Bed & Breakfast
Author: Geonn
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Sam/Janet
Category: Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Disclaimer: Not mine. None of it. I even borrowed the letters that make up the words.
Series: The Ampersand Series
What Came Before: Life & Death, Search & Rescue, Forgive & Forget, Hide & Seek, Light & Dark, Now & Then, True & False, Cookies & Cream, Love & War, Flesh & Blood, Hours & Minutes, Wine & Roses, Naughty & Nice, Smoke & Mirrors
Notes: This is a direct follow-up to Smoke & Mirrors. You *must* read that before you read this. Unless, of course, you like being confused...
Summary: Janet realizes that Sam's acceptance of recent events is merely a cover.
Samantha Carter woke with a scream frozen in her throat. She was panting, her eyes searching the foreign bedroom as she attempted to force air into her lungs. She felt as if she had been running a marathon; her nightshirt was soaked through. She tossed the comforter off and climbed out of bed, taking time to notice all of the personal items lining the bedside table. A paperback novel with a bookmark about halfway through lay next to a lamp. A small digital clock displayed the time as 2:22.
She ran a hand through her blonde hair - short blonde hair, she realized, knowing that being in the Air Force would require a close-cut - and closed her eyes. She mentally recited her new mantra for what must have been the millionth time in two days: 'I am Major Samantha Carter. My wife's name is Janet Fraiser. We have a daughter named Cassandra Fraiser. I work for the Air Force in a highly confidential project known as the Stargate Program.' She remembered a show from the '80s called 'Quantum Leap' in which the main character used time travel to become people in other time periods as he tried to correct some wrong. She felt like him in this instance; out of place, like she didn't belong. She felt like an actress reciting a script.
The dream that had forced her from sleep was still vivid in her mind. She was in a boat in the middle of a lake, a perfect spring day, when the bottom of the boat began to fill with water. Frantically, she had searched for help. One on shore, Janet stood beckoning to the blonde. On the other, Meg Baxter waited patiently. Sam could not decide which was truth and had eventually went down with the boat. The bathroom light was harsh as she hit the switch, blinking at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was short; that was the one thing she couldn't get over. She *never* wore it this short. Since high school, she'd wanted long, flowing locks of blonde cascading down her back. She pinched the bridge of her nose and scolded herself. That hadn't been her. It hadn't been real life. It had been a pack of lies concocted by the alien woman on P47-861. She picked up the glass that stood beside the sink and poured herself some water.
As she swallowed it, she kept eye contact with the blue-eyed likeness of herself. She no longer saw a powerful Air Force major capable of kicking Goa'uld ass and taking names. She couldn't find a resemblence to the strong-willed waitress who had thrown her macho pig boss into the wall without breaking a sweat. The blue of her eyes now only indicated sorrow. Two lives and neither of them seemed to belong to her. She turned off the bathroom light and stripped out of her sweaty shirt, tossing it in the direction of the hamper. She was halfway to the bed before she turned and picked the shirt up off the floor; she had tossed it in the direction of the hamper in the trailer.
Janet kept their laundry basket in the closet. Once it was in the right place, she took an over-sized pajama shirt and shrugged into it, buttoning only the middle three buttons before returning to bed. Hugging herself under the blankets, she curled into the fetal position so that her back was to Janet. She closed her eyes and whispered, "I am Major Samantha Carter. My wife's name is Janet Fraiser..." She repeated it over and over again until she finally dozed off around 5 am.
Janet sprinkled the shaved ham into the frying pan, then picked up the spatula and began to carefully fold one end of the egg over to the other. She was wearing a thin robe over her spaghetti-strap tank top and boxer shorts, her hair hanging loose on her shoulders. She had not bothered to add the blonde highlights lately, so it was gradually becoming more of it's natural brunette. The sound of something heavy being dropped in the living room alerted her to the fact that a teenager was loose in the house. She smiled and called out, "Morning, Cassandra. Breakfast?"
The girl came in, rubbing her eyes and trying to stifle a yawn. "Nah. I'll just grab a Pop Tart at Melissa's."
Janet wrinkled her nose, puckering her lips. "Eww. All right, but I want you to eat something green for dinner."
"No prob," Cassie said, popping a leftover piece of ham into her mouth.
The mother turned, aiming the spatula at the girl and threatened, "And I don't count that new green ketchup on a hamburger as nutritious. You know what I mean and I expect you to follow your mother's wishes."
