A Christmas Kiss
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: PG
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance
Disclaimer: Stargate Sg-1 and its characters are the property of Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. This story is for entertainment purposes only and no money exchanged hands. No copyright infringement is intended. The original characters, situations, and story are the property of the author. This story may not be posted elsewhere without the consent of the author.
Summary: Sam and Janet share a special moment during the holiday season.
"Out of the bosom of the air,
Out of the cloudfolds of her garment shaken,
Over the woodlands, brown and bare
Over the harvest-fields forsaken,
Silent, and soft, and slow
Descends the snow."
--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The towering trees carried drifts of snow in their bare branches, stretching high above the ground. The tree limbs stretched in every direction, as if trying to catch the plummeting snow flakes before they hit the ground. The dirt trail had almost been covered over by snow; it was now only noticeable due to the difference in depth between it and the surrounding forest. The inviting smell of burning firewood drifted over the idyllic landscape, carried by the wind from the neighborhood less than a mile away.
Samantha Carter looked up as her boots sank into the deep snow, a smile spreading across her lips. She closed her eyes, allowing the soft, wet kisses of snowflakes to alight, then melt, on her face. When she opened her eyes once more, she turned to face Janet Fraiser. The petite brunette was climbing out of the truck, rubbing her arms as she climbed out of the heated interior and into the cold Colorado air. Sam could still hear the Christmas carols playing on the truck radio. She gripped the door, leaning in and looking at the driver. "Thanks for the ride, Daniel. Pick us up in about fifteen minutes?"
"Sure thing, Sam," the younger man nodded. "I'll meet you guys on the other side of the trail."
She nodded, closing the door. As the truck pulled away, Janet zipped up her jacket and smiled at the blonde. "All by ourselves in the freezing cold."
Sam wrapped an arm around her. "You scared we'll run into some wolves dressed up like Grandma?"
Janet placed one gloved hand on Sam's stomach, wrapping the other tightly around the taller woman's waist. "Ah, if any wolves try to mess with me, I know a big, bad Air Force major who'll protect me."
They started down the trail, their boots moving quickly and quietly through the loosely packed snow. Janet looked up through the trees, looking at the slate-gray sky. She could still smell the hot cocoa they had made before heading out. The turkey had just started to brown when Sam had decided on taking a walk before the big dinner. Janet had agreed, eager to spend the time with her--
With her what? Friend? No, that seemed too informal for what Sam meant to her. Lover? No, that's wasn't right either. She and Sam had never made love. They'd never even kissed, afraid of what it would mean. Janet sighed. Neither wanted to fully admit they were scared to be lovers; neither wanted to tell the other that it was a bad idea. They had been 'dating' for two months since Sam had learned she shared Janet's sexual preference. Unfortunately, the military being what it was and society being what *it* was, they had decided to hold off on cementing the relationship with sex. Somewhere along the line, that had been expanded to include kissing as well.
Janet looked over at Sam, noting the other woman's red lips. It was a rare occasion when the blonde wore lipstick, or any make-up at all, for that matter. Her hair looked like it had been styled professionally, even though it was just dinner at Janet's house, her eyes highlighted by subtle blue eyeshadow. She might have been wearing blush, but it was hard to tell in the cold air. She was bundled in a large blue coat that Cassandra had bought for her (and been none-to-subtle about, asking Sam whether she had a nice coat, what her size was, if she liked certain kinds of coats, etc.), her hands hidden in wool gloves.
As Janet examined the blonde's body, she kept returning to the lips. God, how she wanted to kiss those lips... She looked forward, snuggling closer to Sam as they walked. Sam tightened her grip on Janet's shoulder, pulling the other woman tight against her side. Suddenly, Sam stopped moving, looking up. "Hold it, hon. We're here."
"Here? Where's here?" Janet asked, looking around herself. To her, everything was just like it had been at the beginning of the trail. Beautiful, indeed, but no more beautiful than anything else she had seen since the walk began. Sam turned, forcing Janet to follow suit so they were looking at each other. Sam brushed away several snowflakes that had accumulated on Janet's eyebrows, looking into the other woman's eyes. "What's up, Sam?" she asked, suddenly nervous.
"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Sam smiled. "Every day, I'm amazed you would consider... consider a relationship with someone like me. And... just being here with you, I know that I can never look at anything beautiful again without comparing it to you."
Janet averted her gaze, deciding to examine Sam's shoulder. A light dusting of snowflakes had decorated her jacket, small ice crystals clinging to the curled ends of her hair. "If you make me cry and the tears freeze to my face..."
