Title: Confessions of a Major in Love
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Category: PWP
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Stargate and characters are the property of MGM, Gekko, etc. Mainly you need to know no one with the name of Geonn owns the deed to these people.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it's gonna be.
Notes: Before anyone asks... Yes, I am considering "Confessions of a Doctor in Love" :D
Summary: Sam is in love with Janet. Enough said.
I turned around and saw Janet sitting on the edge of the bed. Her tie was undone, the top button of her blouse unbuttoned. She had brought one foot up and was rubbing it slowly, her eyes closed and her chin resting on her knee. I walked to her, taking a moment to look down at the way her thighs parted beneath her skirt. A shadow rested on her nude stockings, hinting at what lay in the darkness just a little higher. She heard me approaching and smiled, her eyes still closed, and I climbed onto the bed behind her.
She leaned back into my body as I kissed her ear and moved my head to her cheek. She turned to face me and I found her lips. I never want to forget the taste of my lover's mouth, the feel of her lips against mine and as long as she keeps reminding me like this I am in no danger of it. I moved my hand across her collar, slipping into her blouse and smoothing my hand over her warm skin. She shifted on the mattress to face me fully, giving me more of her mouth.
Her tongue was on mine and I released my hand from her blouse. She was already starting to unbutton, starting at the bottom. I leaned back, resting on my knees as I watched her undress for me. She stood and quickly doffed her skirt, her blouse, her shoes. She put her jewelry on the nightstand, then turned and walked to me in her underwear. A slip, her stockings and the panties I knew she was wearing underneath the slip.
I was thrilled by the knowledge of her underwear. Absolutely thrilled.
Janet stood in front of me and touched my hair, my eyes, my cheeks. I put my hands on her mid-section, smoothing it against her flesh until I could see the subtle bulge of her stomach and the divet of her belly button beneath. She kissed the top of my head and pushed me back, bringing one leg up onto the mattress and straddling me. I moved my hands up. Her breasts were heavy, the nipples were erect. I looked up at her and found she was watching me.
She tilted my head up with a hooked finger and found my lips again. Yes, Janet, remind me again...
She rested her hips on my lap; I could feel her warmth. She tugged her slip up a little and showed me her panties. I touched her through them and she whimpered. I laid back and whispered for her to take off her stockings. She rolled to one side and I watched as one leg rose into the air. It bent slightly at the knee, her toes pointing at the darkened ceiling as she slipped the silky material down her leg. When she repeated the move with the other leg, I was practically beside myself with passion. She then took my hand and put it under her slip. "Take these off," she said, meaning her panties.
I rose up over her, breathing heavy, tugging the underwear down and off and tossing it. She spread her legs and gripped her slip, holding it up and over her hips. She was bare before me and I dove, pressing my face into her warmth, letting my lips and tongue tell her how I had wanted this all day long. Long strokes, probing thrusts, twisting maneuvers, nibbling bites. Janet was panting under me, her hips rising and falling off the mattress, her hands in my hair as I tried to swallow all of her at once. She pressed harder against my face and I rose, kissing up her silky slip, tasting the skin below until I found her mouth.
She tasted herself from me. I had tasted myself from her so many times. Her hands framed my face and her knees came up, imprisoning me between her legs. I had no illusions of escape. She began to work on the buttons to my shirt. My breasts hung loose under the material, ready for her lips when she freed them. As she nursed my nipples, I undid the button of my jeans and banned the denim from my body. Her fingers found my crotch and invaded as she worked her tongue over my erect tit.
Naked, I rolled her onto the mattress and settled to one side. My legs closed around one of hers and I pressed my wetness against her warm thigh. Janet pressed down against my thigh and I clung to her, lowering my head to the crux of her neck and shoulder. She licked my sweat and I moaned. Slowly, we humped against each other, our hips thrusting and relaxing with a movement of their own as we rode out the waves of our love. I pulled my head back for a few moments, just long enough to kiss her again.
We were joined at the lips, kissing passionately. We were joined at the breasts, hers pillowed against mine and separated only by our mutual sheen of sweat. My hips pressed against hers while my thigh joined with her pussy. Her thigh was similarly joined to my pussy. I moved my tongue inside of her mouth, my hands swarming her back, holding her to me. Janet cried out and I smoothed the hair from her face.
I felt her wetness on my thigh and she squeezed her eyes shut. I kissed her bottom lip, pulling it gently with my teeth. A slight mark that wouldn't blister or scar or even break the skin. She moaned and lowered her head, closing her teeth over my shoulder. My arms around her neck, our hips rocking our bodies back and forth, I came and joined Janet in tears.
We kissed.
We cleaned each others bodies and we dressed in pajamas. The sheets were drenched, so we took the time to redress the bed, throwing the bedclothes into the hamper and replacing them with a freshly-laundered set. I laid on the right side of the bed, Janet on the left. I watched as she - in her pajama shirt and bare legs, settled in and rested her loose and wild hair on the pillow next to mine. She rolled onto her side and smiled at me in the darkness.
The laundry detergent had left a fresh scent on everything. Like flowers after a rain. Janet smelled it, too, and pressed her face into the pillowcase. I felt energized, alive. Loved. I reached out and touched her face where a strand of hair had come to rest. I pushed it aside, jealous of it touching my woman's beauty. "I love you," I whispered.
She smiled. "What we just did, I think that was Exhibit A."
I grinned, suddenly embarrassed. I didn't like to talk about making love. Not even in private with the one I'd just shared it with. I leaned across the distance between us and kissed her lips. I pulled back, then kissed her again. She giggled - such a sweetness in that sound - and kissed me a third time. "How many times are you going to kiss me before you go to sleep?" she asked.
"What's the record?" I asked back.
"Forty-seven," she said, just a little too quickly for the estimate to be true.
I think I fell asleep before I managed to break the record. But I tried, damn it, I tried.
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