Title: Sparks

Author: Alan Hitchen

Email: darkmere2000@yahoo.co.uk

Disclaimer: Popular is the property of Touchstone Television. Even Stevens belongs to Disney Enterprises.

Pairings: Brooke/Nicole, Sam/Ren, Harrison/Mary Cherry

Rating: PG-13

Part Eleven

Later that day Sam was working alone when an only too familiar voice shattered the calm.

"Well, if it isn't my most unpopular journalist, Mary Tyler Whore. Busy raking more muck I see."

Sam cringed as the icy intonation sent shivers down her spine. "It's an expose of unfair marking practices if you must know. Now, what can I do for you?" she said calmly, pushing herself away from the computer and standing up to face her blonde nemesis.

"What's this?" Nicole asked mockingly. "No: 'I'm sorry, Nicole.'? No: 'It wasn't my fault Brooke dumped you.'? Not even: 'It serves you right, Satan.'?"

Sam pushed her tongue into her cheek before replying neutrally. "Would there be any point?"

"No." Nicole paused for a second then pressed even closer. "What's it like, Spam? How does it feel to never lose, to always come out on top?"

Sam shrugged. "I don't know. I've never felt like that."

"And modest too. I bet Brooke loves that."

"I wouldn't know."

"Does Ren? Where is she by the way?"

"She's gone to get more paper for the printer."

"So she doesn't know that you're screwing your step-sister to be?"

Sam slapped Nicole hard. The shocked blonde staggered back and felt her crimson cheek burning beneath her cool fingers before recovering her belligerent stance.

"Careful, Spam, the first one comes free, the rest you pay for," Nicole warned, but kept her distance. "So, you're not doing the dirty with her then?" she said with evident surprise.

"NO!" Sam barked. "I'm with Ren. I would never... and nor would Brooke. Look, I don't know what she told you but I have no idea why she broke up with you."

Nicole snorted and pressed forward again. "Then you must be blind or stupid and you're not either. It's you, it's always you."

"It can't be. She had a clear choice and she chose you. I tried to be clever and it backfired. She... Chose... You." Sam emphasised the words with her finger, gently pushing Nicole backwards.

"She... Changed... Her... Mind." Nicole jabbed back hard, rocking Sam on her heels.

Just then Ren breezed into the room and the sparring couple eased back a touch. "Hi, Nicole," said the willowy brunette as she wrestled the block of paper out of its wrapper. "Come to give us the lowdown on your routine for the next game?" she went on, seemingly oblivious of the tension in the room. "Those Nixon girls look better each time don't you think? Now I don't mean to tell you your business but I was talking to April Tuna and despite her claim to be, and I quote: 'A frickin' teen Paula Abdul' which might be a bit exagerrated, I do think she has some ideas worth considering."

Nicole smiled indulgently at the intruder's suggestion. "Ren, hun, the day I take advice from April Tuna is the day Melissa Joan Hart gets nominated for an Oscar - never gonna happen." Then turning back to Sam she concluded the encounter with a menacing "Later" then swept out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Ren enquired as she finished loading the paper into the feed tray.

Sam closed the door and let out a heavy sigh. "Thanks for the save. I should have told you this sooner," she said, banging her head lightly against the door. "Brooke has broken up with Nicole and the horned one has decided that I'm to blame."


Sam groaned and turned her head from the door. "Tell me about it."

"Can't we do something?"

"Like what? It's best to stay clear."

Ren looked thoughtful as she read Sam's concern. "You don't... still have feelings for Brooke do you?"

"No, of course not. You didn't really talk to April Tuna about cheerleading did you?" Ren laughed and walked over to Sam to take her in her arms. "Not exactly, she trapped me in the supply closet; she did the talking, I did the listening, that's why I took so long." She tucked a stray lock of hair back behind Sam's ear and kissed her lightly on the lips. "We're still okay aren't we?"

"Yeah, we're okay," Sam said, and responded in kind as Ren's worried expression turned into a smile. "Just be careful of Nic," she added lightly.


"She knows we're a couple now and she might try to get at me through you."

"I'll be careful then." Ren grinned, playfully dodging Sam's attempt to kiss her back. "Now, are we getting this paper put to bed or what?"

