Title: Happy Ever After

Author: Alan Hitchen

Email: darkmere2000@yahoo.co.uk

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: BtVS belongs to Joss Whedon and others

Pairing: Willow/Cordy

"Hi, honey, I'm home," Cordelia announced as she swept into the house in a state of some annoyance. "I hate auditions. It was a complete waste of time. All they wanted was the usual busty blonde type. I mean, if they want Pamela Anderson why don't they just hire her and save the rest of us time and..."

She opened the bedroom door and was transfixed by what she saw. For a second she thought she had died and gone to hell as she took in the meaning of the scene before her. In shock and disgust she ran from the house, and didn't stop running until she could run no more.


"Come back, Muffy! Stop annoying that woman," Harmony called out to her dog as she approached the park bench. "I'm sorry, he doesn't usually... Cordelia? Is that you? What's happened? Are you hurt?" she asked the clearly distressed figure.

Cordelia raised her anguished, tear-stained face to greet her ex-schoolfriend. "Yes, I'm hurt, but not in the way you think. It's Willow. She.. she's... she's with another woman... in our bed... and they were... were... Oh my God, Harmony, how could she do this to me? I thought we were so happy together. Then I come home and find this," she said plaintively, hovering on the edge of tears. "What am I going to do?"

"Well, first of all," Harmony said firmly, "you're coming home with me to get cleaned up, you look awful."

"Thanks," Cordelia replied with a weak smile. "I feel even worse."

"Come on, my car's over there," said Harmony as she shepherded Cordelia away. "You too, Muffy, come to heel, time to go home."


Harmony handed Cordelia a cup of coffee. "Thanks, Harm, this is very kind of you, considering how badly we fell out," Cordelia said before taking a sip of the comfortingly warm liquid.

Harmony sat down next to her, offering a selection of biscuits. "That's all in the past, Delia. All forgiven and forgotten I hope," she said with a wry smile. "Yeah, you're forgiven, but I haven't forgotten," Cordelia replied with an unkind look.

"Neither have I. Look, I'm really sorry, but there was a reason."

"Yeah, I know, you hate dykes."

"No, no, I was jealous. Why do you think I attacked Willow as your choice of partner?"

"You hate geeks?"

"Do you really not know?"

"Know what, Harm?"

"That I love you." Cordelia looked at her dumbfounded. "It's true," Harmony continued. "I've fancied you for years, but I could never tell you how I felt, then Willow made her move and it was too late," she said with regret.

"Are you with someone now?" queried Cordelia.

"No. I never had your courage, Delia. I could never stand out in a crowd. I was just a sheep following at your heels."

Cordelia blushed at the memory of her harsh words. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I deserved that. So, you and Willow, is it all over now?"

Cordelia let out a deep sigh. "I don't know. I love her so much, but I don't think I can forgive this, and anyway, she's found someone else."

"Are you sure about that? Did you recognise the other woman?"

Cordelia was puzzled by the questions. "No. Should I? What's your point?"

"Well," Harmony replied hesitantly, "perhaps she hasn't found someone else. Perhaps she was just using the services of a... professional."

Cordelia's face fell as the meaning of her words sank in. "A prostitute, you mean! You think Will has been cheating on me with a whore! Just when I think things couldn't get any worse, they do." Her face was racked with overwhelming pain. "We're finished," she said with grim finality.

"So, what are you going to do now?"

"No idea. Find somewhere to stay I guess," Cordelia said, then with infinite sadness added: "I can't go home." The unspoken words 'to Willow' hung silently in the air.

"You can stay here if you like," proffered Harmony.

"No, I couldn't."

"Of course you can. Just for tonight anyway, then tomorrow you can sort out something more permanent."

"Okay, thanks." Cordelia smiled in gratitude.

Quite why Cordelia ended up having sex with Harmony she wasn't too sure about. Perhaps it was the wine, the need for comfort, or even an attempt to get revenge. She had enjoyed it, Harmony was very good in bed, but it was pleasure mixed with guilt. It didn't feel right, but how could it be, it wasn't with Willow.

Harmony was now fast asleep. Cordelia remained wide awake. She got up to go to the bathroom, but by mistake opened the door to the walk-in wardrobe. The light came on automatically and it dazzled her eyes. She looked down to avoid the glare and saw a box on the floor. It contained magical potions, a book of spells, and a photo torn from the pages of a porn magazine.

