Title: Third Finger, Left Hand

Series: Breakthrough

Author: Alan Hitchen

Email: darkmere2000@yahoo.co.uk

Archive: http://www.realmoftheshadow.com/alan.htm

Disclaimer: Popular is the property of Touchstone Television.

Pairing: Sam/Nicole

Rating: PG-13

Information: Follows on from There's Always a Reason.

Summary: Sam returns home and...

"And where have you been?" demanded Brooke. Sam arched an eyebrow at her reflection, rinsed and spat impassively. "And don't say at Lily's. I know that's what you told Jane when you phoned, but I actually checked. Lily had no idea where you were."

Sam could barely contain her glee but she maintained her  silence as she turned to leave the bathroom. Then she stopped, leaned close, and with a grin whispered into Brooke's ear. "Can you be discreet?"


By the time she finished speaking Brooke had gone bright pink and was squirming with embarrasment as she lay on Sam's bed next to her.

"Too much information?" Sam ventured.

Brooke agreed with the diagnosis. "All you had to do was say you'd sneaked away to make out with Nicole. Not tell me what happened in microscopic detail."

"Sorry, I got carried away. It's just that..."

"You're happy," Brooke completed, stating the blindingly obvious.

Sam nodded enthusiastically. "Thanks to you."

Brooke beamed back. "My pleasure."

"Oh, no," Sam contradicted. "The pleasure was all mine." Brooke hit her with the pillow. "And Nicole's." Brooke hit her again. "Okay, I give up," she laughed, grabbing the pillow and pulling on it.

"So, are you going to tell your mom next?" asked Brooke, tugging back the other way.

Sam stopped laughing and let the pillow go. "No way."

"Why not?" Brooke queried.

"For the same reason you didn't tell Mike you were sleeping with Josh. And because."

"Because what?"

"Because I know what will happen." Sam grimaced. "She'll be kind and supportive and make all the right noises and gestures. And then she'll go to her room and cry for me."

"But things have changed. It's not as bad as it was when Mom ran away."

"Is it? Harrison was terrified of being labelled as gay. Lily couldn't discuss her feelings with me. Nicole had to hide who she was. And look what happened to Harrison's mom and Ms Debbie and Mike's reaction. Judy's right, if this got out it'd be used against her in a instant... But... you're right, I should tell Mom. If Nic can do it - and I was so proud of her when she did - then so can I."


"Heck, no!" An idea began to form in the back of Sam's mind. "Tomorrow," she said. "I'll do it tomorrow."


"You're not surprised?"

"Sam, I may not have gaydar but I do have a mother's instinct. I think at some level I've always known you were not going to be one for the boys."

"But you're disappointed though."

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I was totally happy about this, and I'm not at all sure that Nicole is my idea of the perfect girlfriend. But if you're happy and you love her then that's all that really matters."

"Thanks, Mom. Now, would it be a good time to talk to Mike about this? I've got a favour to ask of him and I think I should strike while the iron is hot."

Sam didn't wait for the reply but just rose and made for the door. There she stopped and looked back at her mother. 

"You can weep now. Just don't be crying when I come back, okay?"

Jane's eyes were already glistening but the smile was genuine enough when she replied. "Okay."


"Charlotte Church? Who's she?" asked Lily.

"Mary Cherry's present," Sam replied. "You know how Harrison offered to sing at the wedding."

"And you said no," Carmen interjected with a giggle.

"Well, I tried," Sam deadpanned. "Poppy did offer us Hanson as an alternative. Anyway, as he'll be attending Cherry Cherry's wedding instead." Carmen began to cough and splutter as if she'd choked on something. "You okay, Carm?" asked Sam.

"Yes," Carmen wheezed, reaching for her drink. "Go on."

"Well, Mary Cherry is paying for Charlotte Church to sing instead."

"That's nice," said Lily. "So is Harrison going to be singing at Cherry Cherry's wedding?"

"I hope not," muttered Carmen.

"Carm, is there something you're not telling us?" said Sam, fixing her friend with a beady eye.

"The thing is," replied Carmen, turning a delicate shade of crimson, "Mary Cherry has invited me, Josh, SD, and Exquisite down to Houston for the wedding. And there's an all expenses paid holiday afterwards. We said yes," she winced. "Sorry," she added apologetically.

Before Sam could ask what they were going to do with her bridesmaid's dress Jane joined them. "Brooke, Poppy and Nicole are helping, why aren't you?" she asked her daughter pointedly. "Bridal showers don't run themselves you know."

"Sorry, Mom." The doorbell rang. "I'll get that," she said, glancing at her watch and realising it was later than she thought.

"No need," said Jane, turning to look. "Brooke is going instead."

Brooke gasped in astonishment as she caught sight of the visitor. "Mom!"

