Title: The Amazons Will Ride Again

|~ Chapter Five ~|~ Chapter Six ~|~ Chapter Seven ~|

Author: Tasha Miller

Email: tashamiller2k@angelfire.com

Summery: Sam's an Amazon queen

Pairing: Sam/Brooke of course, and some others thrown maybe Lily/Josh but we'll see.

Disclaimer: I don't own them no matter how hard I wish and wish and wish and wish and wish, also the title I stole from a play. I'm not sure if that was the title of the play or if the play was 'the amazons revenge' but well I took the title from the play none the less

Note: I was thinking of changing the names to more Greekish names and such but decided it would confuse me too much if not you so I kept with normal names. Also since this is an uber messed up fic I decided to make Harrison Sam's twin, don't ask why, it was just a whim of mine.

Chapter 5

Brooke woke up in the most comfortable position in her life, snuggled up against Sam.

"Morning beautiful" Sam mumbled as she woke up

"Morning" Brooke replied kissing her queen

"How'd you sleep?"

"Wonderful, you're the best pillow I've ever had"

Sam grinned "Nice to know I have some use"

"You have plenty of uses I'm sure" Brooke replied

Sam just smiled and snuggled closer to Brooke


Carmen sharpened her spear and watched as Lily talked to Josh.

"Carmen! Stop it" lily, shouted over at the other amazon

"What?" Carmen replied, Lily just glared back "lily, come on, we have to go wake up Sam"

"I wouldn't do that if I was you, she's finally got Brooke into her bed"

"Yea, but we have that Egyptian trade ship."

Suddenly Sam bounded onto the scene "Right, we do, come on guys, get everyone ready, this is very important, the princess Nicole will be on this ship, she's been sent to wed some Greek ruler and we have to stop this"

"How do we know she doesn't want this marriage" lily stated, mainly because she wanted to spend the day with josh

Carmen snorted "Do you know ANYTHING about Nicole, she's a hot headed, manipulative, gourgess, fiery soul with a body -"

"Carmen stop fantasising about her and get moving"

"Yes Sam" Carmen said and leaped to her feet to prepare the 'rescue' of Nicole


Sam watched her warriors carefully. Lily was looking a little green around the gills (not that she has gills it's just an expression) and Carmen looked like five year old on Christmas morning, there was an assortment of other armed woman on the boat but they're not important. Anyway Sam turned away from her small army and looked over towards the horizon where a black speak was forming "That must be the ship" Sam said

"What where?" Carmen asked bounding over to Sam and squinting at the horizon "Oh! I see it!" she squealed excitedly. Sam just rolled her eyes and went about preparing for battle.


Slowly the Amazons ship pulled up next to an almost deserted Egyptian ship. There was a blonde lounging around the deck idly ordering people about. "That's her" Carmen breathed

"Hello?" Sam shouted over to the other boat, Nicole looked up

"Oh great I was hoping you'd be coming along, I've already managed to regain control of my ship but I refuse to go home to my traitor family, and there's no way I'm going to Sparta now. I though news of my marriage may get to you and you would come to rescue me"

"Well here we are" Sam said "What do we do now, I was kind of expecting a battle"

"I'll just follow your ship and we'll head home" Nicole said smiling at the Amazon queen.

Chapter 6

Brooke sat on the dock dangling her feet into the water anxiously awaiting Sam's return home. She squinted at the horizon or the umpteenth time trying to spot the ship returning successfully home. "Come home soon Sammy, please." She whispered to the air and just as if Sam had heard a speck appeared on the horizon, and then a second speck. Brooke frowned slightly not sure if two specks was good or bad but was glad none the less.

Sam the boat pulled up next to Brooke. Sam jumped out and wrapped her arms around her waiting girlfriend

"I'm glad you came back," Brooke whispered

"Of course I'm going to come back, you're here and I'd never leave you," Sam replied.

Nicole smiled at them as she stepped out onto the dock "This is new, I didn't know the great Sam had a love interest let alone a Greek one."

Sam grinned at her "It's kind of a new development."

"So, where's my place?" Nicole asked

Sam noticed Carmen looking, bouncing slightly and watching Nicole intently "Tell you what." Sam said, "Why doesn't Carmen show you around."