Cassandra rolled her eyes. "All right. Dinner will be broccoli, carrots and tasteless."
Janet grinned. "Now give your old mommy a hug before you go out to waste the day with your friends."
As the girl embraced her, Janet realized that her daughter was now taller than her. She had apparently been growing a lot recently. 'Great,' Janet thought. 'The two women I love most in this world are both Amazons.'
The loud blare of a car horn caused Cassie to run for the door. She called over her shoulder, "Tell Sam I love her! See you tonight!"
Janet waved good-bye and served the omlette onto a plate. She added the bacon she had already made and placed two pieces of buttered toast on the edge. She wished she had thought to make pancakes, but it was a little late now. She poured a glass of milk and headed upstairs with the meal on a tray.
Sam was still fast asleep, curled in a tight ball. Janet paused in the door, watching her wife. They hadn't made love for a while; their last time had been on Christmas Eve, when Sam had arrived in a hilariously sexy Mrs. Clause outfit. Since then, missions and the insanity of New Years' had kept them apart. And now, Sam had been subjected to an awful mind-invading device. She was a trooper, however, and seemed to be suffering no ill effects from the experience. It had been two days since the major had awoken in the med center and all signs were pointing to normal. Janet hoped that they would be able to spend the entire day lounging and making love until Cassandra came home.
The brunette placed the tray on the bedside table, sliding aside the novel Sam had been reading. She noticed that the blonde had changed clothes during the night, but didn't think much of it. She gently kissed her lover's cheek and whispered, "Time to wake up."
Sam murmured in her sleep, brushing her face with the fingers of one hand. "Tell... tell Jonathan I'm sick," she muttered.
Janet smiled slightly. "Who's Jonathan?"
Sam frowned. "Who's Jonathan?" she repeated. "What do
you--" Her eyes opened and groggily locked onto Janet.
She gasped, scooting away from the woman and trying to
catch her breath. Janet stood, shocked by this
reaction. Sam's face was blanching, her eyes wide with
fright. "Who are you?! Where's Meg?" She looked around
the bedroom. "Where the hell am I?"
Janet reached for her lover's hand and tried to soothe her. "Sam, you're home. You're safe with--"
"Get away from me!" Sam snapped, swinging at the smaller woman. Her blow caught Janet on the cheek, knocking the doctor aside and into the headboard. The bed banged against the wall, seeming to rock the entire house.
As Janet pulled herself upright, the room became deathly silent. Sam was still perched on the far side of the bed, but her eyes were less haunted. As they tried to find words, Janet looked at the serving tray. The blow had knocked her legs against the table and spilled the milk all over the eggs and bacon. She bit her lower lip and broke the silence. "I-I should... go... take this downstairs."
Janet picked up the tray and headed for the door. Sam whimpered, her eyes filling with tears. "Janet?" The doctor paused and looked over her shoulder. "Oh, God... oh, God, Janet!" She shook her head, trying not to let her hurt show. Sam scrambled off the bed, taking the tray away from the smaller woman and replacing it on the bedside table. "I... I'm sorry." She wrapped Janet in her arms and whispered against her hair, "I... was just confused."
Janet frowned, returning the hug. "Why? Sam, I thought... I thought you had dealt with this." She mentally kicked herself for actually believing everything was actually all right. Sam had been victimized by an alien device that not only created a new world for her to live within, it also wrote an elaborate backstory and gave her an actual life. When she had been rescued from the machine, it would be nearly impossible to come to terms with it.
"I thought I had, too. But... I wake up at night and I'm so-so scared." Tears rolled down her cheeks and she hugged Janet tighter. "It's just so hard to believe that this is real."
"Why?" Janet whispered. "Why am I so hard to believe?"
Sam stepped back and brushed the back of her hand across Janet's cheek. There was a subtle red mark where she had recently been slapped. "You're incredible. You're beautiful, brilliant... you're one of the best people I've ever met. And when I stop to think that you actually love me... *me*... I-I just can't believe it's real life."
Janet leaned forward and whispered, "Believe it."
Their lips met tenderly and Janet reached up to slide her fingers through Sam's short hair. Sam moaned against the doctor's lips, then cupped her face in her hands.
When they parted, Sam whispered, "I want you."
Janet grinned. "I want you, too."