She recognised it at once. There was the woman she had seen with Willow. And a photo of Willow's head had been stuck on top of the other woman in the picture. A deep flush of shame overcame her as she realised she'd been had - literally - by Harmony. It had beeen a simple magic trick. A cruel illusion. How could she have been so stupid? what would Willow think of her? Willow! She must go home and try to explain.


Willow was sitting in the kitchen nursing a stone-cold cup of coffee. Her head jerked up when she heard Cordelia open the front door.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Willow asked angrily as Cordelia entered the room. "I've been worried sick, why didn't you phone me if..." Her anger was instantly replaced by concern as she saw the dishevelled brunette collapse into a chair and burst into tears. "What's the matter, honey? What's happened to you? Where have you been?"

It was some time before Cordelia recovered enough to tell Willow the whole story. As she did so Willow's face darkened. She had been angry before but now she was incandescent with rage.

"No one hurts my Cordy and gets away with it! No one!" Willow all but screamed as she got up and prepared to go out.

"What are you going to do?" asked Cordelia with alarm.

"Not much. I'm just going to punch her lights out!"

"Please don't. I don't want any more trouble," Cordelia pleaded as she rose to block Willow's exit.

"Trouble?" Willow held tight the trembling figure of her lover. "Cordy, she's hurt you. And what hurts you hurts me. I can't let this go, I have to do something."

"I know, I know, but no violence please. I can't bear the thought of visiting you in jail. Can't you think of something else?"

Willow pondered for some time, then her face brightened as an idea struck her. "Okay, Cordy, no violence. How does public humiliation sound?"

"Better," Cordelia said with relief as she sank back down into a chair.

"Okay then. I'll just phone Buffy, I'll need her help with this. You go to bed and get some rest."

"But," Cordelia interjected.

"No buts, it's bed for you while I sort out Harmony. She won't bother you again, I promise."

"Well, all right, but you'll take care won't you?"

"Of course, sweetheart. Now off you go and get some sleep," said Willow, kissing her girlfriend goodnight.


By the time Willow was ready dawn was breaking over Sunnydale. She flipped out her mobile phone and punched in a number.

"Hello, is that Angie Marsh?... My name is Suzy Harker and I represent Sunnydale's premier performance artist, Harmony Kendall, who is staging a 'happening' at Weatherly park this morning. I know Good Morning Sunnydale wouldn't want to miss out on this exciting event, which is sure to be the talk of the town for weeks... You'll send a crew out. That's excellent. I'm sure Ms Kendall will be ready when they arrive... Oh, not at all, it's my pleasure. Goodbye."

She snapped the phone shut and looked down at Harmony. "You get all that? They're on their way. Look on the bright side, Harmony," Willow said mockingly. "Everyone gets their fifteen minutes of fame. This is yours."

Harmony stayed silent. Not that she had a choice, as she lay gagged and bound to her bed, which was now located in the middle of the park. A large placard which read: SLUT, was hung around her neck.

"Now, before I go, I want to make sure you understand the situation. You will never, ever, come near Cordelia again. Got that?"

Harmony could only nod in mute agreement.

"Fine," said Willow, who then strolled away in order to observe from a distance.


"So what happened in the end?" Cordelia asked eagerly.

Willow frowned. "She talked her way out of it. I couldn't hear what she said to explain it, but it must have been convincing, she had the TV crew eating out of her hands. They took her, and her bed, home in their van."


"Good?" Willow looked surprised.

"I didn't want her hurt too much," Cordelia explained.

"But she hurt you a lot!"

"I know, but I also know why she did what she did. She was lonely and desperate. What she did was very wrong, but now that I've gotten over the shock I can only feel sorry for her."

Willow looked at her with a mixture of annoyance and admiration. "What happened to that bitchy cheerleader I used to know?"

"She fell in love with you," Cordelia replied with a warm smile.

"You're amazing, Cordy. You do know that, don't you? That's why I love you so much," Willow said, clasping Cordelia's hands.

"And I love you," Cordelia replied, looking deep into Willow's eyes. "And at the end of the day, that's all that really matters, isn't it?"

"True," agreed Willow as she leaned forward. "Happy now?"

"Happy ever after," said Cordelia, their lips meeting in a kiss of pure joy. "Happy ever after."

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