Title: Chocoholic
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Fandom: Star Trek: The Next Generation
Characters: Troi, Crusher
Pairing: Troi/Crusher
Spoilers: "The Game," sort of. General knowledge of Troi's eating preferences
Rating: Mature
Troi: It's the whole experience. First you spoon the fudge from around the rim... leaving only ice cream in the middle... Then gently spoon the ice cream around the sides, like you're sculpting it... Relish every bite. Make every one an event. And on the last bite, close your eyes... *closes eyes and takes a bite*
Riker: I never knew it was a ritual.
Troi: Chocolate is a serious thing.
-- ST: TNG, "The Game"
Beverly Crusher held the bowl in one hand, dragging the spoon through the fudge and watching the trails it made along the edge of the dish. Lifting the utensil, her bright green eyes watched as the fudge slowly dripped back into the bowl. She poked her tongue out, shifting slightly so that her legs weren't underneath her anymore and rearranged her gown around her lower body.
"Now," she said, in that sweet, soft, sexy, husky voice of hers. "Where do I start?"
Deanna Troi, sounding far calmer than the situation merited, said, "Gather a bit on the spoon. Not too much. But just enough to get a good taste."
Beverly did as she was instructed, holding the spoon up and dishing it out. "Okay, now?"
"Taste," Deanna said, finally revealing a bit of a quake in her voice.
Beverly put the bowl and spoon aside and used one hand to hold her hair up and away from her face. She lowered her head, pressing her lips against the slick of fudge she had spread on Deanna's bare stomach. Swirling her tongue in the Betazoid's belly button, Beverly looked up to see Deanna's lips parting.
"Have I finally gotten you to crack?" Beverly asked, stretching up Deanna's body so that they were face-to-face.
Deanna craned her neck out, pressing her lips to Beverly's and sucking her tongue. She tasted the chocolate and moaned, bringing both hands up to cup the back of the other woman's head. When the kiss broke, Deanna licked her lips and focused her deep black eyes on Beverly's. "Where else can we put the fudge?" Deanna asked, her voice shaking.
"Oh, Deanna," Beverly said, pulling the bowl close. "We haven't even begun to explore the possibilities."