Part Twelve

"Doesn't it make you sick?" Lily said pointedly.

"No, actually the mystery meat is good today," Carmen replied, eagerly forking some more from her plate and following it up with a mouthful of bread roll.

Sam took another bite of her apple and continued to say nothing as she stared moodily into the distance.

Lily's attention swung back to Carmen. "Not that, though I still don't know how you can eat that stuff. I mean them," she said, indicating Harrison and Mary Cherry sitting at the popular table with an accusing finger.

The couple in question were kissing, and when they weren't kissing they were feeding each other with little morsels of food.

"Well," Carmen ventured, "at least they're happy, eh, Sam?" she said, nudging her silent friend with her elbow.

"What? Oh, yes, whatever," Sam replied off-handedly.

"Yes, what, Sammy? What are we talking about?" the larger girl continued.

"I, er, um," Sam stumbled. "Sorry, no idea. What's the time now?"

"Five minutes later than you last asked," Lily said with an air of resignation. She stared down at her own lunch without enthusiasm as she wondered why someone else's happiness should bother her quite so much.

"Just look at Brooke over there," said Sam, looking beyong the lovebirds. "Chatting away to Poppy as if this wasn't all her fault."

"Did you expect anything different?" Lily responded.

"Yes. I know Brooke has the icy blonde image down pat, but this is unbelievable. You can't just turn your emotions off like a tap can you?"

"Hmm, I don't know, look at Josh over there. He doesn't look upset either and neither does Robert."

"Oh, thank God, here she is." Sam suddenly sprang to her feet to greet her girlfriend as she entered the lunch room.

Ren was wreathed in smiles. "I've fixed it," she announced happily as she slipped in beside Sam.

Everyone looked surprised by her announcement. "You have? How did you manage that?" asked Carmen.

"Simple. As the saying goes: 'a fair exchange is no robbery'. Nicole promised to lay off Sam and I promised to talk to Brooke on her behalf."

"There has to be a catch," Carmen suggested.

"No catch," said Ren, squeezing Sam's hand reassuringly, "everything's gonna be fine."

"That would take a miracle," Lily opined.

"Miracles I do at once. The impossible takes a little longer," Ren said with a grin.

"Oh-oh, heads up, here she comes," Carmen warned.

Nicole headed for the table but paused just long enough to give Ren her trademark wink before passing by to sit with the boys across the way.

"Wow, a friendly gesture," said Sam. "Now I know why it was chilly this morning. Hell must have frozen over."

"Told you," Ren said proudly.

"Alright, oh wise one, so when do you intend to do the impossible and talk to Brooke?"

"Not just yet, let things settle first. But, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk more with Nicole. I think it'd help."

Sam shrugged. "Okay."

Two days later, Sam was standing on the Stevens' front lawn as a car pulled into the driveway. She greeted the occupant as she got out of the late model SUV.

"Hi, Mrs Stevens."

"Hello, Sam. How are you today?"

"Fine thanks, and you?"

"Could be better. We've been rushed off our feet at work. Mr Stevens is having to work late again. But why are you standing on the step, isn't Ren in?"

"No, she's doing her volunteer work today."

"Really? I thought that was yesterday, or possibly tomorrow. I don't know, I'm all at sixes and sevens these days. Well, come in, I'm sure she'll be home soon."

Sam obeyed the invitation and entered the house, following Mrs Stevens into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry to trouble you," said Sam. "I was hoping to give it her personally, but Ren's obviously running late and I'm meeting friends shortly. I got Ren a present." She produced a shiny little box tied with a ribbon. "Do you mind if I leave it in her room?"

"That's nice of you. What is it?"

"It's a necklace. A twin to the one I'm wearing." Sam ran her finger under the black leather thong to highlight the silver Chinese character that hung from it. "The character means 'good fortune always'. My dad gave it me on my twelfth birthday."

"Oh, that is so sweet. I'm sure Ren will love it. Go right ahead."

Sam went upstairs and opened the door to Ren's room. There was Ren sitting on the bed... and so was Nicole! And Nicole was smirking and Ren was naked... Ren was naked!! As Sam stood there in shock Ren grabbed at her clothes and tried to explain.

