Title: ChitChat
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Rating: R
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Humor
Disclaimer: These folks don't belong to me. I stole them from MGM's toybox without asking their mommies for permission. I promise to return them more or less unscathed.
Archive: Yes, just let me know where it'll be.
Spoilers: None, but Jonas is in it and so is Jennifer Hailey.
Summary: Reading between the lines.
SG-1, General Hammond, Jonas Quinn, Jennifer Hailey and Cassandra all congregated in Janet Fraiser's kitchen for the birthday dinner. Since Teal'c's favorite meal was fried chicken, and it *was* his birthday, they'd decided on KFC. Janet and Sam sat on opposite sides of the table, across from each other, eyeing each other subtly as the celebration carried on.
Jack O'Neill asked for the mashed potatoes. Teal'c passed the bucket of chicken to Jonas. The Kelownan peered inside and said, "Wow... they're all so different. What do you like?" He was asking Janet, since she was sitting right next to him.
Janet shrugged. "I'm a sucker for a nice, juicy breast."
Sam perked up. She glanced at Jonas and cleared her throat. "Well, I-I'm partial to legs," she said. "And thighs..."
"Legs are fine. But I prefer the sweet, sweet stuff between the legs."
Jonas frowned, then looked at the layout. "Oh, you mean the corn?"
Sam was blushing, covering her face. "Yeah, Jonas," she said, widening her eyes to telepathically warn Janet to stop.
"Yeah, corn," Janet agreed. "I love it when it's dripping with butter." She ran the tip of her tongue over her top lip and said, "I love butter... when the taste stays on my lips all night...."
Sam took a sip of her ice water, sucking a cube into her mouth and crunching it. Loudly.
"Oh." Jonas said, picking a leg from the bucket.
"The worst part is getting butter all over my fingers. Of course, it does taste good licking it off."
Jonas passed the bucket to Hailey and said, "If you say so. The kernels always get stuck in my teeth."
Janet smirked.
Sam was flushed.
Teal'c guffawed at the antics of Ashton Kutcher on the "Dude, Where's My Car?" DVD, slapping his knee. He found the movie to be the epitome of comedy and the rest of them were forced to suffer. Well... most of the rest of them. Jack looked over his shoulder, frowning as he searched the crowded living room. Finally, he elbowed Jonas. "Where'd the Doc and Carter get off to? Shouldn't they be suffering with the rest of us?"
Jonas shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe they went out to get more chicken."
"Chicken?" Jack asked.
Jonas nodded. "Doctor Fraiser seems to REALLY like chicken."
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