Title: A Beautiful Mind

Author: Geonn

Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com

Pairing: Sam/Urgo (thanks, Random Pairing Generator!), mention of Sam/Janet

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Urgo


Challenge: Love Letters

"Your mind... so beautiful, so vast... I've been in many, many minds, Samantha. Some have been disgusting, like that wildebeest in Vezz'zeck or the sludge-thingie from Untnea. Ooh, and I've been in the minds of some great thinkers, like Oozab the Ponderous and Extee Exteep, who resembled a giant toad. Ooh, but to be in your mind, Samantha, is to be in the presence of wonder and brightness and to see fantastic memories that I can't describe like that little doctor in a teeny bikini--"

"Urgo... enough! Go eat pie."

"Ah! Ahhh, pie... wonderous sustenance, like manna from heaven on my tongue..."

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