily. "I hate to break tradition."
"I know," Sam said, resting her forehead on Janet's. "Suppose, ah... we just kind of sweat our way through it just this once. I'd hate to ruin Cor's track record."
Janet slipped one hand free and rested the back against her cheek. "If I must, I must. The things I do for your ex-lovers."
"What are we going to do about the ice cream?" Janet turned. "I hate to ruin so much good ice cream. Whaddaya say we finish it really quick?"
Sam sighed. "Ice cream or sex? And here I thought all my life and death decisions would have to deal with alien planets."
Janet picked her bowl up. "Don't worry... I can make ice cream just as fun as sex."
"Promises, promises," Sam said, her pulse racing. Janet was using her index and middle finger to trace a path through the chocolate sauce and ice cream until her fingers were drenched in freezing cold dessert. "Mmm, this is wonderful ice cream," she promised, holding her hand up with her two fingers extended. "Scout's honor."
Sam grinned, taking Janet by the wrist and painlessly twisted the doctor's hand so that her dripping fingers pointed at the blonde's mouth. Maintaining eye contact, Sam engulfed the doctor's digits in her warm mouth. She swirled her tongue around the fingers, wiping them clean of the sticky treat. When she felt her fingers had been fully cleansed, Janet reluctantly pulled free of Sam's suction and said, "Well?"
"Wonderful... absolutely exquisite."
"Good," Janet grinned. Using all four fingers this time, she scooped a large glob of ice cream and sauce into her palm and pressed it against the blonde's lips. Sam's eyes widened with shock, and she backed up to get away from Janet's smothering hand. The entire bottom half of her face was caked with chocolate sauce, vanilla ice cream and cookie bits.
"Janet! You... you coulda choked me!" Janet slipped off the counter. "Ooh, baby... I'm sorry." She planted her hands on the taller woman's shoulders. "Let me take care of my mess." She stood on her tiptoes, carefully placing open-mouthed kisses on Sam's face. Slowly, her swirling tongue was cleaning the mess as promised. Sam gently brought her hands to Janet's hips, holding the brunette in place so she could maintain her position.
She paused at Sam's nose, nipping at the now-cold flesh before capturing Sam's mouth in a hungry kiss.
"I really love you, Sam."
"I adore you, Janet."
"I can't live without you," Janet replied, backing up until she bumped into the counter.
Sam was pressing her hips against Janet, pinning the woman to the kitchen counter. "I wouldn't want to live without you." She reached behind the petite woman, picking up her own bowl of ice cream. "Now... I still have to get you back for smothering me with ice cream."
Janet's eyes twinkled. "What did you have in mind?"
Sam bit her lower lip, examining the possibilities. Her cerulean eyes sparkled as she thought of, then discounted, different options. Finally, she stumbled upon the perfect revenge. She giggled and said, "Ooh, you are going to be sooo happy..."
Before Janet could protest or even ask what she was planning, Sam had set the bowl aside momentarily and grabbed the hem of Janet's top. She pulled it from the doctor's small frame, tossing it in the general direction of the microwave. Janet's bare torso was revealed to Sam's aroused gaze, her eyes recalling every pre-memorized pore. She retrieved the bowl, covering her fingers with the ice cream before once again meeting her lover's gaze.
"What are you... Sa-am..."
Sam didn't answer, just smiled her childish smile again and placed the bowl back on the counter. The index and middle finger of each hand had been drenched in chocolate sauce, the ice cream dripping along the curve of the major's palm and pooling near her wrist. Kneeling slightly, she placed the fingers of both hands against Janet's already erect nipples. The doctor inhaled sharply; whether it was a product of the coldness or the arousing effect, Sam didn't know.
With a premeditated exactness, Sam began to trace circles around the doctor's excited nipples. The ice cream and chocolate sauce was running down the underside of Janet's breast in several different rivulets, pooling in the shadows before continuing their journey down the brunette's stomach.
"Sa-am," Janet pleaded.
The blonde ignored her lover, instead returning her fingers to the bowl to recoat them. Janet's breasts were both painted with a brown-white mixture, the skin beneath it covered with goosebumps. Deciding the torture had run it's course, Sam pressed her lips to Janet's left nipple as she rested her palm against the right. Janet cupped her lover's head, holding her close as her lips, teeth and tongue played across the dessert-covered nub.