Sam closed her eyes. "Pinch me... please."
The brunette lowered her head, pressing her lips to the blonde's slender neck and gently nipped at it with her teeth. Sam smiled and draped her arms around the petite woman's shoulders. As Janet's teeth nibbled on her heated flesh, the blonde whispered, "Mmm, definitely not a dream."
Janet pulled back, taking Sam's hand and leading the taller woman to the bed. As Sam lowered herself to the mattress, Janet slipped out of her robe and revealed her tank top and boxers. The blonde bit her lips and locked eyes with Janet. "I want to make love to you," Janet bluntly informed her. "If you want me to stop--"
"God, no," Sam breathed. "I want you, too."
The doctor smiled and grabbed the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head with one deft motion. She didn't give Sam any time to admire her nudity before grabbing her boxers and yanking them down. She kicked the underwear across the floor and stood before the blonde in all her glory, smiling down at the blue-eyed beauty. Sam licked her lips and met Janet's gaze.
"Beautiful. Gorgeous. A thousand words that fail me," she whispered.
Janet leaned forward and gently began undoing the buttons of Sam's pajama top. Only three had been fastened, so the two halves split apart easily. Janet leaned forward and stroked the pliant flesh of Sam's breast with her fingertips. They locked eyes and Janet smiled as her fingers closed around a nipple. The nubbin wasn't fully erect, so she playfully pinched it. She smiled and said, "Still not a dream." Sam wet her lips, obviously longing for a kiss. Janet wasn't ready to comply just yet. She pulled the pajama top away from Sam's bare shoulders, lowering her lips to taste the alabaster flesh. She nibbed, suckled and kissed her way down the blonde's right arm, then repeated the process on the left. When she finished, the shirt was bound around Sam's wrists and bundled in her lap.
Eager to be nude before this beauty, Sam pulled her hands free and tossed the shirt aside. Janet rested her hands on Sam's thighs, tickling the warm flesh as she lowered her head to Sam's breast, eagerly tasting each of the erect nipples. The blonde moaned low in her throat, her hands cupping the back of Janet's head and playing with her hair.
Frustration began to set in as Janet moved from one breast to the other. Sam felt the electricity from the doctor's lips and tongue, but longed for it to be put to better use elsewhere. She pulled Janet's head away and raised her leg, draping it over Janet's shoulder and pressing down. Janet was forced to lower her head until she was between the blonde's legs, staring at the trimmed pubic hairs before her. She wet her own lips and then looked up at Sam. "Am I to take this as a subtle hint?"
"You prefer blunt?" Sam gasped. "I can be blunt."
Janet grinned as Sam bent down and pressed her lips against the brunette's ear. Janet listened, slightly distracted by the tongue that occasionally flittered across her lobe as Sam whispered dirty and suggestive nothings in her ear. When the blonde sat up again, both women were flushed from both passion and embarrassment. Janet chuckled. "You kiss my lips with that mouth?"
Sam placed one finger on Janet's lower lip. "Kiss *my* lips with *that* mouth."
Janet laughed and settled herself on the floor, tenderly kissing the warm flesh of Sam's thigh. "Your wish," she said, turning and kissing the other thigh, "is my command, dear one."
Sam was almost mad with lust as her lover finally lowered her head and gently parted Sam's labia with her tongue. The blonde gasped, running her fingers through Janet's hair. The doctor's tongue continued it's forward journey, slowly exploring the depths of Sam's sex.
As the brunette gently thumbed the erect nub of her clitoris, Sam closed her eyes and forced her mind to wander. Janet continued her ministrations, unaware of her lover's experiment. Sam kept her hand firmly on Janet's head, holding her lover in place as she pictured the lake from her dream. She was sitting in the boat, facing the shoreline with Meg Baxter standing on it. The alien extended a hand, beckoning Sam to her side. Sam turned to see what Janet was doing... only to find that the brunette was in the boat with her. The petite woman was wrapped in a shawl, looking over the side of the boat and smiling at her reflection. When she looked up, Sam burst into tears. She was where she belonged.
She opened her eyes and forced the dream state to be shattered. Her stomach was quaking with her approaching orgasm. "J... Janet. I'm close," she gasped.
To her shock, Janet pulled back and wiped her chin. "W-What are you doing?!" Sam asked.
