Title: At the end of the day
By Clara and Geonn
Geonn's Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com
Clara's Email: clara@pink-martini.net
Disclaimer: They're not ours
Summary: Janet's had a tough day
Rating: NC-17, Sam/Janet
Archive: Sure but let us know
Author's notes (Clara): This has been sat on my hard drive forever and Geonn kindly agreed to help finish it.
Pulling into her drive way, Janet shut off the engine and leaned back in her seat letting her eyes shut briefly. It'd been a long day. SG-12 had managed to contract a virus which had turned them all mute, it had taken her three hours to figure out how to treat them and the now rather boisterous team was under the care of Dr Warner. All she wanted was a soak in a nice, hot bath, with no life threatening emergencies to interrupt it.
Although she thought, as she summoned up enough energy and climbed out of the car, the chances of that happening were slim to none. Tossing her keys onto the coffee table in the lounge she continued on into the kitchen and filled up the kettle to make enough coffee to keep her awake long enough to shower and actually make it to her bed.
She took a sip of the scolding liquid and tried not to wince as it hit the back of her throat.
Carrying the mug into the lounge, Janet flopped down on the couch and closed her eyes, letting her head rest against the back of the seat. It really was about time she took some of her well earned leave but something always seemed to come up. like SG teams turning up deaf, blind or mute. it really was amazing some of the situations they could get themselves into.
Sighing, she drank down the last of her coffee and placed the mug on the coffee table, before wondering in the general direction of the bathroom.
Janet turned on the shower, stripping out of her clothes as she waited for it to get hot. Once her daily costume was deposited in the hamper, she ran her hands under the spray until it felt hot enough for her. Stepping into the stall and pulling the door half-closed behind her, she reached for the massage-attachment to the shower head. She clicked it a few times and confirmed what she had thought the day before; it was broken. She dropped it in disgust, wondering if anything else could go wrong.
She leaned forward, resting her forearms against the cold tile and bowing her head so the hot, hard spray hit her between the shoulder blades. She reached back, pinching the back of her neck in an attempt to work out some of the kinks she'd managed to acquire during the day. She groaned and closed her eyes, wishing her massage attachment worked. Or better, that Sam was here. She glanced at the clock over the sink. It was far too late to be bothering Sam.
She cursed her own rotten luck - hadn't Sam offered to stop by earlier and hadn't Janet said it was unnecessary? - and turned off her shower. She held the towel in front of herself, rubbing at the droplets on her chest as she left the bathroom and went into the bedroom.
Sam Carter was standing next to the bed, carefully folding the blankets down from the pillows. She looked up, eyes wide as she took in Janet. Bathed in light from the bathroom, she looked like a goddess... water droplets sparkling on lightly tanned skin. The towel covered her breasts and most of her front, but Sam saw the curve of her lover's hip and the gentle slop of her upper thighs. Sam licked her lips and said, "Hi. I... decided to see if you changed your mind about me coming over."
Janet sighed and let her shoulders sag. "God, I love you." She moved to Sam's side, rising onto her tiptoes - the difference in their height was accentuated by her lack of shoes and Sam's boots - and kissed Sam softly, a brief brush of tongue over lips.
The towel dropped between them and Sam put her hands on Janet's shoulders. "You've got steel in your shoulders," she said. "Lay down." She directed Janet to the bed, helping the petite doctor lay down on her stomach. Sam kicked off her boots and climbed onto the mattress, straddling Janet's hips and resting her denim-covered ass on Janet's bare one. She picked up the small bottle of lotion off the nightstand and popped the lid, pouring an s-shaped line down Janet's spine.
Rubbing her hands together, Sam took hold of Janet's shoulders. She pinched the tight skin between her index and middle finger, her thumbs resting at the back of Janet's neck. She squeezed, gently rolling back as her hands pressed forward. Janet closed her eyes and released a low, "Ooooooh, Sam."
"Shh," Sam whispered.
