Title: Big Bad

Author: Geonn

Email: neil_j_miser@yahoo.com

Pairing: None

Rating: PG13

Category: Drama

Content Warnings: Violence

Spoilers: None

Challenge: Put Janet in another show (Angel)

He was thrown backwards, slamming through a fence. He rose to his feet with the grace only a vampire could attain, straightening his duster as he approached the villainess once more.

"Is that all you have?" the petite vampire hissed, her forehead wrinkled in vamp-face, her fangs glistening behind ruby-red lips. She wore a shredded Air Force uniform and a red silk kimono taken from her last meal.

"I'm not even gettin' warmed up, lady."

"Please," the vampiress cooed. "Call me Janetessa."

"Bit of a mouthful," Angel quipped.

"You will be my mouthful tonight," Janetessa promised. She launched herself at Angel once more.

The battle raged.

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