Fandom: Popular

Series: Three Times Table

Title: Queen Takes Bishop: Brooke

Author: Carla


Pairing: B/A

Disclaimer: According to the drivers license that has my photo on it I am not Ryan Murphy nor am I Touchstone Television. A pity about that as I’d probably be in better financial circumstances if I was. That being said it should be noted that this original work of fiction is mine.

Archiving: This and all my other bouts of delirium can be found at

Feedback: I find that I am partial to receiving feedback so if you’d care to impart it please feel free to do so. Either on list or off at

Summary: Nicole has to find out some time right.

A/N: Back to exploring the lighter, fluffier side of teenage life or at least lighter and fluffier than the last story. Totally not beta-ed so any and all mistakes are mine and mine alone. I take full credit for them.


"I’ve been thinking it’s time to tell Nicole." I glance sideways at Sam seated in the passenger seat. For once she’s speechless, mouth gaping open while she stares at me. "About April and me you know. I figured since we’re getting out next week for the winter recess it’s as good a time as any. This way hopefully she’ll have gotten over it by the time school starts next semester." Sam’s still looking like a fish out of water. "What do you think, Sam."

"Uhmm…er…that is…uh…yeah"

"Is that all you have to say?" I snap. For someone with such a supposedly large vocabulary Sam’s become incredibly inarticulate.

"Can I watch?"

"Beg pardon?"

"I gotta be there for that." There’s a gleam in Sam’s eye, the kind usually reserved for a hot lead or an expose of some kind for the newspaper.

"My life is not fodder for that rag you write for. Got that, Brenda Starr."

"I wouldn’t do that Brooke and you know it."

"I know."

"I just meant that I’d love to see her reaction to the news first hand. Maybe you should try easing her into the idea that you and April are good friends first. Then spring the rest of it on her. And for the record are you sure she isn’t spiteful enough to say something to Mike and Mom, you know how she is and you haven’t told them either right?"

This is true. I don’t know how to tell Dad. Somehow saying "Hey Dad guess what? It really is genetic" doesn’t seem appropriate. He’ll be okay with it eventually. It helps that he likes April, she’s come for dinner a few times now. They’ve read a lot of the same books and like a lot of the same music so they always have something to talk about. That’s kinda scary come to think of it.

"Point taken but I’m not to worried about that."

"Daddy won’t be surprised that his Little Princess is a dyke?" The sarcasm in Sam’s voice leaves no doubt as to what she thinks. Time to burst that bubble.

"Yes and no. I take it you don’t know why my mom left."

"She had to find herself or some such nonsense."

"Yeah and she found it in San Francisco." Sam chokes spraying a fine mist of hazelnut latte on the dashboard in front of her.

"No shit!"

"So yeah Daddy will be surprised but he’ll get over it no problem, I mean he’s never had a problem with Kelly. Or at least he’s never let on to me that he has a problem with her. Besides he likes April, don’t you think?"

"Sure I guess so." Sam says with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

"You think he doesn’t?" Sam takes pity on me, pats my thigh and smiles.

"I’m teasing you Brooke. He does, a lot, I heard him saying that to Mom the other night."



"So about Nicole?"

"Let me think a bit." Since it’s unlikely that Sam will come up with an answer in the two blocks left of the drive I turn the radio up.

"You know it might just be better to lay your cards down on the table and tell Satan this is the deal take it or leave it. If she’s as good a friend as you claim she is she’ll come around eventually. I mean she did finally stop giving you shit about talking to April in the café and in the halls right?"

"Eventually. But only because she hasn’t really had to interact with her."

I elect not to recount the numerous daily arguments with Nic about April. Nicole’s exact words:

"If you want to ruin your reputation, a reputation we, you and I worked hard for then feel free. Just don’t expect my blessing and don’t expect me to be seen with her."

Perhaps Sam was closer to the mark with her first comment. Nicole is going to take some time either that or I’ll just have to put her in her place. After all, I am Queen of Kennedy High. That’s it that’s what I’m going to do. We pull into the parking lot and luck out finding a spot not to far from the school entrance.

"So?" Sam asks as she gets out of the car.

"So you know how you said that me talking to April that first time was like the shot heard round the world."


"You still want to be the fly?"


"See you at lunch." I trot off to find April she’ll need some advanced warning.

Queen Takes Bishop: Sam Carla Popular Main Index