"It feels so good," Janet said, her lips pressed into an odd position by her pillows.
Sam moved her hands down, spreading the lotion over Janet's shoulder blades. Once the brunette's back was glistening with the applied lotion, Sam's hands began a downward sweep on either side of Janet's spine. The doctor arched her back, but Sam gently pushed her back down to the mattress. "Just relax." She bent down and kissed Janet's shoulder as she kneaded the weary muscles of her lover's back.
When she reached Janet's ass, she gave the doctor a few quick pats, making the brunette whimper playfully. "Am I being naughty?"
Sam grinned and massaged the red marks she'd left. "Maybe later," she winked. She moved to the side, kneeling next to Janet's legs. Janet, meanwhile, crossed her arms and rested her head on her hands. Her upper body felt incredibly loose... she couldn't wait to see what Sam was going to do to her legs. After all those hours of standing and running and waiting and pacing, it would be next to impossible to do anything to help th--
And then Sam touched them, and her legs turned to butter.
Using all eight fingers, Sam pressed into the skin of Janet's upper legs, her thumbs interlocked and keeping her hands together. Sam pressed, then rolled down. Pressed, then rolled down. She mimicked this on the other leg, then switched strategy on the lower leg. She took hold of the calf just below Janet's knee as if she were trying to strangle someone, her grip a little looser than an attack. Slowly, slowly, she pressed her hands down and let them slide towards Janet's ankles.
Janet moaned and lifted her head off the pillow.
Once Sam had finished covering the legs, she looked up at Janet and said, "Roll over."
Janet immediately did as asked. Sam was disconcerted for a moment, her eyes locking on Janet's breasts before she remembered her task. She knelt next to the doctor's legs and lifted the left, resting it on her shoulder. She then pushed herself forward, forcing the leg to bend. When she stopped, the knee was resting just above Janet's breast. "Ow," Janet said, pushing her head into the pillows.
Sam reached down and ran her hands over her lover's warm thigh, dipping a bit lower...
"Aaa. hhhhaaa...," Janet managed.
Sam pushed two fingers into the petite brunette and words were lost to the brunette. Two fingers caressed the exterior lips of Janet's sex, her hand turned upside down so her palm was covering Janet's clitoris. Janet's eyes closed and she gasped, "Ooo, I see...this was all a ruse to get me into bed..."
"Is it working?" Sam grinned.
"God, yes..."
Sam giggled and began to thrust into her lover, rolling her hand so that the meaty part of her palm rubbed against Janet's clit with every down stroke. Janet was thrusting against her soon, her leg tightening against Sam's shoulder. The blonde turned her head and kissed the inside of Janet's knee. Janet reached up and grabbed Sam's face between her hands, pulling the blonde forward and kissing her passionately. Their teeth clacked together a few times before Janet pulled back and huskily declared, "I love you. So much. So much..."
Sam used her free hand to caress Janet's cheek, increasing the tempo with her other hand.
"I-I-I... Sam, I'm coming!" Janet cried. Sam stroked her lover's face and felt the warm flow of Janet's orgasm over her fingers. Sam kissed down Janet's thigh, then licked the brunette's sex dry. She brought her wet hand up, licking the evidence away from there, too. She stretched out over Janet's body and kissed her softly, resting her head on Janet's breast. "What about you?" Janet asked, her voice already soft with sleep.
"Shhh," Sam whispered, stroking the other woman's bare breast. "Rest now..." She kissed Janet's throat and said, "Just rest..."
Janet opened her eyes and sighed as she remembered the events earlier in the evening. Occasionally she was glad when Sam didn't listen to her and this had definitely been one of those times.
Rolling over, she reached across the bed to her lover and smiled when she realised that Sam had changed into pyjamas and was now fast asleep next to her. A small smile spread across Janet's face and she leaned over and kissed Sam softly before settling down again and let eyes slip shut. The smile became a grin as she fell asleep thinking of the ways she could wake Sam in the morning.