Sam hooked one finger under Janet's chin. "I've done some thinking since we started... whatever we started. We've been so damn scared about people finding out, about what it would mean if we were discovered. I've been too afraid to even kiss you for fear of lipstick being discovered on my collar or... I've just been scared. Until today. Today, when I looked across the living room and saw you sitting with Cassandra, when I heard you laugh, when I saw your beautiful eyes twinkle, I learned something about myself."
Janet moved her lips to ask what, but couldn't find her voice.
"I don't care if they find out," Sam said. "I know what I want for Christmas." She looked up into the falling snow, smiling.
Janet followed her gaze, finally seeing why Sam had stopped. Through the falling snowflakes, Janet spotted a length of red ribbon that had been stretched out between two trees, sprigs of holly hanging from the bottom. In the center, attached to a string, hung three leaves of mistletoe. Janet gasped, looking at the red berries. "Oh, Sam..."
Sam looked at Janet once more. "I want to kiss you for Christmas," she whispered. "And every day afterward."
Janet felt her heart leap into her throat, threatening to choke her. "Sam... are you sure? I mean... we've waited so long for this moment. Are you sure this is the right time?"
The blonde chuckled, brushing a snowflake from Janet's cheek. "Look around us... it's beautiful. The entire world is covered with a white sheet, a whole new tomorrow is awaiting us. We can take this opportunity to take the next step in this relationship, or let it pass by and wait for another, more perfect time to come. But, I'm telling you... I think that would be a long wait."
Janet took a deep breath, then recited, "'We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand... and melting like a snowflake. Let us use it before it is too late.' Marie Edith Beynon..."
"I don't know her," Sam smiled, "but I like her thinking. Will you be mine for Christmas?"
"For Christmas... New Year... and every day after that."
Janet's tongue darted out, moistening lips that had become dry in the cold air. Sam took a step forward, suddenly as nervous as a schoolgirl. She raised one gloved hand to cup Janet's cheek, feeling her heart skip when the brunette leaned against her palm, snuggling against the warmth of the blonde. She brought the other hand up, resting it on Janet's shoulder and wetting her own lips. Janet opened her eyes, looking up at her friend... lover... *soul-mate.*
They leaned forward in unison, their lips inches apart when they realized that both of them had moved in. Sam's smile deepened and she slipped her hand from Janet's shoulder to cup the back of her head. "Are you sure we're ready to take this step?" Sam whispered, the smoky plume of her breath getting only a few inches before it was inhaled by Janet. Instead of replying, Janet closed the distance between their parted lips, gently pressing flesh to flesh.
The initial contact was almost enough to send Sam reeling. Her eyelids instantly floated down, her hand immediately tightening at the base of Janet's skull. Her heart was beating like a drum, her adrenaline sky-rocketing as she finally was finally realizing a dream she had harbored since first seeing Janet at the SGC.
For several minutes, Sam and Janet only exchanged breath, their parted lips merely pressed together. Sam would have been content with this intimate connection, but gasped when she felt a gentle weight pressing against the tip of her tongue. She returned the favor, twisting her tongue around the brunette's and gently suckling it. Janet moaned into Sam's mouth, the vibrations causing all of the blonde's nerve endings to explode at once. She slipped her gloved hand from the brunette's face and ran it through the short brown locks that hung loose.
Janet slipped her hands around the blonde's slender waist, resting them both on her lower back. No need to travel lower... not just yet...
Sam tilted her head the other way, swiping her tongue forward and exploring the rest of Janet's mouth. The brunette leaned into the kiss, hungrily accepting her lover's oral examination. She never knew that a kiss could be this powerful; she had never felt this much passion emanate from a simple pressing of lips. She immediately corrected herself. This was not a simple pressing of lips. With Sam it was - and would always be - so much more. As she pressed her body against the blonde, Janet realized that nothing would ever be simple again. She had found the love of her life... and she wasn't going to let her go for anything.
Sam reluctantly broke the kiss, pulling back and looking down at the brunette with half-lidded eyes. "Wow..."
"I second that," Janet whispered.
The blonde rested her forehead against Janet's. "How long until we're supposed to meet Daniel?"
Sighing, Janet said, "Not sure. We better get moving, though."
Neither was sure who made the first move this time, but before either could stop it, they were deep into a second kiss. As Sam devoured Janet's probing tongue, the doctor slipped her hands under the blonde's sweater and pressed her gloves against the warm skin of Sam's lower back. Her fingers played over the dimpled skin where the major's buttocks began and she smiled against her lover's mouth.
Sam pulled back, smiling. "We better go soon."
"We better," Janet agreed.
They pulled apart, straightening their clothes. Sam stroked Janet's face once more, then leaned down and kissed away snowflakes that had accumulated on the brunette's eyelashes. Janet smiled up at Sam, taking the taller woman's hand in her own. Together, they turned and continued down the trail to their future.