"It's not what you think..."

But Sam wasn't listening. Sam wasn't even there. She was running. Down the stairs and out of the door. Down the street as fast as her legs could take her.

Run!, she screamed to herself. Don't think. Don't cry. Just run. OhGodOhGodOhGod! Ren!

Part Thirteen

The exhausted Sam fell through the glass doors of the Palace and landed in an ungainly heap on the floor where she lay panting for breath.

Jane rushed over to aid her daughter. "Oh my God! Sam, are you alright?"

The sweat-stained brunette rolled face up and croaked at her mother. "Alright. Been running. Water."

By the time Jane had returned Sam had levered herself up from the floor and was limply filling a chair. Several glasses of ice-cold water later and Sam was able to come up with an explanation for her condition.

"I was thinking of trying out for the track team so I was testing my stamina. It turns out I'm not as fit as I thought."

"Samantha!" Jane said sharply, knowing quite well that this was a lie. "You hate sports. Was someone chasing you? Were you attacked? I told you people don't like being told what to do."

"No... no, I, um, didn't go with Lily as I said I would."

Jane quirked an eyebrow at that. "So where were you?"

"I'd rather not say. I'm going to have a shower and a lie down now. So if Ren or anyone else calls I'm not at home."

"Okay," Jane reluctantly agreed, "but you can always talk to me you know."

"I know, Mom, just not now."

"Very well, off you go."

While Sam was showering Jane popped her head into Brooke's room. she was listening to a CD but stopped to listen to Jane.

"Brooke, I don't know quite what, but something has happened to Sam. She doesn't want to tell me about it. She was going to leaflet outside that new French restaurant with Lily but she says she didn't go. Could you try to find out what's going on?"

Brooke agreed at once. "Sure. Leave it to me."

The towel-swathed teenager eventually emerged from the shower and went straight to her room. She was not best pleased to see Brooke sitting on her bed, but instead of arguing she just sighed and flopped down beside her. After a lengthy silence Sam finally spoke.

"Well? What did mom tell you?"

"Nothing much," said Brooke.

"Good," Sam replied succinctly and lapsed back into silence.

Looking the other way, so as not to stare at Sam in her inviting state of undress, Brooke at first thought Sam was laughing at her. One glance told her she was crying. She threw herself backwards to lie next to her.

"Oh, Sammy, what's happened?"

"Sorry," Sam sniffed, reaching for the box of tissues on the nightstand, "I promised myself I wouldn't do this." She dried her tears then turned to face Brooke across the pillow. "It's Ren... and Nicole."


"Yeah, Nicole. I know she's never liked me and I knew she blamed me for your breakup, but she didn't lie to me, she wasn't the one writhing naked on the bed... Ren was."

"Oh God! Sammy. I'm so sorry. You saw them together?"

Sam gave Brooke an empty smile. "Oh yes, I saw them. I went to give Ren a present. It was meant to be a surprise. She got the present. I got the surprise. You know the funny thing. We never... you know... I wanted to... but she didn't. Now I know why. Why have a flat-chested loser like me when you can have Nicole and her big boobs."

"Do you really believe that?"

"I don't know what to believe anymore."

Sam gazed into Brooke's eyes for long moments before swiftly closing the gap between them and hungrily kissing the blonde.

"What was that for?" Brooke gasped.

"You. Me. That's what Nic thought. And she's right isn't she? You want me? Well, you got me." And with that she threw her towel off. "I'm all yours," she announced with a forced grin.

Brooke was speechless. Her longed for desire had finally come true. But now that it had come she realised she didn't want it. Her beautiful dream had become a pornographic nightmare. There was this exquisite creature offering herself up for her pleasure. But it meant nothing. Sam didn't love her. And this wouldn't be an act of love, but one of pain, hate and revenge. Suddenly Brooke felt sick, for she knew that she was responsible for all this misery. She rolled off the bed in shock and disgust.

"I can't do this, Sam," she said, and bolted from the bedroom leaving Sam completely confused and even more hurt. All she could do now was to climb beneath the sheets and cry bitter tears until sleep finally claimed her.

