Title: Temporary Secretary

Author: Alan Hitchen

Email: darkmere2000@yahoo.co.uk

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: BtVS belongs to Joss Whedon and others

Pairing: Faith/Cordelia

Summary: Faith is out of jail and on license.

"Do I have to?" Faith whined.

"Yes," said Angel. "The parole paperwork says I'm employing you as a secretary. I know Kate knows you aren't, but just in case someone checks, I think it best that you know something about the job you're supposedly doing."

Faith groaned. "All right, all right, I'll do it."

"Good, I'm sure you'll soon pick up the basics. After all if Cordelia can do it anyone can."

Faith grinned. "Best not let her know that. What did she say, "Without my hand on the wheel this ship would sink." I think she's seen 'Titanic' once too often."

Angel chuckled at that. "Just watch what she does and make a few notes, that's all I'm asking."

"Okay, I guess I can manage that."

Cordelia looked up from her computer to find Faith waiting patiently for her.

"Oh, look, it's Faith the trainee secretary. We'll discuss what constitutes acceptable office wear at a later date. In the meantime let's make this easy. Here's a pen and pad. You sit behind me and make notes as I tell you. You think you can do that?"

Faith maintained her deadpan expression, said, "I can do that," and sat down as indicated.

Three hours later Faith had words with Angel.

"I'm gonna kill her!"

"Now, Faith, is it really that bad?"

"Bad? She's impossible, treating me like a two-year old! It was all I could do not to strangle her. That's it. My 'training' is over!"

"All right, Faith. Leave it with me. I'll have a word with Cordelia."

"You'd better, or else I'll..." Faith thumped the desk and stormed off to her room.

Later in the day, Angel having persuaded her, Cordelia made her way to Faith's room. She gently knocked on the door. There was no answer and the door was ajar so she poked her head into the room. Faith was sitting on the bed, head in hands.

"Are you all right?" Cordelia asked.

Faith raised her head. "Do I look it?"

"No. Would you like some company?"

Faith regarded Cordelia with suspicion. "Why would you want to spend time with me?"

"Because Angel asked me to, he said you've just had some bad news and he thought the feminine touch might help."

"Jeez. You've got the feminine touch? Just go willya before I do something we'll both regret."

Cordelia turned to go, but then changed her mind.

"No. I'm staying. I'm sorry about the way I treated you earlier, and okay, I'm dying to know what your bad news is, so I'm staying."

She entered the room and sat down on the bed next to Faith. "So?"

Faith sighed. "It's B."


"She's not interested in me."

"In what way?"

"In any way."

"Oh. Oh? Oh!" Cordelia said as Faith's meaning became clear to her. "So, you have a thing for a certain hot blonde Slayer. Is that it?"

"Yeah. That's it, but she's got Riley, so that's that. Look at what she sent me, a lousy postcard."

She handed the card to Cordelia. On the front was a picture of Sunnydale. On the back was the stark message: "The answer is no."

"Blunt, isn't she?"

"A lot like you in that respect, C."

There was an awkward pause before Cordelia asked, "Have you... fallen for a girl before?"

"Yeah. Lots of times. I like girls, but they don't like me."

"Well, as you seem to hit everyone you meet I'm not surprised." Faith winced at that. Cordelia apologised, "Sorry, my big mouth again. What about boys?"

"Oh, they like me all right," Faith admitted, "but they're only interested in one thing. I've tried to play them at their own game, but it doesn't work. As long as you give them sex, that's all that matters. No matter how bad you treat 'em, they always come back for more, and I never wanted them in the first place."

"So why go with them?"

"Because they wanted me, and it's nice to be wanted, to be desired."

"But you've always wanted someone like Buffy, and they never want you?"

"That's it. So, how about you?"

"Funny you should ask, I've developed... feelings... for someone, but I haven't had the courage to tell them yet."

"Ah! Tall dark and broodsome?"

Cordelia went pink at the suggestion. "Eww! No, not Angel."

"Who then?"

Cordelia smiled shyly at Faith.


Cordelia nodded.

"What would a class act like you want with me?"

"A class act? Praise indeed from the trailer park princess."

Seeing the hurt in Faith's eyes produced instant regret. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I really... like you... and I don't know how to handle it. I've never felt this way about a girl before."

Faith pulled a wry smile. "So, this is why you visited me so often. I did wonder."

Cordelia blushed. "I realise I'm a poor substitute for Buffy, but do you think... could we...?"

"Hold on C. First of all, you're no substitute for anyone. I said you were a class act and I meant it. Second, B 'n' me never were, never will be. I'll get over it, I always do. Third, why would you want to be with a girl like me?"

"With a girl like you?" Cordelia smiled warmly and took Faith's hand in hers. "Faith, I don't think you realise just how special you are. Sure, you've got that Slayer thing going, but that's not why I like you. It was when I was visiting you, when you let your guard down, that's when I saw the real you. That's who I fell in love with."

"You love me?" Faith said in astonishment.

"Yes. I love you. I've tried so hard to deny it, but I do love you, and if you'll have me I'll do my best to make you happy."

"You already have," said Faith with tears streaming down her face. "No one has ever said they loved me. No one ever cared a damn for me. So, if you want me, I'm yours."

Cordelia held Faith close, kissed and comforted her and let her own tears flow. And strange as it may have seemed to anyone looking in at the two crying girls, at that moment neither of them had ever been happier.

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