Title: Her
Author: Sailor Apollo
email: rex24_@hotmail.com
Rating: pg-13
Disclaimers: This is my own work, coming from my own mind. I won't plagiarize your work, so don't plagiarize mine. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT duplicate this work or else. . .
Author's Notes: I wrote this a long time ago and found it in my journal. I decided to share it with whoever wants to read it so I hope you enjoy.
I haven’t left her, yet I feel not her presence.
Her gaze hasn’t left mine, yet I feel her sight is not with me.
Her sweet voice, like the singing of a nightingale, speaks to me softly, but falls on deaf ears.
Her gentle touch, caresses me softly, gently, but my body is numb.
For I cannot see her piercing gaze, feel her breathy whisper, or her enticing touch,
because she is only a dream now, a vision, a memory.
A figure I vaguely remember for she is not with me but forever, gone.