Title: As They Slept
Author's Name: Sailor Apollo
email: rex24_@hotmail.com
Fandom/pairing: Queer as Folk/Melanie and Lindsay
Rating: I'd say PG-13ish but you be the judge.
Disclaimers: I don't own these characters, I'm not making money off of this, and I certainly don't mean any infringement; I merely borrowed them for a little while, so don't sue me.
Author's Notes: This is my first attempt at fanfiction, so it's not very good. However, if you like it maybe I'll write more. . .Anyway, I just thought I'd write this because I don't see much Melanie/Lindsay fanfiction and that's really a shame, because they are such great characters. So, please leave me some feedback to let me know what you think. Enjoy!
As They Slept
The light filtered into the room from the slightly open curtain. Onto the mattress it trailed, leaving a streak of white across Melanie’s bronze back. The beam played with Lindsay’s golden locks, leaving her mane glistening in the daylight. Her tresses were intertwined ever so delicately in her partner’s fingers. The air was filled with warmth; a warmth both women were used to when in each other’s company, for it was when they were not together that it faltered. Their legs intertwined, their bare arms clasped around each other, the women slept.
Bathed in the sunlight, they held each other tenderly and lovingly, unaware of the hustle and bustle of the outside world which was just beginning its daily routine. Melanie’s sleep was interrupted by the sound of branches blowing in the breeze. She tilted her head slightly, letting the light touch her eyes for a moment before returning her gaze to the beautiful woman beside her.
Lindsay always did look lovely while she slept. The way her eyes slightly squinted while she was asleep made it look like she was concentrating on something vital, even in her dreams. Her bare skin was smooth and velvety and Melanie had to restrain herself from reaching out to stroke her supple, full breast. She loved the feel of Lindsay beside her, her warmth and loving nature not only filling her body, but her heart as well.
Watching Lindsay sleep, Melanie couldn’t help but think that she was the luckiest woman alive. She had a stunning wife whom she loved, a beautiful son, and a close circle of friends whom she considered her family. But most importantly, she shared a love with another woman, a love that she had never known until she had met Lindsay; a woman who she wanted to make happy and spend the rest of her life with. A woman whom she would always protect and love.
Content with the direction of her life, Melanie rolled back on her side, and facing Lindsay, took one last glimpse of her companion before shutting her eyes and drifting back to sleep. And once again, as the outside world continued on with its usual routine, Melanie and Lindsay held each other and slept.