After playing with one breast for a while, Sam switched and began to cleanse the other one. Her tongue seemed to have a mind of it's own, expertly seeking out and removing every remaining drop of ice cream that had been painted onto the other woman's body. Once completed, Sam straightened up and licked her lips. "Hmm... my lips are numb..."
Janet grinned, her eyes half-closed. "Ooh. My whole body is numb. Well... except for one part." She opened one eye, smiling at Sam.
"One part?" Sam asked, feigning ignorance. "Which part is that?" Her right hand was resting on Janet's thigh and suddenly slipped up, cupping the doctor's heated mound through her pink boxers. "Would that be... this part?"
Janet gasped. "Oooh, yes."
Sam frowned. "Hm. This feels really warm. Maybe what it needs is... a little ice cream." She picked up the bowl and knelt once more. Janet leaned back, hooking her thumbs in the elastic waistband of her underwear and sliding it down. Sam took over mid-thigh, thus saving the doctor from bending over. Once the shorts were around her ankles, Janet stepped out of them and kicked them across the floor.
The doctor's neatly cropped pubic hair was staring Sam in the face, the pink lips of her labia visible between her slightly spread legs. Sam licked her lips, remembering the task at hand. Finally, she stuck her finger into the bowl, bringing it back covered with cream and sauce. Eager to see Janet's reaction, she spread the chilled treat across the already wet brunette's slit. Janet moaned, low in her throat, her knees threatening to give out. Her arms shot out, holding her steady against the counter. Sam leaned forward, extending her tongue to clean off the just-applied cream. Mixed with Janet's juices, it was the most intoxicating taste Sam could remember. She doubted anything could top what she had just tasted. With a frustrated groan, Sam released her grip on the bowl and let it fall to the floor. The bowl was, thankfully, plastic. Unfortunately, ice cream spilled over Janet's toes and most of the tile. Sam wasn't worried about housekeeping at that particular moment. She brought her hands up to Janet's hips, holding her lover still while she prodded the erect clit with her lips and tongue.
Janet was slowly rotating her hips with an accented downward angle, pushing herself against Sam's exploring tongue. Under normal circumstances, she would have noticed the cold on her feet, but all the nerves all the nerves above her waist and throughout her legs were directed towards one place. Pulling one hand away from Janet's hip, Sam slipped the finger along the moist folds of the brunette's sex. The doctor, her hands mercilessly running through Sam's cropped blonde hair, moaned, "Please, Sam... yes..."
With that provocation, Sam slipped her index finger into Janet up to the first knuckle. Janet gasped, straightening her spine immediately even as the blonde was withdrawing the digit. Sam's lips captured Janet's clitoris as she plunged forward once more, this time entering up to the second knuckle. Janet's moans were becoming more and more guttural. Sam's finger slipped out once more, only to return seconds later with a friend.
Sam reluctantly abandoned Janet's clitoris and straightened her neck, kissing the warm flesh of Janet's crotch through the thin covering of downy hair. The thumb of her thrusting hand extended out, pressing against the doctor's recently neglected clit. Janet parted her lips and managed a quick, "Ooooooh, Sammm..." before she coated the blonde's hand with warm cum. Sam continued her thrusting, proding and kissing until the flow began to ebb and her hand had been sufficiently covered.
Finally withdrawing from between Janet's legs, Sam stood on her own now-trembling legs. Holding her hand steady, she picked up Janet's bowl of ice cream with her dry hand. The ice cream had mostly melted by now, but that didn't matter. The blonde scooped a handful of the chocolate-vanilla-cookie mush with her cum-soaked hand, holding it out to Janet. "Taste this," she commanded.
Janet obediently took the proferred offering, first just as an experiment, but then actually savoring the taste. She closed her eyes as she cleansed Sam's fingers individually, then moved to the palm.
Gradually, the strokes of her tongue slowing, Janet looked up and locked eyes with Sam. "Wow."
"I know," Sam chuckled. "I don't think... uh... the forbidden scoop will be our only ice cream secret from now on."
Janet sucked the tip of Sam's thumb, hoping for one final taste. "Oh, wow... that was incredible. But... why are my feet cold?"