Part Fourteen

Next day at school you could have cut the atmosphere with a knife. The doubly humiliated Sam was avoiding Brooke and Ren, and while she would have loved to slap the smug self-satisfied smirk from Nicole's face she decided it was best to avoid her too. The guilty Brooke kept to herself. Nicole seemed very happy with the outcome but Ren, on the other hand, looked ill at ease and vacillated between keeping her distance and wanting to reconcile with Sam, who rejected all attempts at contact with an angry stare.  At the end of this very uncomfortable day Lily and Carmen met with Harrison and Mary Cherry and got into her car to talk the problem out in private.

"So what happened exactly?" Harrison asked Lily.

"I don't know," she replied. "Sam was going to help me and Carm to distribute leaflets last night but she didn't show. When I called Mrs McPherson said something about her being ill, but that isn't it. She looks like hell but she isn't ill. It's something to do with Ren. Sam won't talk to her or even look at her. Then there's Nicole, looking like the cat that ate the canary."

"Ren being the canary," said Carmen, adding her conclusion.

Mary Cherry, who'd been looking rather bored up to then, suddenly butted in with her own startled observation. "You'all mean Nic's a rug-muncher as well?"

Lily and Carmen fixed Harrison with quizzical stares. "I thought it was supposed to be a secret," he explained. Then spelled it out to his girlfriend. "Yes, honey, Nicole's a lesbian, and before Ren she was dating Brooke."

Mary Cherry was even more shocked. "Not mah Brookie too! But how can that be, they'uh cheerleaders?"

"Hmmm, let me think," Carmen replied with a knowing smile. "A cheerleader, a girl who gets to hang with, dance with, and shower with a lot of other girls. You got me, why would lesbians want to be cheerleaders?"

"Oh mah Lord!" the blonde gasped in horror. "Ah've never thought of that. Quick, Joe, kiss me."

"It's okay, Mary," Harrison said soothingly, patting her knee, "no one thinks you're gay, least of all me. Now, what are we going to do to help our friends?"

Mary Cherry visibly brightened as a thought hit her. "Get them to go on 'Godfrey'," she suggested.

"What or who is Godfrey?" asked Carmen.

"Only the new sensation on Channel 94. He's jest like Montel, 'cept he's not black, or bald."

"Or any good," Lily asserted. "Look, Sam needs our help. Do you have any sensible suggestions?"

"Well... there's mah therapist, Dr Pudmerkin." Everyone shook their heads. "No? Okay, then we do it."

"What do you mean, sweetest?"

"I talk to Nic, you talk to Brooke. Lil' Lily talks to Sam and Carmen talkes to Ren. We find out what's been goin' on then figure out a fix."

Lacking a better idea everyone nodded in agreement. Mary Cherry smiled triumphantly and fired up the Humvee to carry out the plan.

Nicole was dismissive.

"I didn't do anything that Ren didn't want me to do. If Spam has a problem with that... Well, let's just say... good!

Ren was not co-operative.

"No offence, Carmen, but this is between Sam and me."

Sam even less so.

"Just go away, Lily."

Brooke, however, was a different matter.

"This is all my fault. I admit it. I'm sorry I hurt you, Harrison. I'm sorry I've hurt Sam and Nic and Josh and God knows how many other people. But sorry doesn't fix anything, does it?"

"No it doesn't," Harrison agreed, "but it's a start. Now, are you going to sit there feeling sorry for yourself, or are you going to do something about it?"

Brooke sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

Part Fifteen

The sound of a loud air-horn sundered the Saturday morning air at the Julian residence. Nicole's head emerged from a window in order to investigate the cause of the disturbance, a very large vehicle standing on the driveway below.

"Mary Cherry! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" she shouted. Then she caught sight of the slim blonde figure emerging from the vehicle and instantly changed her tune. "Brookie! Hold on, I'll be right down."

Minutes later, dressed in what she hoped was her most seductive outfit, Nicole emerged from the house and nervously approached her ex. Brooke smiled and Nicole visibly relaxed.

"Mary Cherry suggested a trip to the Mall," Brooke began.

"I'd love to," Nicole blurted out, and practically threw herself into the back seat.

"I thought you'd like to come," Brooke said to herself, needlessly completing the invitation, then followed Nicole into the Humvee.

