TITLE: As Ashes are by Fire

SERIES: Scene 15.Take 4.Action.

AUTHOR: Angelina

EMAIL: angelina2006@hotmail.com

FEEDBACK: Most appreciated.

PERSONAL ARCHIVE: http://members.aol.com/bufpop/default.html

COYOTE SLASH ARCHIVE: http://members.aol.com/bufpop/cuhome.html

DISTRIBUTION: Take it, just drop me a line.

SUMMARY: A couple of scenes from the movie.  Rachel's POV.

RATING:  R - language

DISCLAIMER: Characters belong to Touchstone Pictures and Gina Wendkos.  Not me

NOTES: Set during the bar-brawl scene and afterwards.  The series title comes from the fact that these two scenes are Chapter 15 on the DVD.  Not that it's scene 15 of the movie.  Cuz it's not.  And 'Take 4' is because there are (or will be) 4 different 'takes' on the proceedings.  You see what I did there?  Sometimes my cleverness astounds even me.

This is why I love my job.  Here I am, dancing on top of a bar in New York City with hundreds of people screaming for more.  But the best part is the person I'm dancing with.  Blonde, perfectly proportioned, with big blue eyes you could just dive right into.  Every male in this place is drooling at the sight of her rubbing up against me.  But they can all go fuck themselves, cuz I'm the one she'll be going home with at the end of the night.

Sometimes I forget that I'm supposed to be dancing and I just watch her.  She's such a good dancer.  And she looks so hot in that tiny little skirt.  My God, I'm about to overheat.  I turn away and start heading for the opposite end of the bar.  Oh yeah, there's always one.  Some punk is trying his luck and serving himself from the bar.  This is another part of my job I love.  I grab him and jerk him back.

"This is not a gas-pump, son."

I kiss him on his pig ugly face.

"Wait your turn!"

I shove him back into the crowd of whooping men.  It's so strange that we have all this power over them.  I just roughed the guy up and he loved every minute of it.  But so did I.  So maybe that means I'm not much better than they are.

Anyway, if Jersey could maybe serve just a little faster people wouldn't be jumping over the bar to get drinks.  Jeez, the guy was probably dying of thirst with the amount of time it takes that girl to serve some fucking liquor.  I just don't get what Lil sees in her.  Well, I mean I *get* it...she's cute.  But Lil's usually all about the business.  And for some reason this little girl from Hicksville New Jersey has gotten under her skin.  She gets under mine too...and not in a good way.  She irritates the hell out of me with her faux innocence and her stuttering and her complete lack of skill behind the bar.

But that's enough thinking about Little Bo Peep for one night.  Better get back to arousing some sad men.

"Hey, put me down!"

I think my heart just stopped.  I turn around to see Cammie getting carried away by some guy.  My legs somehow get me to the other end of the bar.  I don't know how as my mind sure as hell isn't able to think clearly enough to send them signals right now.


Fucking dick has her right in the middle of the crowd now.  I can hardly see her.

"Cammie!  Come on, let her go!"

God, she looks so scared.  Suddenly everything turns red and my vision narrows.  All I can see is my path from here to her.  And it's blocked.

"Rachel!  Help!"

I jump down off the bar and into the midst of what is rapidly becoming a full-scale brawl.  How the hell did that get started?  Who cares.  All I care about is getting to Cammie and these assholes are stopping me from doing that.  I'm punching people right, left and centre but it's like fighting my way through wet sand.  I just can't move.

"Lemme go!"

I can't see her now, she's too little.  But I can hear her and I can't get to her.  I'm supposed to protect her and not let things like this happen.  I elbow a guy in the stomach and push past him but there's just someone else to block my way there.  I'm so frustrated I think I'm going to cry.  No.  That can wait until I know she's OK.

The jukebox just started playing.  How'd that happen?  Oh God I can see her.   She's so close.  I reach my hand up and she does the same.


Her face is so trusting, so full of belief in me.  I manage to get the lightest of touches on her wrist before the tide of the crowd sweeps me back again.  This time it's not tears that spring up, it's rage.

"Rachel!  Rachel!"

She's calling for me and I can't reach her.  Some dickhead is in front of me trying to dance, or cop a feel...or something.  I couldn't give a shit.  I bring my knee up swiftly between his legs and he doubles over.  I shove him aside and glance over at Cammie.  She's still reaching for me.  A lump appears from nowhere in my throat as once again I launch myself in her direction.  Nothing's gonna stop me this time.

"Lemme go!"

She's now trying to claw her way towards me too.  All of a sudden she breaks loose of whatever hold she was in and lurches forward.  The force holding me back also disappears and I'm able to catch her in my arms as she stumbles.  I pull her into my body and bury my face in her hair as she clings to me.  That one was a little too scary for my liking.  I cup her cheek and push her back slightly, checking her over.

"You OK?"