Cassie had gotten home about an hour later, apologizing for going to the pizza shop without calling first, swearing how next time she would get home on time, etc. Sam and Janet were both understandably lenient with the girl, deciding to let her off with a warning this time. If Cassie had noticed that the two women were sprawled on the floor of the kitchen covered to the neck with a beach towel, she didn't comment on it.
Sam helped Janet clean up the ice cream mess, then retreated upstairs for a long night of mutual worshipping. When they finally collapsed, exhausted, Sam laid her head on Janet's breasts and closed her eyes. "Cortney and I talked after the wedding."
"When you guys went out for pizza?" Janet chuckled, stroking Sam's bare shoulder.
"Yeah," Sam smiled. "She took me aside and asked how I was feeling about the whole situation."
Janet could see that her lover had a point, so she refrained from any frivolous comment and simply traced and re-traced the same path on Sam's shoulder.
"She said that... just because she had decided to marry a man didn't mean that she didn't love our night together. She wanted to be sure I realized that I didn't turn her off of women. I told her that..." She lightly touched Janet's nipple, watching as it slowly reacted to the gentle prodding. "I told her I had someone that I loved more than life itself. Someone I would die for in an instant. I told her not to worry."
"She asked me the strangest question. Not strange because... because of what she said. It was strange because it was something I had never thought of. She asked me... if I really loved you, why we weren't married."
Janet's body tensed. It wasn't noticeable, but a very slight change in her demeanor. "Sam, the... the military and-"
"I told her all of that. I said it wasn't acceptable. She said, 'The hell with acceptable.' Told me love was all that mattered. Janet, I do love you. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you, and I was engaged once..."
"I love you, too, Samantha... Infinitely more than my husband."
Sam grinned. "I want to marry you. Will you marry me?"
Janet could feel the cold seep from between her shoulder blades, slowly extending out towards her arms. "Sam..."
"As soon as I get some leave," the blonde said. She was so excited she obviously wasn't listening to what Janet said. "I promise, sweetheart. Maybe even bring Jack and Daniel and Teal'c... of course, Cassie would be there. We'll find some small place, an open-minded, ordained minister to perform the ceremony. God, Janet it would be heaven." She paused, then turned and looked up as realization dawned on her. "You didn't answer me."
Janet smiled. "I... need some time to think about it, Sam."
"Think...?" She was obviously crushed. It had seemed like a no-brainer at the pizza place. Was Janet not as happy in this relationship as she was?
"No, baby, not like that. I mean... I love you. I really do. But do we really have to make a big deal out of it? You know I love you. We don't... don't need a ring to signify that."
Sam sat up, kneeling on the mattress. "You don't want to get married?"
"We don't have to be 'married,' in the tradition sense, Sam. It's just... we... I will marry you. Just give me some time to prepare?"
Sam smiled weakly. "Okay... Janet, are you sure this... are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine. Let's, uh... just get some sleep?"
Sam nodded, laying down once more. This time, she cradled her head in the curve of Janet's neck, her arm resting on the brunette's breast. Long after Sam fell asleep, Janet stared at the ceiling, thinking.
The one thing she had never imagined had happened. Sam had proposed. Well after five in the morning, Janet extracted herself from Sam's arms and wrapped a terrycloth robe around her nude form. Keeping as quiet as possible, she made her way downstairs and sat curled up in a ball on the couch, pulling her knees to her chest. She could just barely see the backyard through the curtains; the early morning sunlight was casting a beautiful glow on everything in sight. Down the street, she could hear Scott Harrison beginning work on his Firebird.
As she stared out the small strip of window, she was unconsiously tracing the line on the third finger of her left hand. The same spot where her wedding ring had rested for years. Even for a year after her divorce from Alan, she had worn the ring because it had been familiar.
Now she was contemplating putting another in it's place. Was she ready for another marriage? Let alone a marriage that had to remain a complete secret.
By the time Cassie woke at seven and began preparing for the day, Janet thought she had come up with the perfect solution. It would take awhile, and it would probably be harder than hell, but it would make everything better. They would be able to work without trouble... they wouldn't have to hide from their superiors anymore...
'Now,' Janet told herself, 'if you can just find a way to do it without destroying Sam, you're in the clear.'