Title: Memories
Author's Name: Sailor Apollo
email: rex24_@hotmail.com
Rating: PG
Disclaimers: This is my own work, coming from my own mind. I won't plagiarize your work, so don't plagiarize mine. DO NOT I repeat, DO NOT duplicate this work or else. . .
Author's Notes: I just sat down one day and started writing this. I don't know why, but I guess I got inspired when looking up at the stars while on my porch. Please send any comments you may have.
As I look up at the evening sky, it reminds me of you,
And all of the wonderful things we used to do.
Summer nights spent overlooking the lake,
Telling ghost stories and the faces you would make.
As I turn my gaze toward our old school,
I remember how being with you was so cool.
The first time we held hands on the swings,
Picking flowers from the playground for you in the spring.
Staring at the lights in the room above my head,
I think back and remember those days we would lie in bed.
When making love we were connected as one,
With you by my side, I could finally see the light of the sun.
Walking up the driveway, seeing my father’s old car,
I remember you saying, “Someday we’ll go far.”
“We’ll go off to Paris; this place won’t be missed.”
And then you reaching over to give me the sweetest kiss.
But walking in the cold where the road gets slick,
I recall the day when you told me you were sick.
The heavens must have known what was in store,
For following that day, the sun shone on me no more.
Then for awhile I didn’t want to care,
Being without you was more than I could bear.
I couldn’t really show you my feelings of pain,
We had everything to lose, but nothing to gain.
But I couldn’t keep away from you for long,
I came to realize that I was awfully wrong.
We would spend every last moment together,
Somehow we would make it last forever.
Now memories are all I can hold on to,
Even though I wish I could still hold you.
Someday I’ll see your smile once more,
When the clouds part and Heaven opens its door.