Carmen let out a squeal which caused Nicole to pale slightly, despite her fear Nicole followed Carmen, mostly cause she liked to stare danger down, and a hyperactive Carmen was very dangerous.

"You sure it was wise to leave Nicole alone with Carmen?" Brooke asked as she and Sam walked along hand in hand

"Yes, Carmen might scare her a bit but wouldn't harm her." Sam replied

"Carmen really has a whole hero worship thing going doesn't she." Brooke commented, Sam just laughed softly. "What?" Brooke asked

"Nothing." Sam replied as she pulled Brooke into a hug. Brooke looked up at her quizzically. Sam grinned at her then kissed her.

"You're so beautiful."

"Flattery will get you everywhere my queen." Brooke replied

"I'm a queen and I have you in my arms, what do I need flattery for?." Sam asked as they pulled apart and continued walking

Brooke grinned then whispered "Maybe to get your girlfriend into you bed."

"You've already been in my bed." Sam replied, then looked at Brooke, the sly grin on Brookes face made her word suddenly very clear to Sam who grinned back at her beloved.

Chapter 7

"And this is your house" Carmen said with a flourish as her and Nicole stopped outside a hut thus ending the grand tour.

"It's kinda small isn't it?" Nicole asked looking at the hut half expecting it to fall down or something.

"Well, we don't need much room just a place to sleep" Carmen replied, thinking the hut before them was actually quite grand.

"I suppose I can expect life here to be very different" Nicole mused as she pushed open the door

"I'll go now then," Carmen said as she left the blonde to take in her new home Nicole watched the brunette leave, intrigued by the voluptuous amazon.


"So how did you get to here?" Nicole asked as she walked along with Sam watching Amazon warriors spar with one another.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"Well I know you weren't born an amazon, so I'd like to know how you got this far" Nicole replied.

Sam stopped dead in her tracks "How did you know?" She asked.

Nicole grinned "I know a lot, just looking at you I can tell you were raised in a Greek home, probably Spartan, but that could just be your new lifestyle"

Sam sighed and continued walking "When I was 13 my father wanted me to marry his friend, he was almost 40 and a bastard at that, rich though. There was no way I was going to marry him so I ran away and ended up here, the amazons took me in and I eventually came to the throne"

"I know all about running away from marriage, after all isn't that why I'm here?"

Sam grinned at Nicole "It's so insane, I felt like a piece of meat" Sam growled.

"Do you know what happened to you family?" Nicole asked.

"No, and I don't want to, the amazons, my people, they are my family" Sam replied.

Nicole just nodded and smiled.


"Hi Nicole!" Carmen chirped as Nicole entered the room.

"Um... hi. What are you doing here Carmen?" Nicole asked bemused as to why the amazon was in her house.

"I was waiting for you! Lily and I are going hunting soon, well if I can tear her away from Josh, and I was wondering if you'd like to come" Carmen looked at the blonde hopefully.

"Yea sure" Nicole replied, eager to throw herself into her new amazon lifestyle.

"Great!" Carmen exclaimed happily "I'll teach you how to shoot a bow and arrow, or do you already know?"

"No I don't know, and I would love to learn" Nicole smiled.

"You know, you're a lot nicer than I would have expected" Carmen commented as the two girls left the hut.

"Well I'm with friends now, I don't need to be so guarded" Nicole replied while fidgeting and casting a cautious glance at the other girl.


Brooke laughed as she watched Harrison who was happily making a fool of himself to entertain her.

"So Brooke" He said smiling.

"What?" Brooke asked still giggling slightly.

"I was wondering, if, well if you'd like to, be my wife?"

Brooke snorted then looked up and realised he was serious "Oh you poor misguided fool"

"What?" a heartbroken Harrison asked.

"I'm in love with your sister, and well, we're already involved"

"Oh my god" Harrison moaned "I just asked the queens girlfriend to marry me I'm such an idiot!"

"I'm so sorry I'm such an idiot!" A voice cried from just outside the hut, suddenly two figures burst inside, a blonde bleeding from her shoulder and a brunette apologising constantly.

"Carmen?" Brooke asked as Harrison rushed to attend to his duty "What happened?"

"It was an accident" Nicole spoke solemnly "Honestly Carmen, don't worry about it"

"I can't help but worry about it, I shot you in the arm!" Carmen exclaimed.

TBC - eventually

Tasha Miller


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