Janet just winked and leaned forward, suckling Sam's neck. Sam rolled her head to one side, offering the other woman more room to play. She wasn't about to turn down one of Janet's hickeys, but it was doing nothing to help her finish. "Janet?" she asked.
"Are you still close?"
"No," Sam said, tears in her eyes.
"Good," Janet grinned, kissing her way down Sam's flushed body. When she found herself between the lithe legs once more, she continued her oral exercises. She ran her tongue up one puffy lip first, pausing to savor the taste before stroking down the other side. Once she had encircled Sam's sex, she moved up and wrapped her lips lovingly around her partner's aroused labia. She heard the sharp intake of breath from above and smiled, applying suction to the flesh she had caught. Gently, she probed with her index finger at the entrance to Sam's wet center, working the tip into the blonde and feeling the muscles contract around it. She pulled back slightly, then attacked the nub with a renewed enthusiasm. She attacked it like a starving woman, hungry for the last morsel of food for miles. The mattress shook as Sam collapsed, falling backwards and grabbing at the sheets.
The invading finger was now buried up to one knuckle and Janet felt the pinch of Sam's contracting muscles. She uncurled her middle finger and began to work it in as well. She could hear sharp, quick breaths as Sam tried to get air into her lungs. The muscles were contracting faster and faster... and Janet pulled back.
Sam cried out, then whimpered, "Why?"
Janet kissed her lover's flat stomach. "I want it to be... explosive."
Sam whimpered, but offered no further protest. Janet, to reward her lover for understanding, slipped her hand up and offered her two moist fingers to the blonde. Sam eagerly tasted her own juices, lapping at it hungrily. She licked her lips, letting the juices savor on her tongue before she swallowed. "Ooh, Janet," she sighed. "Soon, please..."
"Yes, my love." They kissed softly. Janet parted her lips and fondled her lover's searching tongue as she returned her dainty fingers to the fluffy patch of hair between the major's legs. Sam raised one leg, propping her foot on the mattress to subtly indicate that she was ready. Janet reluctantly abandoned Sam's tongue and moved to the heaving mounds of her breasts. She rolled her tongue across the erect flesh, pausing to suckle the nipple and wet the small bumps that filled the pink expanse of her aureole. She repeated the process with the other breast, pressing her fingertips against the wet slit that longed for attention. Sam was whimpering quietly, her head thrashing on the mattress. Her blonde hair was matted to her forehead by sweat, giving her a heavenly sheen as she begged for climax.
Janet paused, nestling her head in the valley between Sam's breasts and kissing the salty skin before she brushed downward with the tip of her tongue. Sam's chants were becoming louder and it became evident that it was simply a repeated, "Janet, Janet, Janet, Janet." The brunette smiled, dipping her tongue into Sam's navel in a caricature of what Sam was begging for lower. Finally, she returned to her lover's sodden core.
To the blonde's absolute delight, she lowered her head and inserted her tongue between two puffed lips. Sam cried out, clutching the blankets and arching her back. Janet moved one hand, slipping it across the perineum and then back up to caress the lowest part of Sam's slit. Sam cried out as she felt the probing finger join her lover's expert tongue. Janet worked her finger into Sam's dripping hole, gently teasing the blonde as she coordinated the thrust of her fingers and tongue. Sam groaned, "Jan... Jaaaaannneettt... Oh, Janet."
The doctor looked up, peering past the blonde's breasts and locked eyes as Sam looked down. They both began to pant as Sam's orgasm was finally allowed to commence. Janet fought the urge to close her eyes, looking deep into Sam's soulful blue irises as her mouth was filled with succulent juices of the blonde's soul. She swallowed, pausing to withdraw her fingers and paint them across Sam's stomach. She felt the wonderfully sticky fluid seeping from the corners of her mouth and flowing over her chin and down her throat. She was being drowned in the lovely blonde's juices and she couldn't get enough. Sam groaned, her hips humping against her lover's face as she came down off her orgasm, finally allowing herself to collapse against the mattress.
Janet pulled herself away from her lover's center, lowering her head to the quaking field of Sam's stomach and licking away the juice she had rubbed there earlier. Sam groaned, "Ooh, not yet, baby."
Janet laughed and cradled her head against the blonde's breasts. "Any doubt that this is real life?"
"Not one," Sam said, without hesitation. "You're the love of my life... and my dreams. I can't imagine existing without you."