"Hello, Brooke," said Kelly. She was bearing an expensive looking gift-box and looking as elegant as ever.

"Hi, Brooke, I'm Paige Matthews, pleased to meet you at last," said her companion.

Brooke automatically shook the offered hand but her but her eyes never left her mother. "Pleased to meet you."

"Oh, good, you're here," said Sam, waving the pair to come inside. "I'll show you through. Mom, this is Kelly and Paige..."

Regaining her composure, Brooke shut the door and made straight for Sam. "What the hell is going on?" she hissed at close quarters.

Sam smiled back. "This is my present to you. I wanted to thank you for talking to Judy. So I talked to Mike."


"He wasn't very happy about it. But I convinced him. Okay, Mom and I convinced him. You need this. So here she is. Go on, the back room is empty. I'll take care of Paige."

"Not while I'm still breathing," warned Nicole, passing by with a tray. But Sam just grabbed something to snack on and continued grinning.




"I'm sorry, Mom, so sorry," Brooke cried, throwing herself into Kelly's arms.

"Hush, darling, this isn't your fault. I - we - were the adults. We should have found another way."

"It's okay, Mom. That's the past. All is forgiven."

"Thank you, Brooke," said Kelly. "I don't deserve it, but thank you."

"You came with Paige." Brooke stated.

"Yes. She moved in with her half-sisters as you hoped she would. There were good reasons for her choice, it was the right thing to do. But we're still together."

"And are you happy with her?"

Kelly blushed slightly. "Yes."

"Then I'm happy, too. I didn't understand, you see."

"Understand what?"

"How unhappy you were with Dad. Not until Sam and Nic." Kelly looked puzzled. "It's a long story."

Kelly broke into a smile and sat down, beckoning Brooke to follow. "I have plenty of time," she said encouragingly.


"Trust Bio to put a stop to skip day. I was so looking forward to spending the day at Magic Mountain with you, and why does Brooke get an A+ and everyone else a D," Sam complained as they drove home.

"Hey! I worked hard for that D," Nicole said, only half-jokingly. "But the long day is now over and your girlfriend is in dire need of smoochies here, not you wibbling on about Bio Glass's insane schemes to ruin our lives."

"Wibbling? Is that even a word?" Sam lightly rejoindered.

"Who cares? Just kiss me. Please."

"Okay," Sam agreed with a grin, "but let's stop the car first, because?"

"Careful drivers don't kiss," Nicole quoted back as she pulled into the kerb. "Jeez, Sam, this isn't Drivers Ed, and I'm not driving stick..." Sam kissed her long and hard. "...and what was I saying?"


"I'm so nervous," said Jane.

"Hey now, there's no need. You look amazing and you're going to be fine," Sam assured, smoothing her mother's dress of an imaginary crease.

"I love you, honey."

"I love you too, Mom." Mother and daughter hugged as Nicole looked on enviously.

"Right, are we all ready then?" asked Jane. Her bridesmaids nodded and moved into position. Sam and Nicole, Brooke and Poppy, and she at the rear. "Then let's get going. Mike is waiting."

And so he was, beaming with pride as his bride approached down the aisle and took her place beside him before the priest.

"You may be seated," Godfrey announced, then took a breath. "I now pronounce you..." He stopped and flipped the pages back frantically before apologising. "Sorry, this is my first wedding."


At the reception Sam watched Brooke happily dancing with Poppy as 'mmmbop' blasted out of the speakers.

"That could be us you know. Why let the straight girls have all the fun?"

"Because they don't have my mother to consider," Nicole sighed. "But later," her eyes sparkled suggestively, "we could..."

"Nicole. Sam. Can we talk?" Judy's voice interrupted as she returned to the table. "Nicole, I know I've not been the mother you wanted, but I want to try. And, Sam, I can't pretend I understand this sort of relationship, but I'm willing to learn. So, could you teach me?"

"Good," she said, in response to their eager nods of acceptance. "Now, what are you doing sitting here, go dance with your friends and have fun. Just..."

"Be discreet? Yes, we know, Mom. We won't let you down."

... coda ...

The silver Porsche convertible sped rapidly down the highway, in a hurry to leave the city behind and head out into the country towards a romantic destination; but before that there's a final stop to be made and an old aquaintance to be renewed.

"Two Cokes and two slices of pecan pie, please."

The diner waitress instinctively smiled as she recognised the petite blonde sitting next to the attractive brunette. Thanks to her mother's election victory she could now put a name to the face she'd often wondered about.

"Hello again, hun, long time no see. Things worked out then?" She asked needlessly. There was no mistaking love when she saw it.

"You could say that." Nicole beamed, taking Sam's hand - the one that bore her ring - to confirm the fact. "We're on our honeymoon," she said proudly. "But don't worry," she winked, "we're being discreet."

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