She just nods and pulls me back against her, hiding her face in my shoulder.   We really should get back behind the bar.  What stopped the fight?  I turn around to see Jersey up on the bar with a mic in her hand.  Singing.  And everyone is watching her.  Cammie turns in my arms to see what's happening and for a moment we both just stand there in shock.  A roomful of sailors and drunks stopped fighting to listen to Jersey sing along with Blondie.  Fuck me.

I put my hands on Cammie's hips and start guiding her towards the bar.  Movement is much easier now that they're all focussed on Jersey's Britney impression.  A jerk-off tries to touch Cammie on the way past but an elbow to his ribs gives him the message.

We finally make it to the bar and I help Cammie over before jumping over myself.  Once on the other side I pull Cammie back against me, I'm still shaken up over what just happened.  She doesn't seem too bothered though.  She's also staring up at Jersey like some little teeny-bopper fangirl.  And Lil.  I can see the stars in her eyes from here.  Looks like Jersey moistens Lil's panties.  What is it with this girl?  She's singing along with a juke-box for fuck's sake!  Anybody could do that.

Eventually the song ends.  I swear to God, you'd think Madonna just finished an encore at Madison Square Gardens.  They're cheering and clapping and shouting for more.  These people need to get a life.  Or at least improve their taste in music.  Lil signals to me to ring the bell for last orders.  Reluctantly I pull away from Cammie and rattle the ancient bell over the bar.  I'm actually glad to get back to serving the baying masses...at least I don't have to watch all the Jersey-worshipping any longer.


They've all gone.  Thank God. Right now, all I want is to go home and crawl into bed with Cammie.  This is apparently not going to happen just yet as we're still all waxing lyrical about Jersey's impromptu diva turn.  Well, I say 'we'.  I'm not.  Cammie is though...and I don't like it.

"Did you see their faces?  I mean, wow.  They all wanted you, honey.  Even the girls."

I certainly hope she's not talking about herself there.  And hello?  I don't think they *all* wanted her.  Speaking personally, the thought never crossed my mind.

"Not a dry seat in the house."

I knew it.  Lil wants in the new girl's panties.  Well, this is a turn up for the books.  Hard-assed, cold hearted bitch finally has the hots for someone.  I must say, I didn't think that when it happened it'd be over someone as insipid as Jersey.  Maybe that's her type...dunno.

"You guys, that was like a one time performance."

Well, for that we can be thankful I suppose.

".that I have to repeat, like, every night."

Oh lord give me strength.  I can't listen to her wailing on like that every night.  And I definitely don't want my girl eyeing her up like she was earlier every time she does it.  And they're all cheering for some reason.  I can't stand it any longer.  If no-one else is gonna admit the truth it looks like it's up to me.

"She sang along with a juke-box, let's not start polishing a GrammyT"

Lil throws a cloth at me.  To my credit, I catch it before it hits me in the face, and therefore retain my coolness factor.

"Oh come on Rach, she saved your butt.  Admit it."

I'm shocked.  Lil would never normally say anything like that to me.  And I'm not gonna sit and take it just cuz she has a crush.

"No.  She saved me from kicking the shit out of a couple of drunks.  That's it."

I can't stand this anymore so I push myself off the bar and go to get my jacket.  I can still hear them though.

"Where you goin'?"

To take a walk in traffic I hope.

"I don't know, I gotta walk or celebrate or...pass out or somethin'"

It really is amazing how much she bugs me.  I know some people would find her endearing.  I just find her annoying.  I mean, OK, she could carry a tune.  But is she really worth all this praise?  I jumped into a god-damned roomful of rowdy drunks and no-one gives a shit about that.

"Hey ladies and gent, how about a big round of applause for the singing coyote from Jersey?"

"So I'm a coyote?"

"Five nights a week."

Well, that's just the perfect end to a perfect night.  Now I'm gonna see even more of her.  Great.  Just great.

Out of nowhere, two arms snake around my waist from behind and pull me into a tight hug.  A little of my bitterness evaporates as I sink back into her embrace.

"You ready to go home, baby?"

I nod and turn around so I'm facing her.  She looks up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes and I immediately forget everything she just said about Jersey.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go."

She runs her finger down my chest, hooking it in the material in between my breasts.

"You know...I never did say thank you for rescuing me earlier."

I know that voice.  It means I'm going to get laid when I get home.  Not that I'm complaining.

"I didn't rescue you.  It was the Pied Piper of Jersey singing her Siren's song."

Did that sound bitchy?  She smiles knowingly at me.

"No, it was you.  It's always you.  And only you."

She reaches behind my neck and gently pulls me down to meet her lips.  So soft and so familiar.  My arms wind around her as the caress deepens.  All my fear and frustrations of earlier in the night just drift away as I get lost in her.

She pulls away far too soon and traces my jawbone with her thumb.

"C'mon, let's go home so I can thank you properly."

Then she takes my hand and drags me willingly to the exit.  And to think I was worried about Jersey.

Jersey who?


"Though jealousy be produced by love, as ashes are by fire, yet jealousy extinguishes love as ashes smother the flame."
(Margaret of Navarre)

Section 2 Angelina Coyote Ugly Main Index