Title: Bedtime Stories
Author: Geonn
Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Pairing: Sam/Janet
Rating: R
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Note: Written for the samcarter100 community "Alien Cuisine" challenge, but ended up ballooning to three times too large. :D Still... it was too good to delete and too good to cut to 100 words. So here it be :D
Sam sat on the edge of the bed, legs curled underneath her as she stretched her arms out to either side. She held her hands palm-up, then bowed her head forward between them. "I was strung up from the crossbeams, my legs dangling..."
At the head of the bed, Janet sat enthralled. It wasn't just Sam's dramatization of a close call during a mission; it was Sam herself. The other woman's hair was still wet from the shower, her white nightgown clinging very agreeably to certain parts of her body. Her bare leg was visible where it curved underneath her, revealing a bit of her oh-so-creamy thigh. Janet pushed thoughts of Bare Legged Sam out of her mind and focused on the story.
"So according to Daniel, the Unas expected to use me as some sort of virginal sacrifice... please, no comments from the peanut gallery here... and had strung me up for part of their celebratory feast."
"Heavens!" Janet gasped.
Sam fell forward and said, "Luckily, a shot from Colonel O'Neill's P90 severed the ropes holding up the crossbeam and I managed to escape before any harm befell me."
Janet giggled. "Yay, Sam!"
"Your hero?" Sam asked, crawling into Janet's lap.
"Ooh, yes, dear." She kissed Sam's lips, a soft brushing of mouths. "Although, I can't say I blame the Unas."
Sam frowned. "Oh?"
"Yeah. One look at you in that nightgown?" She tugged at the hem of the material, peeking a little higher on Sam's bare thigh. "Mmm. One look, and the first thing I thought of was how much I wanted to eat you."
Sam's eyes widened. "Colonel O'Neill isn't here to save me this time..."
"He better NOT be!" Janet warned.
Sam cried out in mock horror as Janet made good on her threats. Unfortunately, the sacrifice that night was all but virginal...
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