"So are you happy?" There was a heavy pause. Janet raised her head and frowned. "Sam? Are... Are you unhappy?"
Sam bit her lip, closing her eyes. "No. I love you and... and I need you desperately in my life." She tightened her hold on the brunette, as if to punctuate her statement. "But... there's something I didn't tell you about my experience in the virtual world." Janet remained quiet, resting her cheek on the warm flesh of Sam's chest. "Pangrema - the alien woman - said that I was obsessed with my work. That... that I was chemically unable to put love before profession. That's why she programmed me to get fired. That's why she gave me such a horrible job. She wanted my complete and undivided attention... and she knew I wouldn't be able to do that if I was employed."
"Sam, I--"
The blonde touched her fingers to the brunette's lips. "Let... let me finish. I love you with all of my heart. I've never felt this way about... about anyone or anything in my entire life. And I'm still censored by the fact that loving you may cause me to lose my job. No more." She shook her head. "I'm going to go out of my way to show you how I feel and consequences be damned. I'll kiss you in the elevator, I'll have flowers delivered to your office with my name on them, I'll kiss you good-bye before every mission no matter where we are... I will prove that you and Cassandra are the most important elements in my life... because without you, I'm nothing."
Janet's face was streaked with tears and she raised her head, tenderly kissing the blonde and savoring the taste of her tongue. Sam moaned into her lover's mouth, ready for another round of lovemaking.
Janet raised her head and whispered, "Thank you, Sam. I am... I am touched beyond words. I love you with all of my heart and would be lost without you. But... you don't have to do this. Don't throw away your rank and mission just to prove it. I know you love me. I know I'll never lose you." She grinned. "I'm more secure than some alien chicky you ran into on another world." She kissed Sam's lips, then said, "Now... how about you show me some of that love you were talking about."
Sam rolled over, pinning Janet to the mattress. "As you wish." She straddled the brunette's hips, blazing a trail down her torso with her lips and tongue. She painted a trail over the hills of Janet's bountiful breasts, rolling her tongue over the tanned mounds and pausing the fully explore the eraser-like nipples. Janet lay still, watching her lover work as a warm feeling began to grow in her stomach. It wasn't the same feeling as her orgasm; it was a bit too early for that. It was something she had thought she felt a long time ago... something that had turned out to be a mistake. Adoration. She absolutely, positively adored the woman who was settling between her legs. Janet accommodated her soulmate by spreading her legs and planting her feet firmly on the mattress.
Sam raised her head, eyeing the folds of Janet's pink core before lowering herself and feasting on the warm, smooth flesh. Janet rested her head on the mattress, letting her eyelids close as she felt Sam massage her lovingly. "You're mine," she whispered. "And I'm yours."
Sam placed her lips on the brunette's slit and spoke, the vibrations making Janet gasp. "I love you with all of my heart and soul." Her tongue fluttered over the folds, slowly entering. Janet, already aroused by her game with Sam, was pushed over the edge by the words and filled Sam's mouth with luscious juices.
"I could kiss you in the rain forever, turn all of your pain to pleasure Fill up all your days with sunlight, make the passion last every night Give you my ev'ry possession, make you my only obsession Climb up to the sky and pull down all the stars above... But I-I-I... could never love you enough..."
Sam and Janet lay side by side in their bed, safely tucked under the covers as they listened to the local country station. It was almost six, which meant they had precious few moments before Cassandra came home and they had to get dressed. Janet rested her head on Sam's breast and whispered, "We've wasted all day in bed."
"No," Sam corrected. "Any day with you is time well spent." She kissed the top of her lover's head, then reached to the nightstand and turned off the radio.
"Hey," Janet protested. "I like that song."
"Shh," Sam whispered. "Listen... silence."
The house was absolutely still; the absence of a teenager allowing them this moment of peace. Janet took a deep breath and cuddled against the blonde's side. "Do we really have to leave?"
"Yes," she lamented. "But we can always come back."
Janet smiled and kissed Sam's lips. They could both still taste traces of their multiple orgasms in the other's mouth, pausing the enjoy the flavor before they pulled back. Sam chastely kissed Janet's forehead and said, "I'll always love you, Janet."
The doctor returned the favor, pressing her lips to Sam's bare shoulder. "And I you, Samantha."
They remained in each other's arms for a long time... enjoying the silence until they were forced to face the real world.