Fandom: Popular

Series: Three Times Table

Title: Old Friends: April

Author: Carla


*** The usual disclaimers and the like can be found in the first part ***

A/N: Thanks S. for the encouragement and the nudge.


To: CheerQueer

From: CharmingDork

Subject: Wish I were talking to you right now

B love,

Funny how now that everyone one knows about us I wish they didn’t. If I hear one more comment along the lines of "How did she manage" I’ll scream. All these insecurities just keep welling up. After all I ask myself the same question. How? How is it possible that you love me? How is it possible that you never noticed how Nicole looks at you, that she loves you?

You had lunch together today. That’s good. You went shopping after school. That’s good too. You should spend time with your friend. I’ve always hated it when your friends get involved with someone and then drop off the face of the earth. And she’s your best friend, who’s in love with you. I daresay as much as I.

Maybe when you finally see it or when she finally tells you herself, maybe you’ll realize you love her that way too. More even than you do me. I’m under no illusions. Despite the sudden upswing in my popularity I am still what I have always been, a dork. Sure I ‘scrub up nice’ as you once put it but I am not Nicole. Nicole is hot. And rich. And Popular. She has a car, a nice one. She likes the same sort of things you do and she probably doesn’t have any hang-ups about sex like I do. She’s the Prince(cess) Charming type you’ve always dreamed about and me; I’m this awkward mass of teenage wretchedness.

My hair is too red and in that crappy in between stage where you can’t do much with it. I burn like a lobster so instead I’ve managed to cultivate that pallid look often seen on corpses and undertakers. I have a perpetually black and blue shin from where I keep walking into things with sharp edges, like the coffee table in our living room. My sister eats dirt and is always trying to listen to us through the paper-thin walls of our rooms so we can’t hang out here. I’d rather read a good book or go see a movie alone with you than go clubbing. I have zero interest in sports and the only reason I go to the games at all is for the eye candy, you included. I have a subscription to Omni not Elle and I am so socially inept that I once actually asked Sam what you look like naked.

I realize I am being incredibly insecure. You’ve chosen me already and so I have to believe you love me because you could have anyone else so readily. All I know is that you make me feel incredible, capable of great things and I don’t want that to end. Certainly not because of my jealousy and petty insecurities so if that means listening to Sam and trusting in her assessment of your feelings for me, then so be it.

Sam says you need me.

I need you.

Sam says you want me.

I want you

Sam says you love me.

I love you.

Sam says you have enough room in your heart for both of us, me and Nicole, your girlfriend and your best friend.

I know you do.

So when you kiss Nicole, and I know you will eventually if you haven’t already. I don’t want to know when. I don’t want to know why.

Unless it happens a second time because like you once said to me, ‘The first time is for curiosity. The second time is for confirmation.’

I trust you.

~~ A

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Ack!!! I can’t believe I just sent that.

To: CharmingDork

From: CheerQueer

Subject: Remember the why of the third time…


The third time was because I loved you.

Every time since has been because I am so in love with you.



~~ B

PS: Call me after Law & Order tonight.

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