"Come on, Sam, get your lazy ass out of bed." Lily prodded the lump under the bedclothes.

A muffled voice emerged from beneath the pillow. "Go away."

"No. You bailed on me the other day. You owe me."

No reply came, so Lily nodded to her companion. At the signal, Carmen lifted one side of the mattress and tipped Sam out of bed.

"What the... okay, okay," the tousled brunette spluttered, "I give in, I'll go leafleting with you. Just let me get showered and dressed and we'll go."

"We'll be waiting," Lily trilled happily, and winking at Carmen they both left the room.

Mrs Stevens quizzed her daughter as she saw her heading for the door. "Are you sure you don't want to go to the Mall with me?"

"No thanks, Mom. I'm just going out for a run."

"You take care then."

"I will."

As Ren left the house and began jogging down the street, Harrison pressed speed-dial. Mary Cherry answered. "Hi, hun. She is? Right. Will do. See ya soon. Bye."

Sam found her friends waiting on the sidewalk. "Well, here I am. You'll want me to drive you of course," she said, jingling her keys.

"No need. We're getting a lift," said Carmen.


"Yep, and here she is now," Lily confirmed.  Sam looked on in astonishment as Lily gave Mary Cherry the thumbs-up. Weren't they supposed to be the best of enemies not best of friends?

The Humvee came to a halt and Harrison leapt out of the front passenger seat. "Your carriage awaits," he announced, inviting Sam inside.

As soon as she got in, Mary Cherry got out and activated the central locking.

"Hey! What's going on?!" Sam demanded.

"That's what I'd like to know," said a voice from behind her.

Sam turned to discover that the curtained back section contained three passengers, Brooke, Nicole, and the person who had just spoken, Ren!

"It's very simple," said Brooke. "We're locked in and we don't leave until we get this sorted out.

Sam turned back to stare out of the windshield. "I have nothing to say," she declared firmly.

"Well, I do," Brooke went on. She took Nicole's hand in hers. "I'm very sorry, Nic. You were right, I do have feelings for Sam. But I was wrong to act on them in the way that I did. There's no excuse for that, but can you forgive me?"

"If I do, will you take me back?"

"If you want me, yes."

Nicole answered that with a passionate kiss. Sam, observing the scene via the rear-view mirror, groaned in disgust. "Oh please! And now I'm supposed to forgive Satan for fucking my girlfriend. Is that it?"

"She didn't," Ren said quietly.

"I saw you!" Sam shot back angrily.

"Nothing happened!"

"You expect me to believe that?"

"No. But I expect you to hear me out."

"Do I have a choice?" Sam thumped the dashboard in frustration. "Go on then, tell me."

"I've never been confident about myself, my body, my attractiveness to others. My first boyfriend, Bobby Deaver, cheated on me with Mandy Sanchez. That hurt. The thought that I wasn't good enough, pretty enough, was painful, but the cheating was even worse. I'd never do that to you, to anyone."

By now Ren was on the point of tears and Sam found it impossible to go on being angry with her. "So what happened?" she asked in a gentle tone.

"Before you saw me in the flesh I wanted an honest opinion, and in return for helping Nicole, she promised to give me one."

"But you're beautiful."

"That's what Nic said just before you burst in."

"And got the wrong idea."

"And I took advantage to get back at you. Sorry, Spam," Nicole said with a wink.

From outside, the others watched as Ren clambered over into the front seat to kiss Sam in mutual forgiveness. "Now that's what I call a happy ending," said Harrison. "I guess we can let them go now, but first.." He swept Mary Cherry into his arms and proceeded to smooch her senseless.

Lily sighed and stared at her shoes half in embarassment and half in envy. Everyone but her had a partner. Why did no one want her? Carmen watched her friend's reaction and instinctively knew what she was thinking. Although they had both agreed that the kiss they had shared was just that, a kiss, Carmen had long known that it had meant much more than either could say.

"Oh what the heck," she said, and following Harrison's suit took Lily into her embrace. "I love you, Lil. I have done for ages, wanna be my girl?"

Lily surprised expression swiftly turned into a smile. They kissed for the second time, and then everyone was happy.

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